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Lezard wrote:
Your movie has an error, you can't stop the movie right after you kill the Joker, after you defeat him and he tries to stand you must move the character in his direction so the ending can take place.
Yes, I noticed when I started creating the .avi...
Bladegash wrote:
Hack the fmv file to make it lower. =P
No that would be intentional lying. I'm not going to do that. Besides, I feel that high rerecord counts are a good sign - not bad. (But I wouldn't hack&increase them either.)
Boco wrote:
It takes far too much damage, and there are meaningless jumps, and there are meaningless weapon-selects... all-in-all, despite the faster time, it looks like there's a ton of room for improvement. The other video looks flawless even if time can be shaved off by not killing enemies.
Meaningless weapon-shuffling happens especially in 1-1, but shouldn't happen later on. I went through enemies if I couldn't hit them without having to stand still. I'm not sure about 1-1, but later on I didn't get hit unless it is faster than some other way.
Boco wrote:
Some comments, though.. isn't it faster to kill bosses 4 and 5 the way in the longer video?
I did the boss 3 slower than Bruno did. I can't figure out why, but I couldn't kill the enemy before it jumped the third time. In boss 4, I didn't like how Bruno wasted lots of time waiting there. I wanted a more active method. In boss 5, I didn't like how Bruno wasted lots of boomerangs (I had only 27, and he used 40). I wanted each boomerang to hit twice. (Didn't probably happen, but I wasted less of them anyway.)
Boco wrote:
Also.. you can jump straight up??
This was the actual reason I started making my movie. It distracted me to no end that Bruno didn't use it.
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Lezard, we're stupid :) Linnom submitted a 10:18 Batman timeattack today. It plays so well (doesn't get hurt except in 3rd boss) that I'm a bit shamed that there were so many things I didn't think of :)
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Hats off to Linnom, who submitted a less-than-stellar first effort (which was eclipsed immediately) and then came back and showed us all a thing or two. This latest version incorporates all the past successes into one incredibly tight package. Congratulations, Linnom. Any ideas for improvement?
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Bisqwit wrote:
Lezard, we're stupid :) Linnom submitted a 10:18 Batman timeattack today. It plays so well (doesn't get hurt except in 3rd boss) that I'm a bit shamed that there were so many things I didn't think of :)
Lol, i take my hat off to him, i'll try it again sometime when i finish Faxanadu too see what happens :)
G1MM3 4 BR34|C!
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Lezard wrote:
Lol, i take my hat off to him, i'll try it again sometime when i finish Faxanadu too see what happens :)
Wohoo! Faxanadu. Don't you have to spend time to gain levels and gold though?
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Wohoo! Faxanadu. Don't you have to spend time to gain levels and gold though?
Question answered in Faxanadu topic...
G1MM3 4 BR34|C!
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We have seen these games which were originally slightly more than 10 minutes- Super Mario Bros 2 Ghosts n Goblins Rush n Attack -eventually be less than 10 minutes. So I wonder if there is some kind of universal pattern (real or imagined) and if the same thing will happen for this game.
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Might be, provided that people keep their interest in this game :)
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hear hear, i redid level 1-1 using fceu and frameadvance, look at the diferences: BIG EDIT: OOPS shame on me, i compared my run with a run i dont know where i got from, i was sure i saved it hmm i messed up with files, anyway, i compared to the REAL current run now, here are the updated differences: current run: 1808 frames long i got: 1804 frames long (not much really) current run: no ammo remaining i got: 57 ammo remaining current run: kills 1 enemy (using a punch) and punches 3 other enemies, fires no shots. mainly jumps over enemies. i kill 7 (5 using punches and 2 using a single 3-way shot) and punch 2 other guys. my hand hurt a lot from doing this, as i did it at 100% speed and practically frameadvanced the whole movie, i just let the game flow for a few moments when walking straight or during the tallest part of the jump. hmm i mainly tried it because i thought the file i had here in my computer was the current run, i actually downloaded the fmv but i played another file :P
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Yeah. That frame advance key sure is handy. I do stuff MUCH more skillfully and better now. Calculate most of the stuff and/or trial and error at diffrent frames to see what works best. So far I have cut down like 20-30 seconds in my Superman run. But my hand hurts alot afterwards. Some places that takes like 3 second when playing at 100% speed took me about an hour to make because I tried alot of stuff. I'm addicted already. Keep the run going FODA. I look forward to see the complete run.
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i need to map a different key to advance frames, maybe i will use my feet of mouth lol... i am using the right hand on the right shift key, so i have to hold right and keep pressing right shift, that really hurt my hand :S
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I'm using the right shift as well. I found that to be the easiest. Numpad-0 should work good also I think.
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That's silly, everyone knows TAB is the best key for frame advance. Then map A and B to X and C. (if I map it to Z and X, I can't hold down two directions and A and B and advance a frame all at once).
