Game objectives

  • Emulator used: VisualBoyAdvance rerecording v23 svn203
  • Manipulate luck
  • Takes damage to save time
  • abusing game errors
Thank to Bag of Magic Food’s encode.
List: part1 part2 part3 part4 part5 part6 part7
Special Thank to Bag of Magic Food’s help. His introductions help me too much.
There are some addresses for mmbn2.
Megaman or Lan’s X: 02006374 Y: 02006376 ↙: 02004C60 ↘: 02004C62 (2byte)
About styles. 02003A6C CUSTOM, 02003A68 GUTS, 02003A70 TEAM, 02003A74 SHIELD(2byte). Use these address, it’s very easy to control which the style I will get.
0x02005EC0~0x02005EDD(1byte)displays the folder slot number in the battle.
You can see the first folder chips’ ID and code from MMBN2 Save State Hacking Guide.
I usually use these cheat to get the chip what I want in the License tests, and playing through once to find the slot pointer which I dumped.
Easily use this address ID: 0x02007EA8 code: 0x02007EAA(2byte) to display the chip which be got from chip trader.
Glitch: In the mother1 computer, there is a focus battle. But pass start and view the chip can avoid this battle. Suggest: check option-> video->disable SFX, when watch the run in the mother1 computer. Don’t forget uncheck it later.
Chips explain:
M-BurstPA: power 100*10. This is the first and second hit, every 9frames 1hit, 10 hits in all.
SilverFist: While holding A, input these key sequences to activate special function of corresponding fist.
f,u,b,d,f Effect: 1 rocket punch on each row.
Varsword: While holding A, input these key sequences to activate the corresponding function.
(b=back, f=forward, u=up, d=down, B=B button)
LongSword: d,df,f
WideSword: u,f,d
FighterSword: b,d,f
DreamSword: d,b,u,f,d
TriSlashWave: b,B,f,B
Prism+Varsword is faster than any PA. Pass ←B→B, varsword can hit prism 5frames(times) first, only if wave don’t hit bossbody, boss wouldn’t be invisible. It can hit 3×5×160=2400 in all.


This walkthrough is base on the chip’s edit. I edited chips 11 times in all in this tas.

1st edit. Airman

Get 1500Z*2(GMD) first, and buy the chips cost 2800Z. 200Z last.
Chip got: crossJ*2, wideswrdL*2 (shop) panlgrabP(desk)
CrossJ(600Z) and widswrdL(800Z) are very useful in the front of game. PanlgrabP is used for trade.
Used for: airman (slot: 5Vgun 9Vgun 2wswd 17wswd 20wswd)
Airman 300HP. 2×V-gun L30 + 3×widesword L80
Swordy Swordy(25atk 2wswd 20wswd 11 12)
Get longswrdL from swordy.

2nd. License tests B first 5battles.

Get 1000Z from airman, 1000Z from BMD. 2200Z last.
Chip got: longswrdL(virus), swordL(BMD)
LifeswrdPA completes.
Used for: LicenseB tests first 5battle
Battle 1 - Mettaur, Mettaur
Battle 2 - Canodumb, Canodumb
Battle 3 - Mettaur, Mettaur, Mettaur
Battle 4 - Canodumb, Canodumb, Canodumb
Battle 5 - Bunny, Bunny, Bunny
Chips used and slots:
cannon*2 13cannonB 17cannonA
cannon*2 atk*2 8cannonA 17cannonA 24atk 23atk
cross atk10 2cross 23atk
cross*2 0 2
widesword16 lswrd3
Edit: 0cross 2cross 3lswrd 8cna 13cnb 16wswrd 17cna 23atk 24atk
Pointer and slots(it is from the file which I dumped.)
66 13 25 17 12 19
142 8 23 16 24 17(Burster used, pointer+1)
218 +1 10 28 2 23 25
296 +1 0 18 2 21 4
374 +1 8 3 22 17 16

3. License Tests B: Beetank, Beetank, Beetank

Chip got: NA
Used for: Beetank, Beetank, Beetank(22atk 5Vgun 9Vgun 20wswd 25atk)
If I buy the chips first, maybe I could skip next edit. Maybe not, because too much atk+ used, and I only have 5 be used. The slots, 22atk and 25stk can’t be got in this battle.

