Merry Christmas!
  • Emulator used: Snes9x 1.43 v13/v17
  • Aims for ingame time
  • Takes damage to save time
This is a Reverse Boss Order (RBO) TAS of Super Metroid. As the name implies, we aim to kill the four main bosses (excluding Mother Brain, who must be fought last) in reverse order as quickly as possible. This presents a unique challenge; as the varia and gravity suits are guarded by Kraid and Phantoon respectively, all of Norfair and Maridia must be traversed with Samus' standard power suit.

Crateria and Blue Brinstar

The first changes in this run come as early as Blue Brinstar; a really cool CWJ was applied to an opening door in the Morph Ball room, allowing us to keep our speed in the next room. This also gave us some extra falling speed.
We were also able to collect the Blue Brinstar energy tank extremely early with a precise, zero-momentum jump followed by a CWJ. As we were in the room anyway, we also collected the missile tank. We estimate that this saved roughly 1000 frames.
Due to using some missiles in Blue Brinstar, we collected three extra refills on the way to Bombs; one in the OMBR, one in the OTES and one in the Crateria Main Street. They are all easy to access and cost only 1-2 frames.

Green / Pink Brinstar

The extra missile tank makes this area much smoother than before, allowing us to avoid revisiting the early super missile room. We also CWJed from the last gate to reach the missile door much faster than usual.
We skip the Charge Beam until after collecting Power Bombs. It's slightly faster this way and is easily compensated by our surplus of missiles.
After acquiring Power Bombs, we immediately return to collect some necessary items for Norfair. Killing Crocomire and collecting his energy tank later allows us to completely avoid the Etecoon area.


And thus begin the Hellruns. Energy management is pivotal here and you cannot neglect ammo management either. We had 2 things in mind here - Crocomire and Lower Norfair, and preparation had to start very early. We got some energy in our Reserve Tanks given that this was undoubtedly a good time to do so.
Hi-jump comes with some interesting properties: jumping with a speed of n.61440 instead of (n+1),0000 generally gives a higher vertical speed (I say generally because it doesnt always reset, how else would it progress to higher values), this was abused whenever it would save time.
While there is nothing new to the Hellrun, we applied a minor change to the Bubble room, by changing it from a upward CWJ to a normal CWJ. It was not only faster but also much smoother. The Skrees were fairly kind to us. Skrees have a 1% chance to drop Big Energy balls, and getting two of them was very lucky. On the way back we change it up by adding another Skree refill for just a handful of frames, which we actually desperately needed instead of waiting for another pipebug round.
We used a Power Bomb Shield to avoid additional rounds on Crocomire. The CWJ on Crocomire's dying body was just to gain enough distance to make the warp around shot open the door on the far left side of the room. And we also had just enough energy to survive it all (1 more frame spent in a heated room and we would've died).
We used the acid dive after the E-tank plus the refills from Crocomire to optimize the amount of energy we had in our Reserve Tank.
A different approach was used in the lava lake before Lower Norfair to avoid one of the pause screens (avoiding all pause screens was one of our goals while making this run).

Lower Norfair

The lack of Super Missiles forced us to use some different strategies concerning the sanctuary. First of all we used a Power Bomb Shield to refill a Super Missile from a Golden Pirate. This took quite some time to achieve, since framerules and lack of knowledge when it comes to Super Metroid RNG made it hard to determine when the Super Missile would drop. In the end more lag wouldn't cut it; the Super kept dropping on the same ingame frame. We then cut back on the lag as much as possible to get the Super drop on that exact frame. This Super would then save a lot of time on the wallmonster in the sanctuary.
We also used a different strategy in the sanctuary which not only gave us an additional Power Bomb, but also saved a lot of time by not having to land on the spikes again; spiking on the first possible frame allows you to keep your speed when spiking, giving you a lot more distance. With enough speed built up you can reach the platform and still get the last Power Bomb drop.
We needed 22/10/25 for Ridley, and the rooms just prior to Ridley were the perfect place to refill. This is also a good place to show what Grapple can really do. Also note the first application of a Grapple animation cancel; holding the fire button while triggering an animation causes the Grapple to stay extended for the entire animation. Canceling Grapple into an animation also avoids the position reset that occurs when you kill an enemy. This was abused a lot, in Maridia especially, (where animations are much longer) to save single frames.
We used the rooms before Ridley again to refill in preparation for the Maridia CF during Draygon. Power Bombs are fairly rare to get in Maridia, so getting them here is optimal. In the revisit of this room it looks like we miss a refill with the Grapple Beam, while in reality we are getting the refill right under it. While Power Bombs are rare, they weren't worth the delay it took to get this particular refill.
The Kago room used the reverse crumble glitch, with some very careful Dessgeega manipulation which allowed us to avoid damage altogether. The room after that used a very nice mockball which was possible thanks to a zero-momentum jump, which ultimately saved about 9 frames. Also showcasing a very nice momentum spike morphball bombjump to gain a frame; when you first start rolling as a morphball, your momentum increases from 0.49152 to 1.32768, 2.16384, 3.00000, 3.49152 and finally receeding back to a 3.16384. Since momentum and speed is added to the morphball bombjump, catching the morphball bomb when the momentum is at 3.49152 gives the highest speed, and allows us to lay the morphball bomb a frame earlier while still clearing the ledge.
Exiting LN with 10 or less energy to be able to die from one hit by a Waver.


