Posts for ugetab

Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User
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It's a well played, entertaining sonic game. It's not the most entertaining version of sonic game, but it's not that bad. Should end up on the site. Yes vote.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User
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This run is interesting enough, as well as short enough, that it shouldn't bore anybody. The types of things the game uses to keep things interesting make the run interesting enough to put up, in my opinion.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User
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Nice day to release this. The youtube link itself could count as a way of fooling everyone into thinking the submission's a joke and not watching. The degree to which you apparently 'waste' ammo was quite surprising, even for a Megaman TAS. I was quite entertained with all the stuff you did, having played it myself. Yes vote, since the other 2 options only provide comic relief when selected.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User
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I don't really see the valid points of 'fuss' over this one. 1. It's (J), but it won't be (U) until someone makes the effort to translate the method. There's no guarantee that someone will. 2. (U) beats (J) by the site rules, but won't exclude it. For this run, it shouldn't be excluded, because it masterfully plays with the glitches compared to what's up now. 3. Someone mentioned that replacing a (J) run with a slightly longer (U) run would make the future version seem sloppy. People who see such an increased time as being sloppy would have to not watch said run, or they would have to be quite unfamiliar with TAS runs in general. Uninformed people have no business deciding what's best. English is, quite simply, more entertaining to native English speakers. TAS videos, for all their technological accomplishments, are entertainment. I think enough people are familiar with this game that the language difference doesn't hurt as much as the massive time reduction helps. The only thing I see that's really holding this back is tradition and familiarity. As a nod to the admins, I'm glad I'm not involved in resolving this matter. I'd hate to have to deal with an actual split opinion on such a desirable TAS choice, and be responsible for owning up to whichever side 'loses' the argument due to the decision. Yes vote from me, because I didn't get bored while watching something I wanted to see, unlike the other run. This is just massively better in terms of speed. The other run is pretty good at showing off the game, but it's not even close to being this quick.
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The reason these were chosen is because you don't need to do a ton of main-quests, as far as I can tell. There is a lot of mandatory animation-watching in the game though, and it would be exaggerated in other characters' scenarios where travel and linear plots increase. I played through the whole game, and the Lute/Blue scenarios are probably the most open-ended ones. It's the options that allow for these to be speedruns in the sense of reaching the shortest scenario's ending ASAP.
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While I don't think it should be published, I must admit that it's primarily because it was a movie I was interested in seeing, but couldn't see anything interesting done with the game despite it being everything a TAS should be. To be honest I'd call the TAS a success, even though it shouldn't be published on the main site. Anyone who uses the search bar to find this TAS of Duck Hunt from now on should be able to experience the best that can be offered by a TAS of it. If nothing else, someone who wondered what the best possible effort could be will be rewarded with a viewing of just that.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User
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I don't know enough about the game's mechanics to say for sure, but I think you've just concluded the Kraid vs Ridley route debate. Lag reduction and missile options beat path length reduction in this instance, and it wasn't by a narrow margin. Definitely entertaining. Yes vote, not that you could keep it out of the database without a conspiracy to do so.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User
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Given the game's rather uninspiring sound, and it's shortcomings, it's quite good enough for the site. I thought that, despite my expectations from a sonic game, it was an interesting run to watch. It has the little elements that I can't identify readily that lend to the idea that actual time went into the run. Clipping some platforms and still landing on them was a rather significant indicator. Good run.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User
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It looks like it's a 'Maximum Accumulated Time' run, with the pre-requisite that you get an (A) grade. I suspect that if would be faster to not kill some enemies in that case, so it really would be an attempted 'Max out' run for several criteria. I found it to be entertaining, considering that this isn't the type of game I would actually play, so I voted yes.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User
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Yes vote for 22 second improvement. I don't think anything else needs to be said to qualify this for submission. That pause trick must have been quite counter-intuitive. I like this run. It shows a lot of holes in coding to slip minor and major glitches through.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User
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This fits both the goal of speed(under the all-bosses subset), and entertainment. I don't see why it wouldn't be accepted.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User
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I watched the youtube link, and it deserves to be put up because of it's obvious speed, and perhaps because it just won't be much trouble for the encoders as far as I can tell.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User
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Interesting concept for a TAS, and it prevented equipment-related glitching rather effectively too. I thought it also made a lot of the actions you took more interesting, as there appeared to be a fairly hard limit to what you could do, even with the grappling claw. Yes vote, of course.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User
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It was certainly fast, and I could see several of the obvious exploits. I'd say at about 7 minutes, it's worth watching. For the few hour+ movies readily watched, the short ones are good because even an otherwise bad game can be seen as fun for 10 minutes. Deftly defeated in good form, but there wasn't much to see from the game. Yes vote, because of the TASer. Wish I had more to chew on for a comment, but that's it.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User
