Posts for undeRCoveR

Experienced Forum User
Joined: 12/10/2007
Posts: 42
I liked the first part of round 3, where everyone falls down those holes :) Quite entertaining, nice and fast paced. Yes from me of course.
Experienced Forum User
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Posts: 42
That's a run I would be interested in too X2poet.
Experienced Forum User
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Why does Player 2 randomly come into play sometimes, then dies randomly? Why not use two players right from the start? Either way apart from the seemingly odd behaviour of Player 2 it was a pretty good run. The game deals with lag well too which is a little surprising.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 12/10/2007
Posts: 42
I liked it, pretty good game play and graphics for a SMS games. Yes for me.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 12/10/2007
Posts: 42
Wha? I blinked and it had already finished! Yes for this run and double yes for the improved run.
Experienced Forum User
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Posts: 42
Randil got it in one. Instead of just shooting down everything, leave some enemies fly around and dodge their fire, or run rings around them etc. The U.N. Squadron run on the SNES shows how you can liven up a auto scroller. The bosses are well done, expect that green crane boss. Is there any reason that you used excessive shoots against it, or is there no invulnerability with that boss? as it really caused a large amount of lag on that level. I think the music (which I really like) and the level design are fantastic, with more aerobics performed in the air and more closes calls I think this could be a pretty interesting run. As it stands it is a good first time TAS, but needs a little more work before it could be published.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 12/10/2007
Posts: 42
I guess its just me but I thought it was a little bit dull compared to Air Mario. Those koopa's are so slooow, and there are bits where you are just standing around for a couple of seconds just doing nothing, which is quite boring. It may be just me again but I though that many of the levels just required you to do the same thing over and over again (double jump, go through wall, double jump, go through wall etc). Its not a bad hack, but its no Air Mario :)
Experienced Forum User
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Nothing like taking a quick dip in the sky! Smooth platforming and excellent manipulation is a Yes in my book.
Experienced Forum User
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This has got to be one of my favorite SNES games. However I was a little disapointed to find that there was almost no game play involved in this movie. It's like watching Mario Party without the mini games. The levels you did play, you played well, but most of them are very short and very straight forward, and just like ZeXr0 stated, most could have probably been done without frame advance. I'm going to have to say "Meh" leaning towards No.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 12/10/2007
Posts: 42
Wow, that is some display of aerobics. I like the way you completely avoided those spiked platforms. Oh and the jumping in midair and going thru walls, those were pretty cool too :) 1+ for tea bagging that bad dude at the end :D Yes from me.
Experienced Forum User
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He spends more time in the walls than the level itself. Yes from me.
Experienced Forum User
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What an hilarious game, hilariously BAD that is. I mean, what the were the designers thinking?? The later levels remind me of Toki: Going Ape Spit because I don't see how a normal person can complete those levels not tool assisted. A very good run overall, I liked the many deaths in the game. But gee what a lame ass death animation. A 'Yes" from me.
Experienced Forum User
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I like the music and graphic of the game, esp the ending cut scene. A nice super quick run. A Yes from me.
Experienced Forum User
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Well, it has some pretty awesome glitches, but other than those parts it just looked like a normal person playing. It just feels disconnected, if these glitches were used in a Speedrun, then I would vote yes, but as it stands the most I can give is a "Meh" vote.
Experienced Forum User
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It is indeed better played than the last submission, but like Aqfaq stated, it still looks a little sloppy. I noticed in the second level, second part, that you ended the level with a fair amount of Health left. So is it necessary to kill all those enemies on the bottom or could you just run through them to save a little time? I also noticed you did a random jump in the 3rd stage near the end, was to avoid been hit or something? Finally the game looks pretty shonky, it's a little bland and repetitive, but since it's only a short movie I can overlook that. Overall it's a "Meh" vote for me.
Experienced Forum User
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Being an Aussie I dont know much about American Football, but even without knowing much about the rules, I still found this quite entertaining. Yes for me.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 12/10/2007
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Well, I have been visiting this site for many a year, and have watched most if not all of the movies. So I think it's time for me to share some of my opinions :) This game is pretty boring, the enemies are all basically the same, and it's pretty repetitive. I think I remember playing this game and it was quite hard, but there is just no meat to it. It's played well but it's far to dull to warrent a "Yes" vote. So No for me.