Posts for ventuz

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replace LINK to actual link, replace NAME to whatever
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Useful for romhacking.
antd wrote:
I maybe stupid, but I can't distinguish between tiles in SMW. I don't know what makes one different from the other..
Are you referring to USD search? Ignore the background, it's not part of tiles. When he picked first tile, first tile is empty air (U.nknown).. then the next tile is a half a bush (D.ifferent), then next tile is full bush (D.ifferent), next tile is the same full bush (S.ame).. etc.. you see? Also, what happen to the TIME in 5th picture?.. -_-
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I didn't have any friendly way to say this... your movie is completely reversed compared to most of movies on tasvideos. At least you knew how to make savestate and rerecording. Try to play around with frame advance or reduce speed and multiple savestates. Have you not read this page?
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3 seconds improvement? Your kung fu is strong.
Post subject: Re: #1588: zggzdydp's GBA Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance
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zggzdydp wrote:
I start the game from power-on, use no password, use some glitches. There's no programming error in the game.
I would like to point out that glitch IS programming error.
Post subject: obsoleted movie still marked as "published"
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I just thought that it would be nicer to actually label movie's status "Published and Obsoleted" (or "Obsoleted" itself). I was looking in my "own submissions" and I noticed something not right, only cancels and publishes listed.. I was pretty sure Operation C was obsoleted. I had to go click it and click on "actual publication" to see that. I think that it would help players to keep track of submitted movies status on "own submissions" instead.
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Yeah a little here and there.
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Secret of the Stars -- Boss Battle Secret of the Stars -- Main Theme Xenogears -- Faraway Promise Xenogears -- Steel Giant Xenogears -- Knight of Fire Xenogears -- Shevat - The Wind Is Calling FF4 -- Fight 2 FF6 -- Fanfare FF6 -- The Decisive Battle FF7 -- The Birth of God Super Mario RPG -- Fight against monsters Earthbound -- Drugstore Earthbound -- Battle## (all) Earthbound -- Bicycle Earthbound -- FireSpring Earthbound -- Lost Underworld Lufia 2 -- Theme of Caves Lufia 2 -- Theme of Castle Lufia 2 -- Rexas Labs Robotrek -- Boss Battle Secret of Mana -- The Orphan of Storm Secret of Mana -- A Curious Happening Secret of Mana -- Happenings On A Moonlit Night Secret of Mana -- Oracle Seiken Densetsu 3 -- Faith Total Machine Seiken Densetsu 3 -- Obession Parasite Eve -- Intro (no idea what's the name) I think I have weird taste, thats all I can find from my list / think of. Could be more that I missed.
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Your program is amazing, far superior than any memory searcher out there. Bye bye tsearch. One thing I noticed is that the message in "Lock" group next to checkbox in "Modify Address" window are chopped. I couldn't read what it said.
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Group search, conversions, oh snap. It would make ram searching much quicker. Downloading. I will comment later.
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This version seem to giving me trouble to change control (it's taking about 4 "presses" to make change") and it doesn't want controls from gamepad or something.
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GeminiSaint wrote:
Has anyone checked it with a real game cartridge and hardware?
This glitch is easy to perform, just exit level while being in pipe. I tried on real cart but I think my cart is version 1.2 (which fixes that glitch)... I tried on other emulator, BGB, it didn't have long path of blocks but it still have garbages at bottom (with invisible goal door).
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Dwedit wrote:
{Echo Ram fixes}
I wonder if these fixes GB Kid Icarus final boss and/or Pokemon door glitch. I have no idea what "echo" ram is.
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This game is impossible to speeding through without tools, so it looks amazing with fast paced fire fighting. I tried to TAS for this game once, but it desyncs on me a lot. Your movie are a lot faster than mine anyway so easy Yes. hmm what's next? Ignition Factor? ;)
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nice concept, except "comment" column are too tiny.
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I'm very interested, I own a cart of this game. I think that planning out a TAS on this game would be crazy hard. I tried to mess around with this game before, I found that luck manipulate on item-drop on field map is almost impossible. I guess RNG don't change very well in this game.
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I'm somewhat disappointed. D3 would have been a big new game, SC2 look like a small improvement to WC3 engines.
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It's so hard to watch them all. You see, people have 2 eyes, they focus on one thing. Seeing one of them look like badly played, then the same as other. It's hard to sit back and watch them like that. I could have voted No, but I think that making a single FCM to play 4 games is an amazing feat so it gets Meh from me.
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Wow I thought you would just go back in level 5 and improve there. But you went all the way back to level 1. 3 seconds improvement is very good. Yes vote.
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nice glitch, I'm pretty sure it would save a lot of time
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Nice job, I knew level 3 boss could be improved. I didn't know you could make extra damage with homing. Yes vote.
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Hyena wrote:
In particular, I noticed one trick not being used in this run. The one right before Mother Brain where you glitch through a wall and avoid having to destroy all the obstacles leading up to her. Was it faster this way?
I think that was super metroid
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Nice catch, I tried destroying that robot, but it didn't help very much (lose 1 frame), however I tried trick it into flying left, it saved around 10 frames. I'm looking to try hex the rest of movie and attach to it. *edit - well I tried, it's impossible to hex them together because they lag randomly, I guess I would play them again. *edit2 - I have started losing frame loss out of blue, I have no idea where is it coming from, I probably just skip that.
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I have finished Nepture, WIP here 190 frames faster compared to my old incomplete TAS.
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Yeah. So far I had was around 4500 frames. It's about 50 frames faster than the old TAS. I'll work on it some more today.