4. License tests B second 5battles

Get 2000Z from GMD, buy chips cost 4200Z, 0Z last.
Chips got: spreaderO*3 atk*3(shop) rollR(mail) lilbombO(virus)
SpreaderO(600Z) and atk+10(800Z) are very important Get rollR cost 129frames, but I waited for the good luck.
Used for: License tests B second 5battles
Battle 1 - Mettaur2, Flappy, Canodumb
Battle 2 - Mettaur2, Mettaur2, Mettaur2
Battle 3 - Bunny, Canodumb2, Beetank
Battle 4 - Canodumb2, Canodumb2, Canodumb2
Battle 5 - HardHead, HardHead, Beetank
Vgun wideswrd atk*2 16Vgn 22atk 3atk 8wswd
spreader*3 atk*2 14spd 28spd 0spd 3atk 11atk
Cross*2 atk*3 2cross 24cross 3atk 11atk 22atk
wideswrd longswrd atk*2 12wswd 18lswd 11atk 25atk
longswrd Vgun*3 18lswd 7Vgun 16Vgun 19Vgun
Edit: 0spd 1wswd 2cross 3atk 7Vgun 8wswd 9atk 11atk 12wswd 14spd 15swd 16Vgun 18lswd 19Vgun 22atk 24cross 25atk 28spd
65 -0 3 8 16 22
143 +1 0 3 14 28 11(143: 13 14 6 25 9)
221 +1 2 24 11 3 22(221: 9 17 28 4 1)
300 +1 11 25 5 18 12(299: 11 17 5 18 12, 300: 6 4 16 19 1)
378 +1 7 16 18 24 19(377: 1 16 18 24 19, 378: 2 23 29 8 25, 380: 17 23 29 8 25)
This is hardest battle in this tas(include all future battles), because I only have the low power chips. But very good luck, I can use atk+ 9 times.
Bear: Spikey, Spikey, Spikey(0 22atk 15swd 9atk 12wswd)
Wait for one atk+, and I change slot9 to atk+(last one), 15 to swdL for quickman. Get important chip HeatshotB.
Quickman (17 8wswd 18lswd 3 15swd)
Quickman 400HP, lifeswrdPA(400)
I forget, maybe I waited 40 or 60 frames for 18lswd. LongswdL is very important to License tests B, it’s slot can’t be changed.
Mission1: Handy, Handy, Handy(12wswd 18 19 17 10)
Mission1: Spikey2, Spikey2, Spikey2(15 16Vgun 11atk 5 12wswd)only wait 12 frames.
Mission1: Flamey2, Flamey3(27 1wswd 24 26 12wswd)change the last wsrdL to slot1.

5. Mission2: Spooky2, Spooky2, Spooky2

Get 3000Z from Bomb’s BMD, 1500Z from quickman, 3000Z from robot’s BMD, 1500Z from Dan2’s GMD, 500Z from virus battle, 9500Z in all.
Chips got: timebomb1M heatshotB heat-vS (virus) poismaskS dashatkL spreaderP spreaderQ (trade) atk+10(Bomb’s BMD) spreaderN(koto’s GMD)
Now I explain about Detailed Chip Trade(3-c-t) and how to get poismaskS from it.
The tradechip like the battlechip, the sequence doesn't change while viewing the folder. I got 5 chips in the 3-c-t. poismaskW(6B 22 84400) poismaskS(6B 18 84644) dashatkL(32 11 84944) spreaderQ(7 16 85178) spreaderP(7 15 85458)
Note: I made these 5 chip_trade_dump_lists (ID code frame), and I can be easily to search the chip which I need. You can see the ID and code list from MMBN2 Save State Hacking Guide, because this ID is not equal to the library’s ID.
Why did I get poismaskW first?
If I haven’t poimask chip or it’s ID(library’s ID), I only got poimaskW from 3-c-t. So I have to get poimaskW first. You can find the chip list changes simply after got poimaskW from my dump lists. In the first list, you only find poismaskW(6B 22). It’s seemed that Capcom didn’t hope we get VarSwrdB easily.
Why did I use chip trade early or later? It’s seemed walking a little long.
Because poimask is very rare. I have to wait more than 1000 frames at other time.
Used for: Mission2: Spooky2, Spooky2, Spooky2 (0Vgun 16Vgun 3atk 18lswd 22atk)
Too much 0 is beside this pointer. I have to edit again.
LicenseA tests first 5battle
Battle 1 - Swordy, HardHead
Battle 2 - Spooky, Spooky2, Spooky2
Battle 3 - Handy, Handy, Handy
Battle 4 - Fishy, Fishy, Beetank
Battle 5 - Flappy, Flappy, Flappy
ballB ballB cannB atk
spd*2 atk*2
dashL atk
Edit: 3atk 4ball 5spd 6dash 7cann 8atk 9atk 11atk spd24 spd26 29ball
1 29 1 8 7 4(+1 23 1 20 10 4)
78 24 11 3 27 26(77: 4 21 18 22 8, 79: 4 21 22 18 8)
156 +1 24 1 19 5 26(156: 9 1 4 6 18)
240 +1 10 11 6 3 14(240: 20 5 18 3 8)
320 +2 12 13 14 9 6(320 +1 19 26 27 22 0)
I have no idea about beat Hardhead. Get BrnzFist B or S? But getting BrnzFist cost more than 480 frames(240 from 2 BMD, 250 from chip trader), 8seconds. And I don’t think BrnzFist is usefull in the future. Because I have varswd, or later SilvFist.
Swordy, Swordy2, Swordy(3atk 29 20wswd 0Vgun 17wswd)
Mettaur2, Mettaur2, MettFire(16Vgun 25 13 17wswd 2wswd)
Taking damage to reduce the level, and get the important chip Guard* from mettaur2 for giving to Jim in the future.