Back in the Bubble Room, not only do we need energy but we also need to get rid of our reserve tank for the Draygon CF. The best solution is to trigger it during the Power Bomb explosion, since the timer for the Power Bomb still counts down during the refill sequence saving some time.


Momentum is gained at 1/12th rate while running underwater, but it instantly maxes out when jumping. This makes optimizing underwater segments a little bit weird.
This is the place where Grapple is ment to save all the time it costs to collect it plus a lot more. Avoiding the wallcrawl with the Pincer in Mount Doom and avoiding the Underwater Walljumps before Botwoon save a ridiculous amount of time.
We managed to avoid the crouch just before the Mocktroid freeze before Botwoon. This required some very good Mocktroid positioning, who thankfally do not act differently due to RNG.
The mocktroid bridge was very tricky. Not only getting the Mocktroids in the right position, but also avoiding to fall in between them while charging the shinespark. We eventually managed to make it all align, which resulted in one of the coolest speedtricks ever. We also managed to save 1-2 frames on the shinespark itself, by unspinning 1 frame before sparking (this gives you a free pixel in vertical position) allowing us to spark a frame earlier.
Draygon was very tricky. We had trouble deciding on a strategy, most revolved around killing him with the grapple - it's undoubtedly the fastest but costs a lot of energy, which we desperately need for both Mother Brain and all the shinesparks in both Wrecked Ship and Red Brinstar before and after Kraid. We eventually went with a strategy which required very little effort and even ended up being faster than the other strategies we had in mind; instead of using Grapple we use an early CF to give us a free shinespark, which we then use to finish off Draygon which in turn gives us a bluesuit. By using the lower right turret to trigger a morph/unmorph Grapple glitch we can exit the room without being grabbed by Draygon, which saves a ton of time.
The bluesuit is used to exit the eyedoor room, since it's impossible to clear the last ledge just where the water meets the air.
The corridor leading to the Wrecked Ship elevator is a perfect place to squeeze in a lot of refills for practically no cost of time. We still need quite a lot of energy for Mother Brain and the shinesparks later on.

Wrecked Ship

We managed to freeze and collide with one of the Choots, not only does it save time, it also gives us a free refill and allows us to avoid the 80 damage you would normally take from the Choot that comes just after that.
Unlike the other bosses, Phantoon is terribly straightforward.
We skipped the shinespark during the Wrecked Ship exit which cost us 11 frames but saved around 140 energy.

Kraid's Lair

Kraid was very clutch. We just barely managed to make the charged shot connect in his first mouth opening. This triggered the improved Kraid fight, but with a little visual inaccuracy: it looks like Kraid's mouth is closed, but in reality it's still open. Shooting his face with a missile finishes him off.
By leaving his room with 10 Super Missile we get 80 energy from Mini-Kraid, another big step in our plan of skipping the Kraid E-tank.


Our plan here is to get atleast 15/10/XX and 740 energy. We were a bit worried but it clearly worked out in our favor.
The Big Metroid skip is very weird. He behaves similarly to Mocktroids (touch his hitbox and he immediately changes his trajectory), but is still subject to RNG. After a ton of work we finally managed to get an excellent skip. Note that it is possible to freeze the Big Metroid with the Grapple, but it delays the fadeout by a very long time, making it worse than useless since the Big Metroid can still move during the fadeout.
Mother Brain looks fairly similar to most other runs. We tried to center the camera as much as possible after the glass phase, since the game still runs during the time it takes for the camera to center on the room.
The escape has always been awkward thanks to difference in luck. With the help of lag and transitional doorlag we changed the steam patterns to our favor.

DarkKobold: Judging.
feos: Encoded HD.