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Having played this game, passing up all the food went against my 'Get it! Get it! Get it!" mentality. That said, it was quite fast. It looks like there are some points where you're dawdling, but I'm quite convinced that you weren't. It's been a while since I went all the way through the game myself(I'm half-way convinced to go through it again just based on what I saw in the TAS), so I can't exactly confirm or deny where the delays are likely to happen. Aside from the technical details, it was fun to watch. I think the few idle times weren't filled as much as they could've been, but neither were they devoid of activity. Yes vote
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User
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There were several points in that movie where I wondered how the heck you were going to get the best of a situation. The sheer degree of obvious manipulation, over such a long game, seems to have made it easy to question the capacity to do what's shown. Definitely worth watching. I didn't have 5 hours to kill, so I couldn't avoid the speedup button, but it's quite entertaining. It was even within the realm of possibilities that I could read enough text to know what was going on. A decided plus, in my opinion. Yes vote, because this was long and interesting and more than just watching a button-press-fest.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User
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I enjoyed watching this quite a bit. I fast-forwarded through the mini-games, having played them all myself, but the moves and routes looked quite optimized. It's also nice to see just how fast someone can play a game that you've beaten yourself. I wasn't bored at all with the activity portions, so I'm certain that this will get encoded. Yes vote, of course.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User
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I'd heard some things about this game being different before watching the TAS. I saw a multitude of obvious tricks, and no doubt missed a multitude of them as well. The white out had me wondering how long it would last, but it didn't amount to much, really. The text boxes were the most obviously affected, but it didn't detract much once you destroyed the white-out effect. I think it should be published, because it fits all the rules for the site, and because if it does eventually get translated, that translation won't qualify for a speedrun on the site. It would surprise me if this gets obsoleted any time soon. It has a bit of Zelda: Link's Awakening in it's system, and all I could really say is bad is the white-out portion. All else seemed pretty acceptable for the benefits of speed. If it's noted as an Action/RPG like Zelda:LA's Action System + the game's own battle system, then people should know pretty much what they're getting into before watching a long movie.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User
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I enjoyed watching that quite a bit. It wasn't long into the run that I started thinking about how confusing the route was, which suggests a style of planning that would take an interested mind. Seeing the run completed in less time than it originally took for me to understand the game's objective was also pretty interesting.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User
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A slightly faster walking speed would have benefited this game, but as far as the actual action in the movie, I'd say there's no need for any entertainment/speed tradeoffs, as the speed it was completed is about the only entertaining action-related part of this game. I can quite agree with the idea of doing away with an obsolete emulator's movie in the process though. Yes vote for making the game entertaining, and list completion.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User
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This was a little tricky to get going, but it eventually did work. If it starts level 1 with Bomberman walking into an alcove at the top of the screen, just go to the movie options and select the movie to play again. This movie is speedup-safe once it's going right. As for my thoughts on it, it should be worth publishing. No reason to punish the TASer for faults in the emulator, in my opinion. The AVI should end up being available to those who can't figure out the movie file quirk.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User
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It looked well optimized to me. The standard metroid item collection wait time was a drag, but everything in between, you could pretty much see the use of it. The only possible item that could have looked confusing to me(not familiar with NES metroid quirks) was that in one of the hallways where both doors were shot, it looked like there was a wasted frame. My only question is if wasting the frame(assuming I saw it correctly) was just sandwiched between something of slight interest. Considering all of the above, it's almost a waste to vote. I'm wondering how fast someone's going to get it encoded and put up.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User
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Another interesting game that's hard to understand, and obviously has some tricks to it. Voted yes, because it's obviously glitched to a quick end. Aside from the fact that it ended sooner than it normally would, I didn't have much of an idea what was happening.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User
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As is inherent to this game, there was a good amount of walking. Getting that amount of boring walking must have been hard work on the script in the later areas. Between the walking you have moments of confusing intensity, often followed by otherwise pointless death. That you beat the boss and get clobbered by the weaklings is a bit funny, once you get past the 'Huh?' factor. I found your manipulation of the forbidden box rather amusing. I can see that it was a crucial element that would likely be a throwaway item to some people. I did have to look up the function of Magic Rings in a guide to have any clue about why you apparently got so many at the end. Overall, I can't see how this wouldn't get posted.
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I only ever listen to the music from this game, but I thought it was interesting to watch. Add to that the obvious effort put into it, and it's a more impressive feat. I have to agree with the idea of getting 99 continues, because there was never a time when there was nothing to look at, since the slots were almost always going. This will certainly appear on the site.