Hey, whatever floats their collective boats. As long as they aren't hurting anybody, kudos to them. F*** societal norms; dare to be different, dare to be free, dare to express yourself in whatever way they want, and anybody who feels like mocking them can go screw themselves, I say.
I never thought of this before, but The Last Roundup is pretty strange.
So Applejack is ashamed because she didn't win the rodeo competition. Wouldn't it have been the honest thing to do to come back and just be open about it? And that's not all, consider this:
"S'no big deal, guys. I thought cherries would be a nice change from apples, so I took the job and came here. That's it. End of story."
This is an outright lie, pure and simple. From Applejack. The element of honesty.
(Of course one could reasonably argue that being the element of honesty, and being honest by nature, doesn't mean that you never, ever, ever lie. Her shame was so overwhelming that it made her act against her own nature, and this only adds to the depth of her characterization, rather than erode it.)
We could probably do an 8-bit rendition of "At the Gala" on FamiTracker using all the sound expansions at once (VRC6, MMC5, N163, FDS, VRC7, 5B). It would be SO AWESOME! /)^ɛ^(\
I never thought of this before, but The Last Roundup is pretty strange.
So Applejack is ashamed because she didn't win the rodeo competition. Wouldn't it have been the honest thing to do to come back and just be open about it? And that's not all, consider this:
"S'no big deal, guys. I thought cherries would be a nice change from apples, so I took the job and came here. That's it. End of story."
This is an outright lie, pure and simple. From Applejack. The element of honesty.
(Of course one could reasonably argue that being the element of honesty, and being honest by nature, doesn't mean that you never, ever, ever lie. Her shame was so overwhelming that it made her act against her own nature, and this only adds to the depth of her characterization, rather than erode it.)
Telling the truth probably grated against her sense of honor. Honesty has definitions concerning honor, too. It's not just about truth. Remember when she lied to Pinkie to keep her surprise birthday party a surprise? That was also a lie, but she was honorbound to tell it.
She's not the only pony guilty of betraying her element, either. Pinkie has battled depression, and Rarity has been quite stingy previously.
I think the thing to take from this is that we all have our moments of weakness.
Honesty has definitions concerning honor, too. It's not just about truth.
I don't see how. The honest thing is to admit your mistakes and failures, not try to hide them and run away from them.
Remember when she lied to Pinkie to keep her surprise birthday party a surprise? That was also a lie, but she was honorbound to tell it.
She had difficulties in doing so (even to the point of being an outright caricature), and she was doing it for unselfish reasons. (And, technically speaking she never lied. They were renovating the barn.)
She's not the only pony guilty of betraying her element, either. Pinkie has battled depression
I don't see how that's against her nature. Her nature is to make others happy. That doesn't mean she can't be sad.
and Rarity has been quite stingy previously.
I get the feeling that the writers sometimes forget what her personality should really be.
Season 4 on DVD (Region 1) has been announced and is set for release in December.
Now only if Shout! Factory can release all 26 episodes of My Little Pony Tales on DVD...
She's not the only pony guilty of betraying her element, either.
The whole overarcing thing of season four was that they all had to do that once so *shrug*
So I don't know why the FiM wiki feels a need to have a gallery of 317 screenshots for one single episode, but on the other hand that's making it easier for me to find shots to use as karaoke backgrounds, so I guess I'll be okay with that.
Det man inte har i begåvning får man ta ut i energi.
"I think I need to get to Snoop Dogg's level of high to be able to research this post." -Samsara
Read my fanfic, One Piece: Pure Corruption
Hurricane Fluttershy re-aired in Japan, and I bet A Canterlot Wedding parts 1 and 2 round off the Best Selection Season 2.
At 2014-09-30 at 07:30 JST begins Season 3 of the Japanese dub of My Little Pony.
I am also waiting for Season 5 to premiere.
December 2014-January 2015 season 4 of Russian dub. Which means more "Lunnaya Poni".
Unsure when season 2 debuts in South Korea.
Foreign premieres after the release of the mobile game counts as adaptation first in some countries.
It won't be some time until the show is translated into Breezie.
Tommy Oliver recently posted a video where he commented on the episode Equestria Games, and more specifically about the characterization of Spike in the series in general. Or rather, the complete lack of. I think he makes good points.
If I asked you what, for example, Rarity is like and how she would react in a certain situation, you would probably have a very good idea, and most fans of the show would give very similar answers. The same is true for basically of all the main six characters.
(In this very thread someone commented that MLP:FiM got some award for best dramatic series, and quipped sarcastically how MLP is known for its thrilling, gut-wrenching drama. I responded with something along the lines of: "Of course it is! Just ask Rarity. She'll tell you all about it." I think this is a wonderful example of how well the characterization of one of the characters has been established.)
However, what if I ask you the same question about Spike? What is Spike like, and how would he react in a given situation? I would probably get rather differing answers from different people.
It seems that not even the writers themselves know how to characterize Spike consistently. He seems to behave wildly different depending on the plot, and perhaps the writer. Sometimes he's very childlike and inexperienced, and acts in all kinds of stupid ways. Sometimes he's very mature and the only voice of reason, the only sane personpony character among the chaos. Sometimes he's a competent aide, sometimes he's a child who just tags along and throws tantrums. Sometimes he's the butt monkey of the show, sometimes a valued companion. Heck, even the writers seem to oftentimes consider him a butt monkey... a convenient sink for whatever behavior they need for the current plot. He has little to no consistent established personality of his own, which is why it's so difficult to describe him, or say something like "yeah, that's Spike alright", even though all the other six main characters are so well-established that you can recognize them or attribute reactions or personality traits to them easily.
Tommy Oliver gave a good example of this with the episode Equestria Games in particular: At the beginning of the episode he was revered as a hero who saved the Crystal Empire. Would you have guessed how Spike himself would take this veneration?
With most of the other main characters, such as Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash or Fluttershy, you could quite well imagine how they would react (for example, you could very well guess that if it were Fluttershy, she would be very shy about it, while RD would be the rather opposite). With Spike however, it could very well go in any direction. He could be shy about it, brag and boastful, dismissive, or a number of other behaviors. That's because he's not a well-established character. It really depends on the writer.
Joined: 10/27/2004
Posts: 1978
Location: Making an escape
Warp wrote:
(In this very thread someone commented that MLP:FiM got some award for best dramatic series, and quipped sarcastically how MLP is known for its thrilling, gut-wrenching drama. I responded with something along the lines of: "Of course it is! Just ask Rarity. She'll tell you all about it." I think this is a wonderful example of how well the characterization of one of the characters has been established.)
That would be the Ursa Major Awards, a group of furries trying to be taken seriously.
A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.
My Little Pony: The Complete Original Series is now available if you want some retro pony greatness which is G1.
And about Season 3 in the Japanese dub of the current series, dunno when it would air.