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I tried downloading multiple times. Bisqwit sent it to me. I'm really not sure which I'd like more in the long run. It does have a good deal of creative kills, and it also saves a lot of time doing so. Does ammo get transferred from one level to another? As in 1-whatever to 2-1, not just between stages. If not, try to always end with 0 after each level. If so, just make sure it happens at the end of the run.
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i dont think it will be possible to use all the ammo unless i waste shots or unless i manipulate luck to NOT get ammo :S you keep your ammo even after using a continue, at least that's how it works on my pirate cartridge, which doesnt doesnt show the text in the level-betweens, and starts with 9 lives lol... didnt check it on the (U) rom.
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Location: Rio, Brazil (right click and choose "save target as...") updated, slightly different, faster and more interesting boss, ninja and last jetpack guy. ok guys, this WIP goes through entire level 1, including boss. i wanna know what you think about it. i used weapons everywhere i could to hit enemies without slowing me down at all. i also tried not use the 3-way shot wherever possible. the way i see it, this movie shows a lot more precision on the usage of the weapons than on the current run that dodges enemies. i mean, it's harder to use the weapons the way i showed possible. and i made the boss dance :) when you shoot the boss, he will go backwards. wrong! he will be thrown to the same direction you are facing! so, shoot and then turn back, so when the bullet hit the boss (any weapon) he will be thrown AT YOU, saving walk time to get close to him :) that way i killed him in a funny, almost hard to understand way :)
Joined: 4/25/2004
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ROFL! Excellent glitch on that boss. :p ...Oh, and the rest of it is good too. Nice use of weapons, as you said. :)
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I also have trouble downloading it, I get a "no remote linking page" all the time. Could you try to upload it to some less sucky place than Angelfire, perhaps?
Joined: 12/5/2004
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Truncated wrote:
I also have trouble downloading it, I get a "no remote linking page" all the time. Could you try to upload it to some less sucky place than Angelfire, perhaps?
Try copy-pasting the link. Ctrl-C, Ctrl-L, Ctrl-V in that order (In Windows). As an aside, I believe you keep your ammo upon continuing in the official versions 2; only the score resets. Come for the music, stay for the blog.
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oh... that is so bad :P i really dont know other file hosting, i could rename it to GIF and host at imageshack? lol :S
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I have tried clicking, save as, copy-paste into new window, and copy-paste again from Angelfire pages so that the referrer would changed, but no go. In Opera at least. But I tried ctrl-L in IE, and for some reason it worked. Some comments: * Why do you do an extra small jump before one of the sitting guys with flamethrowers, before you jump over him up to the ledge? (I think the current video does this too) * There is slowdown from too many objects when you climb the "stairs" with the spike wagons. Is this avoidable? * You throw too many punches on the sencond flying monster. (style only..)
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Truncated wrote:
* Why do you do an extra small jump before one of the sitting guys with flamethrowers, before you jump over him up to the ledge? (I think the current video does this too)
the current video waits for the fire to stop. the thing is, the fire is a diferent enemy than the flamethrowerman. you can kill the flamethrower and the fire will still go through it's 5 waves cycle. all you can do is wait, or jump so that you fall just ahead when the fire stops. that's what i did, i jumped :)
Truncated wrote:
* There is slowdown from too many objects when you climb the "stairs" with the spike wagons. Is this avoidable?
yea, i noticed too, it could be avoided by not shooting the 3-way shot, i decided to keep it that way, ignoring slowdown (i think slowdown on 8-bits and 16-bits games is actually cool, maybe that's just me. i like to see the real game in slow motion sometimes it's like the matrix effect, which was not invented by the warchavsky brothers but that's another story)
Truncated wrote:
* You throw too many punches on the sencond flying monster. (style only..)
yea decided to keep that too, to show many punches you can fire in a single jump... but it's all changeable, you are the bosses :) i just work here heh
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Well, I think slowdown should be avoided when possible. Probably you will get other chances to show off your incredible punching speed too. I like the walk through enemies after hitting them trick, will you use it? (Yeah, opinions schmopinions) Another though - how much air control do you have? (I remember the air control being somewhat lacking and irritating when I played this.) When you do the really big fall down to the ninja, is is possible to steer left after the top corner, and then steer right so you pass the bottom corner with more speed? I would check this myself, but I am away from my own computer currently.
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Approach of the ninja looked less impressive to me than it did in Linnom's version. I'd say also the same about the match against the boss, but since it's possible that my memory is over-appreciating Linnom's run, I should actually compare them. I liked your intelligent usage of different weapons. That's what I want to see more.
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Truncated wrote:
Well, I think slowdown should be avoided when possible.
Hmm, ok i will remove it :)
Truncated wrote:
Probably you will get other chances to show off your incredible punching speed too.
I will kill him using the gun then
Truncated wrote:
I like the walk through enemies after hitting them trick, will you use it? (Yeah, opinions schmopinions)
Yep i use it a lot
Truncated wrote:
Another though - how much air control do you have? (I remember the air control being somewhat lacking and irritating when I played this.) When you do the really big fall down to the ninja, is is possible to steer left after the top corner, and then steer right so you pass the bottom corner with more speed? I would check this myself, but I am away from my own computer currently.