DarkKobold: Derakon's, Tub's and Hero of the Day's posts made this decision much easier. Thank you.
In short, this movie provides a different enough challenge and content from the currently published runs. This movie is much like [1868] SNES Super Mario World "no powerups, maximum exits" by PangaeaPanga in 1:18:23.22, which shows off techniques that can really only be pulled off via TASing. Thus, I am accepting this new category.
As far as obsoleting a movie, I consulted with Hero of the Day. From what he said, the any% in-game (which is currently the most similar run) will be obsoleted by the next any% real-time. Thus, for a more natural and reasonable chain of obsoletion, this movie will not obsolete any other Super Metroid category.
It will, however, obsolete Combatribes. Because seriously, F that movie.
ledauphinbenoit:Processing the new movie file posted in the discussion thread. Someone with privileges should replace the movie file...

Joined: 7/2/2007
Posts: 3960
Well, I enjoyed the run. Thanks for making it! And thanks for the encode, Amaurea.
Pyrel - an open-source rewrite of the Angband roguelike game in Python.
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Indeed, they dip into the reserve thrice in the run, and while all of the instances could have theoretically been avoidable, together they save a lot more time than what is spent on taking the tank, and probably save other inconveniences that could have been incurred (such as ammo shortage and/or the need to spend more time refilling). Having watched the run, I can say this is by far the most incredible Super Metroid run I've seen, and a clear—if not to say the most prominent so far—contender for TAS of the year. The amount of new tricks, or at least applications thereof, is mind-boggling, and all of the complaints normally associated with this type of runs are nonexistent: there are no surplus cutscenes, pause screens, too long boss fights, nothing of that; this run means business all the way through. I salute you guys, this is clearly the best Christmas gift TASVideos has seen, and I'm very glad that after nearly seven years of development and changing authors (man, did it really take so damn long?!), a full RBO run is finally submitted here. Thank you! (I will also make sure to write a worthy movie description once this is published.)
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Pure awesome!
/Walker Boh
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I would like to note that this is the 9th unique submitted category for Super Metroid.
Sage advice from a friend of Jim: So put your tinfoil hat back in the closet, open your eyes to the truth, and realize that the government is in fact causing austismal cancer with it's 9/11 fluoride vaccinations of your water supply.
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DarkKobold wrote:
I would like to note that this is the 9th unique submitted category for Super Metroid.
I'm merely curious: do you find this to have any significance as either a good or bad thing?
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It probably means that we can already tell Alden that there's a new movie to be added to the Gruefood Delight. In the mean time, yes vote.
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Acheron86 wrote:
IIRC, damage on the elevator continues even though it doesn't show until Samus stops moving. So having 04 health when Samus enters the elevator to lower Norfair means she'd be dead as soon as it stops moving. Even at 50+ health, I believe she would die instantly. Getting on the elevator with a sliver of health and using the reserve tank allows Samus to avoid a lot of normally unavoidable damage (as you'd need at least one more e-tank, maybe more, to survive that elevator ride without the reserve tank kicking in).
I was watching Samus's energy, and when the player regains control at the bottom of the elevator after the reserve tank kicked in, she was already around 50 -- so the damage continued to accrue even after she was at "zero" energy. This gels with the usual reserve tank usage, where if you're at e.g. 10 energy and take a hit for 50 damage, then after the reserve tank is used you'll be at 70 energy.
Pyrel - an open-source rewrite of the Angband roguelike game in Python.
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Oh yes! Oh yes! It took a while, but it blew my mind totally. Like everyone else said, you guys made Maridia look so beautiful. I couldn't agree more with Moozooh's praises. This one is the diamond of the year! Thank you very much for this run!
Experienced player (612)
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Woohoo! Yeah yeah! How awesome it is :D:D:D Thanks Taco, Kriole, and Hero of the Day for the very interesting run! This should be another category for Super Metroid :X
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Derakon wrote:
I was watching Samus's energy, and when the player regains control at the bottom of the elevator after the reserve tank kicked in, she was already around 50 -- so the damage continued to accrue even after she was at "zero" energy. This gels with the usual reserve tank usage, where if you're at e.g. 10 energy and take a hit for 50 damage, then after the reserve tank is used you'll be at 70 energy.
This isn't quite accurate, the reason Samus has less energy after the reserve tank kicks in is due to the heat - it keeps draining even when you're gaining energy from the reserve tank (which is the one reason the reserve tank was used outside of heated areas after LN, to gain maximum amount of energy). The only reason the reserve tank is picked up is because... well it's RIGHT THERE. Just a handful of frames out of the way and you have a free e-tank, sort of. Any other alternative is sadly thousands of frames away.
Tub wrote:
Oh, and would anyone mind telling me what happened during the draygon fight?
