Posts for xebra

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I think we need a swordless run, but this run is very sloppy and doesn't look like it was planned very carefully. There are just ... so many obvious mistakes :/ .
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Another minor thing that's been bothering me is you haven't once managed to continue on the earliest frame possible. The heart should never appear if you do it right.
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I'm still not done watching the run, and it's not "uniformly terrible" ... there are some sparks of inventiveness in there. But you make a lot of really obvious mistakes. At least, the mistakes are really obvious to someone that has watched the published Zelda runs and read some of the Zelda threads. You should read all the LoZ threads that exist on the forum, and additionally watch the existing runs.
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I'm only a few minutes in, but I'm going to vote thumbs down and give you some suggestions:
  • Take damage.
  • Manipulate monster spawns.
  • Don't buy the candle where you did! You wasted 234534 screens of walking time to get from the 100 rupees to the candle, then used start+up+a to continue, and then walked proceeded to walk right by a candle shop! What?!
Since I haven't watched the whole movie I don't really know if your path is a good one or not, it appears to be novel at first glance. There is a swordless Zelda thread on these forums, you should check it out.
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mercurz wrote:
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Yes. Program a rerecording SMS emulator and I'll even make a video of it.
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Why do his bombchus decrement and then increment every time he jumps? Is that the nature of the glitch or is he using game genie?
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That's a really cool idea, FODA.
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I don't think it's unreasonable to presume a human can maintain 1/60th of a second precision for the duration of a short TAS, but with DDR there are a combination of aural and visual cues, and music / dance / etc. have a very rigid structure and pattern. A TAS would be completely without structure, rhythm, pattern, predictability, etc. This is a cool idea, for sure, but I personally don't see how it would give someone an edge over those using traditional speedrunning techniques.
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Ask in the SDA forums? How should we know?
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Just letting you all know I'm still working on this. I'm still stuck on the same spot.
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And, for the record, the speedwalk was hilarious.
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I didn't know there was a new version out. That's quite a bit more convenient than v15's memory watcher, thanks.
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What can I use to watch specific memory addresses?
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I've noticed a few anomalies while watching Sleepz's video. Firstly, it appears he can walk farther into caves before text starts than Phil or I can. Does anyone know what's up with that? Also, the AVI runs quite a bit (6-8%?) faster than FCEU does. If you synchronize my WIP and the AVI at the moment we hit start after having already entered the ZELDA code, the AVI pulls substantially ahead of the WIP before the paths differ. Is that because of Famtasia or because of poor encoding? I'd love to be able to accurately guage how many frames I am gaining, but Famtasia runs at 1 fps or worse on my system, while sucking up all my system resources. (It takes me two or three minutes just to kill the process with the task manager.) Famtasia used to run fine on my system, but now it's unusable. Does anyone have any idea why this would be the case?
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Play the movie file and make sure "read only" is checked. Then simply load the savestate in the normal way.
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Hmm, it didn't work: WIP. I killed an extra octorok and even managed to shave frames while doing it, and came up with an even better strategy for the goriya room, and the bat room worked out pretty great, too (I didn't even need the shooting sword) ... but the wallhands didn't cooperate. Since the bats worked out so well I decided to see what I could do without collecting a heart from the octoroks: WIP. Unfortunately, I couldn't ever get the bat room to work out so nicely again. It seems unlikely I'll find another spawn that doesn't require the shooting sword, which is too bad because this WIP was really fast up to the point I got.
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nitsuja wrote:
Around frame 3030, why do you swing the sword? I tried just walking to pick up that bomb and it was 7 frames faster.
Doubtless because I didn't test that sequence sufficiently. I'll change it.
That also makes me wonder about the other times you get items with the sword.
I'm reasonably certain using the sword to pick up the bomb/heart combo is best before L1 since they are both off the path (and I need full hearts), but I'll test it just to make sure.
EDIT: I found what you need to do to get 10 rupees from those wallhands. You have to kill exactly 1 more red octorok than you did before entering the dungeon.
Many thanks. Any red octorok in particular, or did it not seem to matter? I will probably have to just stop and shoot one somewhere, though I will still make up that lost time thanks to having bombs for the aquamentus, assuming killing an extra octorok doesn't screw up the goriya spawn and drop, or completely ruin the bat room, or put all the bats in my way in the warp room.
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IdeaMagnate wrote:
I smell a new Zelda hack. It smells delicious.
It's the scent of a woman. And it smells like teen spirit. So you must go to Kentucky to hack this game!
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Fabian wrote:
Phil wrote:
I never said that I intend to totally quit.
I know, take it easy. I'm just welcoming you back.
Don't let the sound of your own wheels make you crazy ...
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It's a trap! Err ... joke!
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To be honest, I doubt it will have any effect on their market share. And it's not like they could have used Coke's secret recipe, as they're not going to change the formula for Pepsi. The people that like it like it because it's different, for example, it's sweeter. Really, they had nothing to gain and everything to lose by being dishonest, but I'd rather believe they refused the information out of principle, and that PepsiCo isn't headed by a bunch of Ken Lays.
Post subject: Corporate Ethics
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Every once in a while a story like this comes along that renews my faith in the human race, if only for a brief moment. No, not the fact that the secretary stole a bunch of secret documents, but the fact that Pepsi didn't want them.