Posts for xebra

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I suspect you can find a way to get from Paseo to Arima without bringing up any menus. I've done it many times on a console.
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Also consider one reason you may be having so much trouble beating the "world records" is that they are not actually legitimate. Considering how few people in this world actually give a rat's ass about honesty and integrity, it's very plausible if not highly probable you are competing against emulated videos.
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Tool-assited Time-attacks are about what games can do.
this doesn't explain why they are played as fast as possible. If the goal is to show what the game can do, then the runs should focus on exposing all the glitches and tricks instead of showing all the glitches that just happen to be there "on the way" of the fastest route. (no offense though, I'm just thinking arguments that they might bring up.)
I realize you are not really trying to argue with us, and that you are supportive of tool-assisted movies because they are fun and awesome ... that being said, your argument is not valid. If we make movies to showcase what games can do, then implicit in that is the understanding that we also make movies to showcase what games cannot do. One of the simplest and most impressive ways to do this is to discover what conditions are necessary to ensure a game cannot be completed any faster.
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Can you wobble along a northwest diagonal?
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Well, if he's worried about that, isn't he worried about being summarily executed for downloading complete footage of copyrighted games without the support of their copyright holders?
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TSA wrote:
These things are useless to me unless they're in a video format for playback on Media Player, Quicktime, WinAmp or Real Player.
Logical equivalent: "I hate niggers."
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Lol, also, what will be the differences between your run and Flagitious's run? He mentioned something briefly in his submission text but I didn't understand it because I am not that familiar with this game.
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A hearty YES, with bonus points for finding the first valid use for wobbling in the history of emulation. Chapeau!
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In your final run do you intend to incorporate Flagitious's "speed wobbling" when walking up or left?
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Saturn wrote:
Just did the first lap in 25:41 and this is 1 millisecond faster than the world record! I will use a different driving line than the most do in this course because I think in the end it will be faster.
10 milliseconds. Also, don't make it your goal to just beat the human records. Make a perfect video.
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Odd bug. That didn't happen for me. Just fastforward to the end and start recording from there again, then splice the correct ending in.
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And I remember a time when you got all in a huff because I told you there were flaws in your first run ;) . Excellent improvements.
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I'm lost, explain what you mean for the rest of us.
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Here's my newest creation for all your DotA fans our there :) . Vote thumbs up or Sonic 1 never gets finished! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA*CHOKE*.
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It seems I've rubbed off on Q. Sonic is cursed!
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You can jump down a wall immediately by pressing A.
Didn't you notice that you weren't jumping as fast or as far as the existing speed runs? (Or is it possible the speed runners didn't use this technique either? Seems unlikely.)
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Oh, also WalkerBoh, I'd love to hear your thoughts on heroes/items/modifications/etc. Once school is out for the summer I may decide to retrigger DotA so that it is smaller, faster, and less buggy. The current developers seem to be universally poor programmers, almost everything they add is bug-ridden to the extreme. (Not that Guinsoo's stuff wasn't just as bad.)
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I'm not involved at all in making new DotA versions, which is too bad. The current developers are screwing up the game more and more with every new version in the 6 series. Essentially this means designing heroes is completely and utterly futile for me, but I still do it because I'm really good at it, and I thought that anyone here that plays DotA would appreciate my designs. On a side note, I've been sitting on the design for a time-themed hero for a long time simply because I can't think of a name. Any thoughts?
Post subject: Hamachi, A Fine-Something-That-All-People-Need
Experienced Forum User
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I recently found this software that I think pretty much all gamers everywhere should be interested in, so I figured I'd tell you guys about it: [URL=][/URL]
With Hamachi you can organize two or more computers with an Internet access into their own virtual network for a direct secure communication. Hamachi is fast, secure and simple. It is also free.
Think - LAN over the Internet. Think - Zero-configuration VPN. Think - Secure peer-to-peer. Play LAN games. Access computers remotely. Use Windows File Sharing. Run private Web or FTP servers. Communicate directly. Stay connected.
Hamachi is a zero-configuration virtual private networking application with an open security architecture and NAT-to-NAT traversal capabilities. Hamachi is the first application to mix seemingly unrelated networking technologies in one powerful package to deliver an unprecedented level of peer-to-peer connectivity.
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Boco, don't be such an [expurgated]. Everyone knew what he meant with his initial post, and no one gives a shit about the 93+ canon and non-canon titles. [expurgated]...stop picking arguments just for the sake of hearing yourself talk. EDIT by feitclub: This discussion will remain civil. Name calling is not permitted.
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flagitious wrote:
xebra wrote:
Nick took 0.07 seconds. (I used spaghetti.)
Hmm somehow I don't believe you :)
Well it wasn't cooked.
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Nick took 0.07 seconds. (I used spaghetti.)
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Oh, and Ventuz, don't fret. Someone managed to fix the load time problem (apparently by dereferencing the strings. I don't know what that really means in the context of WC3 scenarios, or why strings would need to be referenced ... or whatever.) Anyways, there are non-official released of 5.84 and 6.01 with drastically reduced load times (under 30 seconds even on slow comps.) I believe Guinsoo has said he will work that into his next official release, as well.
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You full XP for each duplicate, though the duplicates spawn with the same HP as their parent has at the time of duplication (I think), so it's really easy XP.
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I haven't watched the vid yet and won't for some time. 3 hours is quite a commitment! I voted yes anyways because it's a badass game and by God just the effort of recording the whole thing is worth something. Besides, an improved video would be long in the making so it would be nice to have this one up for the time being.