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Tombad wrote:
For music I'm still using my old and trusty Creative Zen Jukebox Xtra.
Same. Ancient 30 GB model, from back when iPod didn't offer anything bigger than 20 GB. Granted, I don't actually USE it anymore, but it's the only player I own.
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To the wikimobile! Basically, it's a network file that lets you explicitly control what IP addresses a domain will point to when accessed by your computer. Useful for when DNS servers go down.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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Ah, yes, I apologize. I'm using an old version of Photoshop whose only PNG configuration is whether or not I want the image interlaced. I'll replace my files with yours of better optimization. Thank you!
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pirate_sephiroth wrote:
Yeah... the sword is there and you need glasses...
Yes, I really do. Eventually I'll give in and buy a pair to replace the frames I broke ages ago.
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Apologies for the double post, but it has been brought to my attention that I am blind. The blade just blends in really well with the background in the first shot. Oops. Carry on.
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Er, yes. I copied over three dozen screenshots from the memory stick and didn't bother to convert them all. I'll rectify that momentarily.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
Post subject: Crisis Core first impressions, sort of.
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I decided to give Crisis Core a try, in my never-ending quest to find games worth playing on PSP that aren't ports or remakes, when I noticed something in the second FMV: Sephiroth's Masamune is absent, then it's suddenly there again. In Soviet Squeenix, continuity falls out of you? As for the actual game, I dig the style so far. It plays something like FFXII without lengthy waits between character actions, really. They've done a nice job on the visuals, and I don't have any complaints on the sound, other than that I have to listen to it on a PSP. Zack reminds me an awful lot of Zell, which may be unfortunate. But all in all, I don't hate it. Edit: replaced BMP files with slightly smaller PNG files.
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I've honestly yet to touch SSE in all the time I've had the game. I've played through classic mode three times, and gone through several pairs of double-A's with human vs matches before deciding that rechargeable batteries would make a good investment. In truth, I think I've spent more batteries on a month's worth of Brawl than over a year's worth of... well, everything else I have on Wii. I'm starting to think I won't finish Prime 3 until I'm old and retired.
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Only about four seconds slower this time, so you're moving in the right direction. You're missing the rocket start off the line, and your boost usage would be put to better usage elsewhere on the track, but your racing lines are much improved.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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Seems Comicalflop beat me to the reply button. But yes, your WIP is just shy of ten seconds behind Saturn's concept demo of the same track. I suggest you try Samurai Goroh instead of Captain Falcon, for starters. You may also want to watch Saturn's run for comparison's sake. Edit to add a confirmation to Halamantariel's comment that the pink car (Samurai Goroh) is indeed the ideal choice. This is debatable on some of the twisty turny tracks, but generally speaking, Goroh holds the majority of the world records due to his high top speed.
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I'm not flaming anyone, and I'm trying to be as civil as possible.
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Indeed. After you've optimized one lap, your positioning for the next lap is not the same as it was for the first, so you won't benefit with a copy-and-paste. Then in a game like F-Zero, you have boosts in the equation which also will not be used exactly the same from lap to lap and still be considered optimal. It's a huge undertaking that nobody's been willing to accept, and I don't expect anyone to ever do so.
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IronSlayer wrote:
I suggest you learn to read slowly and carefully, as you seem to get confused very easily, and don't understand what people are arguing.
You're right, I don't understand why it's imperative to argue over a passing comment about games in western society.
IronSlayer wrote:
It's okay. I'll try to make it as simple as possible for you, like I'm talking to a five year-old, which, let's face it, I probably am;
Twenty-five, but who's counting?
IronSlayer wrote:
Warp made an interesting post about the general lack of side-entertainment in SDA runs, and one issue he mentioned was the low graphic power on computers running newer games.
A valid comment, which was met with a response not my own, and I will thereby not defend.
IronSlayer wrote:
Methinks that's an issue related to motion-capture, (as ShadowWraith correctly pointed out) and playing on older computers, not the philosophical difference between Japanese and Western game designers.
Agreed. I don't think it was anyone's intention to instigate a philosophical debate on the merits of games from a cultural standpoint.
IronSlayer wrote:
And don't use the moronic excuse that it has to do with the available amount of entertainment, as game choice is a completely SEPARATE topic, and presumably has nothing to do with Warp's position at all. Hell, I mentioned how the 120 star Mario 64 run, one of my favorites on SDA, had very little side-entertainment in waited segments, and the reason why. Is that also because of those goddamn Western developers?
I'm not sure why you're attacking me for a view I did not personally express, but okay. The only view I've expressed so far was that lunging for someone's throat out of the blue typically isn't considered socially acceptable behavior. If you'd like to argue that point with me, feel free to do so. Not in this thread, obviously, as it's already been derailed without the two of us driving it off further.
IronSlayer wrote:
As for the ridiculous argument about disposable income for electronics, that's another red herring, because it's nothing more than an excuse.
It may not be an applicable argument in all cases, but it was offered as an explanation for the low graphics settings in SDA movies of PC games. But again, this was not a point that I myself made.
IronSlayer wrote:
I can play the same game; "HEY GUYS!!! THIS SPEEDRUNNER CAN ONLY RECORD HIS RUNS BY SHOOTING IT ON A SHITTY, MID 90's CAMERA!!! LET'S NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HIM BECAUSE HE'S POOR, AND ACCEPT THE RUN ANYWAYS!!!!" I don't give a fuck. I want to be entertained. Make an effort to get a computer that can do the graphics of a game justice, because I agree with Warp; some of the SDA runs are so goddamn dark and graphically lifeless, I can't see what the fuck is going on most of the time.
