Posts for xebra

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Isn't Finland an internationally recognized neutral country? The only way the army would ever see battle is if Finland got invaded. So it's not like the Finnish army is a fighting army. Perhaps they teach you how to shoot guns and do physical drills out of tradition, but it's nothing more than tradition. I think a strict environment is good for whipping boys into men. Lord knows I could have used it. To make a long story short I agree that all boys should go to boot camp for a bit after high school. I dunno if it's really necessary for girls. In general they tend to be less of a menace to society, and what if they are pregnant?
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Hmm, it wouldn't actually be like that, since causality is reversed as well :/ . A palindromic TAS would be cool, yes, (after all I made this topic), but playing such a TAS backwards and forwards at the same time would not result in synchronized motions.
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curtmack wrote:
For example, many NES games exhibit slowdown in different places, but that does not occur in a TAS because the emulator uses the PC's processor and a PC processor is faster than the NES processor.
For clarification, this is wrong. Emulators still have sprite limits and lag and all that jazz, too. They are actually emulating the limited hardware, and we hope doing it well. Many of the TASes on this site that have gone through a few revisions have gotten to the point where saving frames due to lag has become a concern. The Mega Man video is a great example, as Bisqwit destroys blocks offscreen with the electric weapon in one of the Wily levels to prevent their processor intensive explosion graphics from displaying. Try it yourself, it's pretty easy to get a game like Kirby or LoZ or Metroid to lag on FCEU, just as it would on a console. Hardman's level in Mega Man III also lags like nothing else when all those little bees and chompers are going at the same time.
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That's illegal in 43 states.
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This run is very sickening. I get nauseated just watching it, and very much not in the same way as when you first regain consciousness after being shot in the stomach, or when a friend of many years remorselessly breaks a sacred promise and betrays your friendship and trust. Bravo.
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Remember when there was that university study that pretended like it was big news that people could read sentences when all but the first and last letters of words were scrambled? You could probably combine that effect with Warp's idea to make something reasonably difficult to attack with a computer. So, first, come up with 20 different ways of saying the instructions:
  • Hello potential user, would you please write xyzzy in the captcha box?
  • xyzzy is what you should definitely type into the following box if you want to register.
  • Welcome, please type xyzzy in the box should you desire to join these forums.
  • Etc.
Then pick one of the phrases at random, and scramble the letters of all the words (except for the code word) randomly: "Hlelo pteotianl uesr, wulod you pelase wtire xyzzy in the catphca box?" It might be even less susceptible to attack by a bot if the code word was nothing more than a scrambled real word, as well. Of course, this scheme breaks the "shouldn't have to understand English" rule, but oh well.
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Bock wrote:
but feel free to harass me
You asked for it! *Turns on spambot*
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Personally, I've always thought it would be best just to get the wooden sword before you go to 9. (So up+a before you whistle to 1 to pick it up.) You still shouldn't use it until you get to Ganon, but that eliminates the ridiculousness of going through level 9 twice, and you still do almost the whole game without even having any sword at all in your a-slot.
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I'm not that religious.
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JXQ wrote:
I can't tell if this is satire or not.
I know, it's brilliant!
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I can live with that.
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Changed enough that I won't respond in kind to your post with an equally inflammatory one. You are once again offensive. Though it doesn't surprise me any more, I wish you wouldn't be that way.
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I'm kind of regretting giving extra life to your somewhat tasteless simile, now. Should I be chastised?
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FODA and pirate_sephiroth got a real kick out of this photo when I showed it to them on IRC:
Post subject: For all you Garfield lovers
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Josh wrote:
Unfortunately, that previous thread hasn't had any activity in about two years.
So go ahead and post in it ... ??? I was going to post something really rude about how I can't understand it when people act like ... whatever you are acting like. But then I realized that would be rude, so I'll just say what I really mean to say: if there's a thread about what you want to talk about, go ahead and post in it. (Especially if it's already been suggested nicely that you do so.) It's that simple.
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OmnipotentEntity wrote:
Truncated, let's assume that they are made of neutronium and can't conceivably be bent.
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The game is fairly interesting graphically, has different music for each level, and isn't very long. Also, you pull some antics like dying, taking damage, precise jumps through spikes, and clearly damaging bosses faster than should have been possible, so overall it was a pretty good show despite being a run of just some random game nobody's ever heard of.
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Are we talking normal, extra thin, or ribbed?
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Why even ask such a thing? I really have no way of knowing, but it just seems to me like you are trying to be assinine. Anyways, it's a math problem, not a physics one. It's obvious that the cylinders do not deform due to stress. In fact, there is no such thing as stress. There are only cylinders and the space in which they sit.
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If he has mental impairment due to iodine deficiency, it may be more accurate to call him a cretin. Iodized salt for the win!
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Life is overrated.
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Harvey Keitel was also somewhat questionable in The Piano, though he wasn't what I would call "bad."