6. License tests A second 5battles

Cost 9000Z to buy chips, last 500Z
Chips got: Invis2* fireswrdN Guard*(virus) cross* spreaderM(bug shop) fire40*3(shop)
License tests A second 5battles
Battle 1 - Sparky
Battle 2 - Spikey2, Spikey, WindBox
Battle 3 - Shrimpy, Shrimpy
Battle 4 - TuffBunny, TuffBunny, TuffBunny
Battle 5 - Sparky, Swordy, MettFire
lswd atk*2
Vgun*2 wswd atk
dash atk
cross wswrd*2
Edit: 0Vgun 1atk 2wsrd 3atk 4Vgun 5cross 6atk 17wswd 18lswd 20wswd 23dash (15Q 21P 7O 12N 29M, 5 spreader for cutman)
64 18 24 2 6 1(+1 5 17 21 12 29)
135 0 2 3 6 4(+1 0 15 27 17 4)
225 0 16 3 23 19(+1 0 7 17 13 24, +5 0 7 17 13 26)
313 2 23 12 8 17(+1 25 19 10 5 12, +2 2 23 12 8 1, +5 25 17 10 5 8)
403 5 20 29 9 17(+1 24 29 20 12 22, +3 24 29 17 12 22, +4 5 20 6 9 17)
In fact, License test A is too much easier than B.
Cutman (15Q 21P 7O 12N 29M)
Cutman 600HP (M-BurstPA 1000)

7 Chng.bat

Chip got: varswordB
Edit: 0htshot 1fire+40 2vswd 8heatV 10fire+40 16atk (3Q 22P 23O 13N 24M)
Spooky3, Spooky3(20 1fire+40 10fire+40 8heatV 4)
TuffBunny, TuffBunny, MettFire(0hshot 10fire+40 2varswd 7 16)
Get the important chip ZapRing2B from tuffbunny.
Swordy3, Spooky2, Spooky2(0hshot 2varswd 5 9 17)
Mettaur2, TuffBunny, MettFire (18 2vswd 8 1 7)
Get the second ZapRing2B.
Square: Goofball300HP(7 3 2vswd 8 17)
Shadowman (3Q 22P 23O 13N 24M)
Shadowman 800HP(M-BurstPA 1000)

8 Thunderman

Be robbed, money 0Z.
Chip got: Invis3W ZapRing2B×2 Invis2*(virus) firebladeR(Talk to the old man Official) roll2R(story) Quake2 W TreeBom1 * SonicWav I(Mr. Higsby)
Thunderman(13N 14O 18 3Q 16P 24M 6)
Thunderman 700HP(M-BurstPA 1000)
Passport: HardHead2, HardHead2, FullFire(0 7 2varswd 5 2 13 3)

9 Snakeman

Chip got: Meteor12C(virus)
Snakeman(20N 8O 21 4Q 16P 9M 2)
Snakeman 600HP(M-Burst)

10 10-chip-trader

Chip got: prismB×2 varswordB
I got 2 prism B from 10-c-t, because the more chips the less edit.
Protoman (11 27 3 14 0prism 9 2varswd)
Protoman 800HP(prism+varswd 160×6=960)
Knightman(0prism 19 3 26 2varswd 15 23)
Knightman 800HP(prism+varswd 160×6=960)
Magnetman(11 15atk 2varswd 0prism 6 5 26)
Magnetman 1000HP(prism+varswd+atk10 170×6=1020)
white ice: Mettaur2, Mettaur2, Mettaur2 (21 18 28 26 17 5 6varswd)
white ice: Shrimpy3, Shrimpy3, Shrimpy3(0 18 27 11 4 6varswd 25)