And I agree 100%. I won't fault someone for having an underpowered computer, but there IS an expectation that the video quality be up to a certain level of standards.
IronSlayer wrote:
Now, stop trolling if you can't even bothered to read and understand what the hell people are saying.
Huh. I don't recall resorting to childish name-calling or personal attacks unlike some other folks who preceded me in this thread, but I never said I wasn't a hypocrite. I'm fairly certain my reading comprehension is up to snuff, and yours isn't too shabby, either, albeit with some rather strong assumptions.
IronSlayer wrote:
Of course, then a debil like superjupi had to jump into the mix. To superjupi: Boco is far more intelligent and articulate than you. I'm sure that if she wishes to respond, she'll do so. You're not her Public Internet Defender.
More name-calling. I'll concede that Boco is in all likelihood more intelligent and articulate, and that I am not her public defender, however. Good day to you, sir. :) (edited for readability)
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1) Boco did not stray off topic, because every point she made was made in relevance to Warp's opening post. Unless you chose to completely skip over the part where he attacks PC game graphical settings, but that's your own fault. Twelvepack is the one who strayed off topic to attack her unjustifiably. 2) Making an obvious statement about the wide and jarring differences in graphical settings on western PC games does not make one a racist. Stop trolling. 3) Breathe. Or don't, your choice.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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I have two terabytes of disk space on my desktop, so uncompressed Goodsets don't exactly set me back a great deal. The only management I've ever used was to 7zip them properly for my laptop, which has considerably less than 2TB to work with. It's not terribly painful to just nab the ROM out of the appropriate 7z archive when I need it. The more popular games I just leave uncompressed to save some time. I'm almost positive that I once came across a tool that would extract only the single most relevant ROM from each archive, but I do not appear to have it.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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I'd like to see someone finish more than one track, but I'm not holding my breath. A run through of every championship a la the existing Super Punch Out!! movie would be the ideal goal.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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I'm not sure that I have a clear cut preference on the matter. Records probably mean more to me in the end, but if a less aesthetically pleasing run beats the record of a stylish and entertaining run, my vote would likely be, "great, now submit it again after you make it less boring." A boring run that is well-optimized is fine by me, and I'd accept it as the de facto movie for a particular game if nothing else has been offered. The entertainment factor only comes into play for me if someone else has already set the benchmark beforehand. Of course, some games are just plain boring to watch, and that can't be avoided. Those examples are somewhat rare, in my book, but they do exist. Then again, I've watched both the Ice Climbers and Bubble Bobble warpless runs at 1:1 speed in their entirety, so I admit I'm not exactly the average viewer to gauge acceptable entertainment levels.
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FractalFusion wrote:
If a one-character name is used, the best ones to use are "I", "U", and non-alphanumeric characters.
Don't forget 'G' and 'B'. '7' works well in a pinch, too.
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If the ONLY frame improvements were made in character name creation, I join the resounding 'no' vote. But, if the name change affected the game elsewhere in regards to luck manipulation, I'd give it the okay. I'm with upthorn on the interesting name priority, though.
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blahmoomoo wrote:
Titus Kwok wrote:
I wonder if the console pays attention to the accelerometers when you move the cursor around though... Meaning if the accelerometer registers zero when you move the pointer from the top of the screen to the bottom (when it should register something since you had to pivot the remote to do that), then will the system become suspicious that you are using non-Nintendo approved controls?
No. Try setting a Wiimote down on a table and moving the sensor bar around in front of it. Remote stays still, but the cursor on the screen moves all around with the motion of the sensor bar.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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The method for doing so can be simple depending on the client, but I always just go with this: Stop and remove all the torrents to the AVI files you want to move. Move all the AVIs to wherever you want them. Reload the torrents one at a time, pick the proper directory, choose 'open for seeding' (or like command). ??? Profit. In the case of Azureus and utorrent, if you move the files from where they're expected to be, the torrents will error out. While in this error state, a new option appears from the right-click menu that lets you specify where the files now reside. It's not really much quicker than my above method, as it only saves you the step of stopping and removing the torrents.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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*cues up Beck - Hell Yes* I continue to be impressed with unexpected improvements. And even stylistic improvements, to boot! Raise those thumbs high!
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Since entertainment is already out the window with the X-ray glitch, you could just drop the ice beam from the equation and do the ultimate low percentage run. Manipulating drops in order to powerbomb metroids into oblivion might not be a very fun task, however. Going that route, a larger stock of powerbombs would be ideal, but that would also defeat the purpose of skipping the ice beam. :/
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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Super Smash Bros Brawl: Removed, as the Wii is permanently offline.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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Ganondorf seems to have given what little use he had over to Kirby. Ganondorf now has no redeeming qualities, but Kirby is doing a lot better these days. And now that I've played them both back to back, I do actually prefer Ike over Marth at the moment, but Marth's up+special is still wonderful to use on unwary opponents, and I'm sure he'll continue to be a solid backup. Revision: a tournament-level player friend of mine informs me that Ganondorf's usefulness has been shifted around, so you can't play him like you used to, but you can still make him play just as evil as he was in Melee (with the same caveats). His range is still greatly reduced, and he's still pathetically slow, so I won't be using him, anyway.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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