Posts for superjupi

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Unless the so-called powersave is very obviously marked as being such, I wouldn't be concerned about it. Nintendo's IOS format is a very poor construct. They depend on the system's limited amount of internal memory to be saved to, and as such, you will never see anything terribly feature-rich included in a system update, nor will you see them go out of their way to stomp out any form of cheating on the client side. The only thing you would have to worry about is actively cheating in online matches, which will, in all likelihood, get your system's MAC address banned from playing the game online ever again. Cheating offline, however, is a totally different story. As long as you remain offline, you can cheat to your heart's content.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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sixofour wrote:
Dogs cannot be trained to use a box as a bathroom.
Untrue. My parents have done it before. [edit] Also, a friend of mine has a cat that follows her like a shadow everywhere she goes, in constant need of attention and affection.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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I know this was mentioned already, but I'm not sure where. May have just been in IRC.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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I reiterate: I enjoyed watching this movie. I do not think it should be published, for all of the reasons outlined ad nauseum before me. Good movie, poor goals.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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The reason why Saturn's movie was not considered is not because it came from Saturn, but because of the reason it was not published in the first place. Super Metroid already has a large variety of run categories, and that submission would demand its own category be added. But with rules defining that category being ever more arbitrary and needlessly obtuse... I enjoyed watching the movie. Really, I did. But it has no place being published. And quit bitching about judge decisions, seriously.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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FBA emulates CPS3, now, does it not?
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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Loved it the last time it came up, still love it now. Easy yes.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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I actually have been a fan of SDR's previous Street Fighter runs, but this one didn't thrill me as much as the others. Still played well, but stylistically not as impressive. I have to give points for the two-player matches on the grounds that I would have no idea how to ever put those together, and can only assume they were just as difficult to choreograph as I imagine them to be, if not moreso.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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Maria has a triple jump, though her initial jump height is lower. I think she's also a bit slower, too, but that could be my imagination.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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The Saturn version's slowdown isn't present in this recording, though. The lost time is nearly entirely to blame on the increased load times and the load points being more frequent. I never tested the speed/distance of Richter's airdash between the two, so I'll believe you if you say that's the case. Nice to see the run, though.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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I thought NiGHTS would be a good idea until I saw how the best scores were accomplished. Suddenly, it doesn't seem like such a good idea anymore. Really fun game to play, not a fun game to watch someone play when they're going for high score / fastest time. I'd almost rather see the Panzer Dragoons.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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Note: 15 Celsius is about 60 Fahrenheit. Unless you're just opting to respond to sarcasm with sarcasm, in which case, carry on.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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Huh... I feel lied to. I was always told the microphone feature was never used. :(
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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Never heard a thing about it until just now, but I want to play it.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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No official software ever used the microphone, and I have no idea if any rogue software ever used it. Maybe there's a demo somewhere that does, just to prove that it works, but otherwise...
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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Just for knowing first-hand how evil that game's precognitive AI is, I'm impressed. Great movie, once again!
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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A friend of mine sent me an avi of Morimoto's Rockman 2 run in late 2003, completely astounded. "Some guy from Japan recorded himself doing this. As if the Japanese typing 200 wpm on their phones wasn't soul-crushing enough." A few days later, he comes back with, "remember that Rockman 2 video? Apparently, he wasn't actually playing the game. He used some weird emulator that lets you program in button presses and plays back the input" accompanied with Famtasia and the .fmv file. Sometime after, Morimoto's first SMB3 publication started making its rounds on the internet, and the avi was passed to me by my aforementioned friend. I assumed it was similarly produced on Famtasia, and sure enough, he had procured the .fmv file by the next day. A few days later, he comes at me with, "there's apparently an entire website devoted to making those Famtasia movies" and links me here. Well, that is to say, on the old domain. I educated myself by lurking around the site, and later the message board. I was, at first, sad to find the Rockman 2 movie wasn't played in realtime. After the initial disappointment, though, I only became more interested in seeing other games played with superhuman speed and accuracy, and the nesvideos front page became a daily visit for me.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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... Right, then.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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System Error wrote:
And Star Fox was on the NES originally, and this is just the remake? Whoa. My world is crumbling around me...and I think I'm liking it.
As pointed out with the above sarcasm, StarFox 64 is a sequel (not a remake) to the original StarFox, which was on SNES (not NES). You may want to correct that. I'll watch the movie in a bit, need to reconfigure everything on my desktop.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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80/80 with 7:42 remaining... I can't tell if I should be proud or embarrassed. MM9 and the two from Powered Up slowed me down a bit, since I haven't really played either one of them. The other games I've just played far too much.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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Now that's just wrong. :(
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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... I'm having trouble refuting that.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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I consider this the most boring of all Mario platformers to watch someone play, even when played well. For being played well, I'd vote yes. For the state of the emulator, I'm not sure it's really ready for publication. But we accepted Famtasia movies at one point, right?
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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moozooh wrote:
4matsy wrote:
By that reasoning, though, GB/SGB/GBC/GBA should be changed to NGB/NSGB/NGBC/NGBA... :p
No, no, no, don't get me wrong. "Nintendo" is the part of the console's name as much as in the case of "Nintendo Entertainment System", "Nintendo 64", and so on.
People will know what you're saying if you leave it at 'DS', however. But at least NDS makes sense, unlike GCN. -_- Seriously, does anyone ever say 'Gamecube Nintendo'? Did someone think we would confuse 'NGC' with the Nevada Gaming Commission in the middle of a Melee discussion? <-- is cranky in the morning when the same person calls the wrong number four times in one hour intervals starting at 6:30.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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It would be a disgusting argument over opinion and conjecture with hostility, hurt feelings, and comments lobbed in question of sexuality, that's what it would be. Better to take an outsider's opinion for what it's worth.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>