11 white ice: Dominerd, Dominerd, Dominerd

Chip got: SilvFistE(story)
Edit: 7->4heatshot 5->Blank(prism) 3->Blank(silvfist) 1->17fire+40 19zapringB->Blank 11->12atk 0->18prism
white ice: Dominerd, Dominerd, Dominerd(20 17 13 3silvfist 26 29 2)
red ice: Handy2, Handy2, Handy2 (14 12 15 24 3sfist 11 23)
red ice: Ratty2, Ratty2, Ratty2(22 11 4 12 2varswd 23 20)
red ice: Cloudy, Cloudy, Cloudy(0 7 2 21 4hshot 10fire+40 6varswd)
red ice: Swordy2, Swordy2, Swordy2(4 20 12 17 3 29 2varswd)
red ice: Shrimpy3, Shrimpy3, Shrimpy3(6varswd 23 25 10 24 17 3)
yellow ice: Fishy2, Fishy2, Fishy2(1 17 10 6varswd 4 21 3)
yellow ice: Beetank2, Beetank2, Beetank2(19 26 5 27 8 20 2varswd)
yellow ice: Flappy2, Flappy2, Flappy2(24atk 10 15atk 3 5 6varswd 28)
Null&Void, Null&Void, Null&Void(17fire+40 26 11 2varswd 4hshot 5 16)
yellow ice: Flappy3, Flappy3, Flappy3(13 6varswd 17fire+40 27 4hshot 21 7)
yellow ice: Fishy2, Fishy2, Fishy2 (5 1 27 16 25 29 2varswd)
yellow ice: Flamey3, Flamey3, Flamey3(24atk 7 22atk 3slivfist 8 4 21)
FreezeMan(14 7 26 21zapr 5prism 17 6varswd)
Freezeman 1000HP(zapr+prism+varswd 30×4+160×6=1080)
airman quickman cutman
07 2varswd 18prism 0 7 21 1 13
119+1 3 29 19 5prism 24 2varswd 10
231+1 0 7 2varswd 19 26 5prism 10
knightman magnetman freezeman
07 27 28 19 6varswd 13 5prism 11(burst hits prism once, pointer +2)
119+7 27 21 15atk 3 2varswd 18prism 10
231+7 8 26 21zapr 29 5prism 2varswd 14
fake Bass(29 3 22atk 18prism 1 19 6varswd)
Fake Bass 1000HP(prism+varswd+atk 170×6=1020)
Gospel(5prism 29 2varswd 12atk 8 22atk 6varswd)
Gospel 2000HP(prism+varswd*2+atk*2 160*6+180*6=2040)

klmz: I think this movie is acceptable in this current status:
  • The audience has given positive feedbacks on the entertainment and technique aspects.
  • The end point of input in this movie is allowed according to the rules, and not repelled by the audience. It is though required that the published encode should make past the last scene featuring Bass after the staff roll.
  • The author is not going to fix a flaw in the path, which caused a time loss (30-60 seconds roughly estimated without precisely testing). The flaw is relatively small to the whole movie length and tolerable.
I am accepting this submission as-is.

DarkKobold: The rules are fairly clear

The movie must be complete

Your movie should begin from the console power-on and end when the last decisive action has been delivered. There are no specific rules for an exact endpoint but it must adhere to the following rules:
  • It must beat the game.
  • It must be able to reach the credits or end screen without the viewer needing to do anything; all input must come solely from the input file (e.g. configuring the emulator to autofire after the end of playback is not allowed). An exception has been made for Rygar.
I'm not sure why Rygar got an exception. However, there is no need for this exception to occur, especially for this movie. Thus, I'm replacing the submission file with the one that completes the game, and leaving klmz's decision intact. All future movies will use the same end-point for comparison.

Dacicus: I'll publish this.

Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [1967] GBA Mega Man Battle Network 2 by mtvf1 in 1:40:14.35
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the normal game list should show all games or at least make it clear there are many more concealed,i almost didn't find this tas!
I want all good TAS inside TASvideos, it's my motto. TAS i'm interested: Megaman series, specially the RPGs! Where is the mmbn1 all chips TAS we deserve? Where is the Command Mission TAS? i'm slowly moving away from TASing fighting games for speed, maybe it's time to start finding some entertainment value in TASing.