NEW TO EMULATOR MOVIE FRONTEND? It's a way to double click on a movie file in Explorer, such as a .fm2, and have it start playing in an emulator instantly. This software will locate the proper rom on your harddrive and do the rest of the work for you. Essentially making it as convenient as an encoded video file.
STATUS I've been working on an updated version of Emulator Movie Frontend to bring it up to date. So far it supports .fm2, .pxm, rom compression like .7z, .rar, and .zip, plus a GUI to configure instead of a console app/ini.
Here's the catch though. It's 90% done and I don't care to finish it.
The code base has had a total overhall and it's relatively clean now. The data access layer needs to be rewritten (just wrap to some SQLite stuff -- it keeps giving me an hresult exception?). Probably some GUI stuff is unfinished.
Who's up to the task?
Sorry for the large file size, there's a few copies of SQLite in there.
I can walk you through anything you need me to.
edit: The database layer should be completed paved over. It's stupid.