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The only fighting games I've really played are Street Fighter 2 (SNES)(hours upon hours of fun back in the days), Mortal Kombat 1, 2 and 3 (all SNES versions) and Super Smash Bros. Melee, which is pretty good fun in my opinion. Also, I've played Soul Calibur 3 (Gamecube) a little, and it's moderately okay, though I imagine there are better fighting games. So I guess Street Fighter 2 is my favorite fighting game of all time, even though I've only played the possibly crappy SNES version.
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blip wrote:
X-Men : Children of the Atom (The first game I can remember to have cel-shaded artwork. It still looks gorgeous even today, nearly ten years later).
I thought "cel-shading" was a technique used to make 3D objects look like 2D drawings. Can a game with 2D sprites be consider "cel-shaded?" I enjoyed the X-Men game, and Marvel Super Heroes even more, but the whole "air combo" thing really bugs me.
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
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feitclub wrote:
I thought "cel-shading" was a technique used to make 3D objects look like 2D drawings. Can a game with 2D sprites be consider "cel-shaded?"
I think cel animation was the term I was looking for :)
Joined: 8/12/2004
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Lemme elaborate on my rules some more. 1. A fighting game must involve at least 2 characters made of offensive and defense boxes, which either the player or the AI can control directly by pressing a button or a sequence of buttons. When an offense box hits a defensive box, the effects are but not limited to damage being dealt. By boxes I mean any kind of box, 2d or 3d, polygons, whatever. 2. A fighting game must revolve around the concept above. Battletoads... a lot of the game had you just going from point A to point B, even though rule 1 is still there. Although I think putting the buttons and 2 characters part did kind of throw this out of the window. 3. A fighting game must tell the player how much they've damaged their opponent. Yes there is a ring-out only mode in Soul Calibur, but normally, you can win by taking all of there life away. And a LOT of people consider Wrestling games to have their own category, even though they might as well have lifebars anyway, since you need to rack up enough damage on your opponent to pin him. 4. A fighting game must have a way for the player to reduce or nullify damage when their character's defense boxes are hit by an enemy offense box. I guess I should've put Dodging Techniques in here as well, that's just one thing that slipped my mind. 5. If two or more people can play a fighting game at the same time, there must be at least 2 different characters to choose from. Not as much of a rule but I still think it should be here. Besides, if there's just one person, then it's not much of a fighting game, as there are no different character strategies etc. 6. Each character in a fighting game must have several different attacks or techniques (aka Moves) to choose from. Again, if everyone just has one move, then it's not much of a fighting game. Even though I can't think of many games at all that give you one move. I guess I should admit now that these are all based off of modern games, starting from SF2. Besides, I haven't seen a list like this yet, and so many people were arguing over it that I had to do something.
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I also have a bunch of fighting games on my computer. Street Fighter 2 Championship Edition Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo (which was on my old computer, until a bunch of ROMs disappeared for no reason and this went along with them) X-Men Children of the Atom Marvel Super Heroes X-Men VS Street Fighter Marvel Super Heroes VS Street Fighter Marvel VS Capcom (also have this on DC) Street Fighter Alpha 2 Street Fighter Alpha 3 (also have this on DC and GBA) Vampire Savior (I suck, Felicia's the ONLY person I'm good at all with) Super Gem Fighter (She rules in this game though) Darkstalkers (which I've never played because I couldn't get the ROM to work and didn't feel like downloading another one) I also have Marvel VS Capcom 2 on my DC, but my disc is broken... I also got Soul Calibur 2 about a week ago for GCN. Throw in SSBM, and that's pretty much it... (Am I the only one who can't stand what they did to Luigi in this game?)
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with his ridiculously low traction, my understanding is that luigi is king of wavedashing. And I guess people like his uppercut, too.
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I'm talking about his "other" features. You know, a certain way he acts in this game.
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Street Fighter doesn't even follow your rules. I think your rules are bunk.
someone is out there who will like you. take off your mask so they can find you faster. I support the new Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun.
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Hyper SF2 is fun. Champion Edition Bison is not, though. =/ At least they toned down Old Sagat...
but then you take my 75 perchance chance of winning, if we was to go one-on-one, and then add 66 and two-thirds ch...percents...i got a 141 and two-thirds chance of winning at sacrifice
Joined: 7/13/2004
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Bah! They should have kept OG Sagat the same.. I guess he is "way too good" but then they leave crazy good CE Bison the same? CE Sagat is cool though.. uppercut does SPD damage! that's nuts! I want to know what people think of HF blanka vs CE Bison.. he can crouch under Bison's standing kicks, and the first hit of scissors.. But I guess this is the wrong forum eh? O_-
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Yeah, Blanka does about as well as anyone against Bison. Still gets crushed though...there are still lockdowns against him, they're just a little different. If he's allowed, WW Gief may actually be the closest thing to a Bison counter-character. One knockdown = win, since the bad guy didn't get a reversal until ST, and IIRC the lariat beats both psycho crusher and scissor kick. Even if he's not allowed, HF Gief still does very well here (relatively speaking, of course). Personally I'm happy they screwed Old Sagat. If they had done the same to Bison this would be best SF it is ST remains the "old-school" tourney game. =/ -Josh
but then you take my 75 perchance chance of winning, if we was to go one-on-one, and then add 66 and two-thirds ch...percents...i got a 141 and two-thirds chance of winning at sacrifice