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Cool. What other keys can one hold down at the same time? Is the keyboard splited up into divisions of some sort? If so. Could someone make an edited picture of a regular keyboard with these zones devided into fields?
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Great job on the time. Personally, I greatly enjoy that linnom passes through the enemies WITHOUT killing them. It's the kind of timing that would be hard to execute on a console, whereas killing everyone would not be quite so. I'd like to know others opinions on this. If when you need to jump(keeping in mind it slows you), you throw a boomerang, when it returns to you will it travel behind you and hit any enemies there? If so perhaps this could be used, but I imagine them to work more like quick boomerangs, where they disappear if you're not there when it returns. I also believe the general consensus is that unlike most things in a time attack, when a level ends it is better to have no ammo than as much as possible. Take the 1-item metroid run(I think), for example. It uses up all its missles, and it makes you think not a missle could be spared, that every single one had to be planned.
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I like Linnom's current run very much. If you attempt to beat it, you need to do more than a miracle :)
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FODA wrote:
i need to map a different key to advance frames, maybe i will use my feet of mouth lol... i am using the right hand on the right shift key, so i have to hold right and keep pressing right shift, that really hurt my hand :S
You could do what I did (eventually) in my Ninja Gaiden run. I used joytokey to bind a button to hit my frame advance key 15 times a second, that way if I wasn't doing anything that didn't require me to get perfect by the frame I could just "fast forward". This was mainly running at the beginning of the level but still, having to hit the frame advance key by hand 10000 times just to get anywhere got old FAST. Also I agree with Blechy, in some games, such as Batman and NG it looks better to dodge enemies rather than kill them. Doing this is alot more difficult on the console, and to anyone who has played the game will in my opinion be more entertaining.
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about using the boomerang, it wouldn't kill the enemies, it takes 2 or 3 boomerangs hits to kill enemies. and usually 2 punches. but i jumped and punched high so they died in one hit, i wonder if it's in the game engine (first head shot programmed???) that way they die in 1 hit. well, i accumulated a lot of ammo just on 1-1, this way i can use the weapons a lot, manipulate luck to get more ammo, it will be much more variated and will show a good use of the weapons, it's indeed very different than skipping-punching your way out of the level. for example, i can use the 3-way shot to kill the crawling robots so that they dont slow me down too much, etc.
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-redid level 1-1 -used TAB for frameadvance, much easier, my hand doesnt hurt anymore :D i couldnt manipulate the luck on 2 of the prizes (i got a heart and a B), not that i need to manipulate the prizes that much... - 1777 frames (now it's something :)) - 62 ammo left - kills: punch = 3 / boomerang = 0 / gun = 0 / three-way-shot = 8 (6 shots kills 8 enemies, and damage 1 enemy so that i can kill him using 1 punch right after) i'm afraid this would be rejected for the same reason that using flying knees is too much on double dragon 2. maybe. i'm just doing all i can to beat it the fastest way.
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BoltR wrote:
Also I agree with Blechy, in some games, such as Batman and NG it looks better to dodge enemies rather than kill them. Doing this is alot more difficult on the console, and to anyone who has played the game will in my opinion be more entertaining.
but killing a lot of enemies AND going faster than skipping them looks better, imho. there is a place i kill 3 enemies using a single shot. it has more action.. check it out for yourselves: www.angelfire.com/ex/uobt/Batman-foda-1-1.zip (fceu-0.98.12-blip.win, Batman (U).nes)
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The file is corrupted for me.
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hmm it is working fine, i just checked. do you mean it doesnt let you download the file? right click and choose "saves as..."
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I know, I can download it but upon unzipping it that is what happens.
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bisqwit@oktober:~/nes$ wget http://www.angelfire.com/ex/uobt/Batman-foda-1-1.zip
--22:29:54--  http://www.angelfire.com/ex/uobt/Batman-foda-1-1.zip
           => `Batman-foda-1-1.zip'
Resolving www.angelfire.com...
Connecting to www.angelfire.com[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OKCookie coming from www.angelfire.com attempted to set domain to angelfire.lycos.com
Cookie coming from www.angelfire.com attempted to set domain to angelfire.lycos.com

Length: 1,143 [application/zip]

100%[===================================================>] 1,143         --.--K/s             

22:29:55 (10.90 MB/s) - `Batman-foda-1-1.zip' saved [1143/1143]

bisqwit@oktober:~/nes$ unzip -v Batman-foda-1-1.zip 
Archive:  Batman-foda-1-1.zip
 Length   Method    Size  Ratio   Date   Time   CRC-32    Name
--------  ------  ------- -----   ----   ----   ------    ----
   13906  Defl:X     1017  93%  12-04-04 11:52  5c4394da  Batman (U).fcm
--------          -------  ---                            -------
   13906             1017  93%                            1 file
Works for me.
Player (246)
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did you try downloading more than once? i can download it and unzip it, i dont know what to do to help you O_O