Batman's movement is not accelerated, on the very frame he passes through the ceiling at the bottom he starts moving right at max speed. but i could go left and right i guess (on batman you can only change forward jumps directions onto bumping into a wall, holding the opposite direction and waiting some 5 frames untill he turns. i found he could change directions inside the jump when going up the shaft on 1-2 but didnt realize it was because i was hitting the wall in front of me, i thought it was because of my 3-way shot in mid air. so i tried several things to be able to climp 1 wall instead of 2, here is a jump training session i did at 1-2:
Bisqwit wrote:
Approach of the ninja looked less impressive to me than it did in Linnom's version.
He needed 3 jumps to avoid the ninja, i did it in 2. but there is a change i can make (shoot a boomerang and then just when the ninja jumps onto me the boomerang will stop him coming from behind)
Bisqwit wrote:
I'd say also the same about the match against the boss, but since it's possible that my memory is over-appreciating Linnom's run, I should actually compare them.
Yea, he killed the boss faster, in fact our movies have exactly the same frame lenght after the boss battle. all the 35 frames i had of advantage were wasted on the way i killed the boss. Should i just jump and bash the boss into punches? The weapons made him dance was so cool.. edit: here is how i killed the boss: hit #1 = 3way shot facing right hit #2 = same 3 way shot this time throws him left hit #3 = Punch hit #4 = 3way shot facing right hit #5 = same 3 way shot this time throws him left hit #6 = another 3way shot, but this time i change to boomerang right after the first hit, so the 3 way shot disappears hit #7 = boomerang (1 hit)
Bisqwit wrote:
I liked your intelligent usage of different weapons. That's what I want to see more.
Thanx! :D
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As I love Linnom's run so much being one of my favorite runs on the site, it's going to be really challenging to make more entertaining movie, but as you seem to be willing to try your best I wish you good luck ;-)
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Call me a cynic, but unless your run is going for something different, I feel you should be faster than Linnom to be considered.
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
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well, it has been shown already that this site doesnt prioritize (correct spelling?) speed, but entertainment (double dragon II, for example, QBOB made a run over 2 minutes faster but it's not automatically better than the current) So i'm doing whatever looks more impressive, more precise, smarter, unexpected.
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FODA wrote:
So i'm doing whatever looks more impressive, more precise, smarter, unexpected.
If your Batman movie ends up being the same length or slower tan Linnom's movie and has the same defining attribute (no damage), I will reject your submission. Reasons: - If your usage of weapons over Linnom's usage of fists brings no actual benefit, it's not something I prefer. I think Linnom's movie does not lack entertainment. - I don't like to backstab movie authors. If you ignore the "no damage" aspect, you still need to surpass Linnom's result by wider marginal than with "no damage" mode. (I can't say exactly how wide.) Ps: nice new avatar.
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OK, Bisqwit completed my thought. I know entertainment can trump speed, which is what I was getting at.
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
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so, will any no damage faster movie automatically be accepted? PS reply.: i made the avatar using snapshots from the game's intro, photoshoped it a little. it's batman, gotham city and a 3rd snapshot, did u notice what the 3rd SS is? :)
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>the same defining attribute (no damage), I will reject your submission. Linnom's movie is not no damage. Check third (I think) boss. >I don't like to backstab movie authors. What do you mean by backstab in this case? You previously said you prefered improvement on current videos rather than new ones. The main mistake Linnom does is probably to jump to punch too often, instead of shooting. You lose some time every jump. This means he kills very few enemies and pass trough most of them instead though, which looks kind of funny. On another note: One cool trick Linnom does is to throw a punch which misses while jumping up a chasm, and when grabbing the wall under a spike machine a split second later, the machine gets hit for no apparent reason. (At least that what it looks like.)
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FODA wrote:
so, will any no damage faster movie automatically be accepted?
No, but all ties go to Linnom. ^_^ Bottom line: what you've shown so far looks pretty cool. Just make sure you're faster if you want to be considered for publishing.
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
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Truncated wrote:
On another note: One cool trick Linnom does is to throw a punch which misses while jumping up a chasm, and when grabbing the wall under a spike machine a split second later, the machine gets hit for no apparent reason. (At least that what it looks like.)
huh....... what?? :S ok fellow forum dwellers, i think i get it, i will do my best :)
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I can check the time for the strange trick i mentioned previously for you when I get home. It's easier than trying to explain it. The third snapshot is the Joker. What do I win?
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Checked it again, it's the level before last boss, when going up at the end, the third spike tank thingy. I cannot give you a framecount because of emulator suckyness. I also think that I might be mistaken and he's maybe using a boomerang, but I refuse to check again due to previously mentioned emulator suckyness.
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i wondered you'd be talking about that, he used a boomerang and the boomerang hit the creature on it's way back at you, but since he jumped up the boomerang went up too.
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Woot! i killed the first boss before he could even start flying, look at this! (right click and choose "save target as...") that was a 3-way shot, a boomerang, another 3-way shot, then a 3-way shot, change weapon to 3-way shot again and shoot again, and that last one makes 2 hits. watch is slo-mo if you're confused :D that makes up over 1.5 second of improvement