I made a map of the entire route. It's not complete; For some reason, I can't seem to find chapters 2 and 14 maps anywhere in game other than the use of cheats. I also didn't list key items, ammo, health, etc.
Edit: 02266000 is text for the buttons
Edit2: The weapon/item/map flags are all binary.
204FEA8 - Changing this to FF makes you unkillable for some reason.
204FEE8 - Seems to be some kind of offset; changing it to a high value pushes me far from the map while a value like 0 makes me walk through walls.
22234A23 - No idea, but changing it to certain values cause it to always display the chapter titlecard every time I move through certain doors.
22234A60 - Control Type, Y Axis Invert, Heart Beat (Quiet) flag
22234A61 - Brightness, Heart Beat (Normal/Off), Music flag
22234A70 - Weapon flags
22234A71 - 1,2,3,4,5 floor west building map flags; Also flag for if notepad exists
22234A72 - 6,7,Roof west, 1,2 east building map flags
22234A73 - 4,5,6 east building map flags
22234A74 - Top item list flags (except for the notepad)
22234A75 - Bottom item list flags
Edit3: There's an ammo on the floor at the last room of Chapter 10 that's unreachable. Also:

This door for some reason is glitched, and reentering the previous hall takes me back to other side for no reason.
Edit4: Here's the original map with almost every entrance encountered:
I also updated the first link to reflect new exits found.
Edit5: I can confirm it's completely possible to kill a 32 HP banshee using the nightstick WITHOUT slowing down whatsoever, but it really requires the Banshee to be at the right spots at the right times. Worse case scenario will be it approaches at a wierd angle, and I'm forced to use the machine gun (which slows down every shot due to recoil).