Post subject: Mupen64 0.5 and TAS Movie Editor Problem
Former player
Joined: 8/31/2009
Posts: 236
Just a quick question: when I save an M64 file using TAS Movie Editor, it saves like normal, but I'm not able to if Mupen64 has played the file (it won't let me overwrite), so I have to close Mupen64 to save file, and re-opening and starting up the ROM is a bit time consuming. Basically, is there a solution so I can keep Mupen64 open and be able to edit and save the M64 file?
Player (145)
Joined: 7/16/2009
Posts: 686
Only one program can edit the file at a time, so I guess either stopping the movie in Mupen (although I'm not familiar enough with Mupen to know how this would work) or loading a different ROM (as this probably makes sure Mupen doesn't have the file open anymore).