Rhetorical or not, here it is: 1st round 3 Charged Shots 2nd round get atleast one super refill for the CF (during a CF the speedboost level oscillates wildly, up to 5(??), and when grabbed by Draygon it apparently gives you a free shinespark) 3rd round charge shot + super missile 4th round destroy lower right turret, get him low enough with missiles/super missiles to finish off with a shinespark (just before shinesparking we grapple him since it freezes him in place, allowing us to shinespark much earlier) After the battle we grapple the lower right turret from a fairly high starting position. Swing downwards and just when you're about to hit the edge, retract the grapple beam by pressing up, then let go. This should, for some reason, give you a fairly high vertical speed, which then allows you to abuse the morph/unmorph glitch Gstick found to exit the room. Also we're working on a submission text (not true), we just aren't quite sure where to start and what to include. Any suggestions/requests? And thank you all for the amazing feedback =).
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Kriole wrote:
Also we're working on a submission text (not true), we just aren't quite sure where to start and what to include. Any suggestions/requests?
Start by listing all things that are easy to miss. :P
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Experienced player (612)
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You are truly Masters of this game :D Plenty of clever tricks that I've never seen before! It's a very entertaining and high technical TAS!
Joined: 8/7/2006
Posts: 344
That mochtroid bridge was amazing. Yes vote.
Player (206)
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Nice run that shows a lot of unique tricks, with the mocktroid bridge to charge the pre-Draygon shinespark being one of the highlights. Also an interesting route choice to get the Grapple Beam for quicker Maridia due to the unmorph glitch, which I didn't consider to be that useful at first. All in all a solid and well planned out run. Voting yes. Now that you guys reached a 0:27, which actually was the goal for my RBOv2 after doing various calculations that confirmed it's possibility even though very close, I think I can put that project, that was relatively quickly recorded in late 2008 until the defeat of Ridley and left untouched since then to rest, and share it for those interested. It uses a slightly different route that skips the Grapple Beam, and because of that is 1057 frames ahead of this run after the Ridley fight despite already having Ice Beam collected and not using the early Blue Brinstar E-Tank shortcut: RBOv2 In the end, it seems getting or skipping Grapple might be around same fast, but the former is certainly more entertaining, so collecting it is a good choice after all.
See my perfect 100% movie-walkthroughs of the best RPG games on Current TAS project (with new videos): Super Metroid Redesign, any% speedrun
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I think skipping Grapple makes grabbing Space Jump mandatory, right? Or at least Space Jump without Grapple must be faster than skipping both, just for leaving Maridia after beating Draygon...
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No need of space jump to leave Maridia. But you would have to make Draygon to grab Samus to leave her next to the exit door and finish him from there and use the shinespark aquired by the Cristal Flash to leave the water. The Space Jump is useless in water if you don't have the Gravity Suit because you don't gain height, Samus just keep spacejumping in the same height you started the jump (IIRC).
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My vote is Yes. I like impressive Draygone's fight. Btw, how long can be 100% RBO run?
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Reading parts of the description is almost as impressive as watching the TAS itself. So much clever thinking, meticulous planning and deep understanding of the game has gone into the making of this run. It's undoubtedly one of the finest pieces of work on the site, and probably my favorite run, not just of this game, but of any game.
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Acheron86 wrote:
DarkKobold wrote:
I would like to note that this is the 9th unique submitted category for Super Metroid.
I'm merely curious: do you find this to have any significance as either a good or bad thing?
It is a bad thing, for this movie, as it is difficult to once again accept a 5th category for Super Metroid. Understand, that the decision on this movie is far from being made. Thus far, the argument hasn't really occurred, and the main argument is that "This movie is awesome." However, all Super Metroid Submissions by skilled SM tasers are awesome. In short, if someone could eloquently explain how this movie is substantially different from the other SM content on the site, and is different from the submissions here (final note) and here, I'd be all for publishing it.
Sage advice from a friend of Jim: So put your tinfoil hat back in the closet, open your eyes to the truth, and realize that the government is in fact causing austismal cancer with it's 9/11 fluoride vaccinations of your water supply.
Joined: 7/2/2007
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RBO is certainly a category unique to Super Metroid and basically amounts to a specific type of challenge run. The comparison to the coinless-capless-cannonless run thus has a certain amount of merit. Of course, in Super Metroid part of the point is to collect powerups which change how you navigate the game world; such obviously can't happen in a CCC run as much of the point is to avoid those powerups. There are two major differences in this run as compared to our existing Super Metroid runs: Lower Norfair and Maridia. The rest of the run is basically similar to existing runs (to the point that unfamiliar viewers wouldn't notice differences, though they are there). Navigating Lower Norfair without the Varia suit (protection from heat damage) requires a great deal of health management as well as collection of more health powerups than usual (which in turn means that several rooms prior to Lower Norfair that have health powerups are shown when they usually aren't). The lack of protection against heat damage also nicely creates tension, especially when fighting Ridley (the boss of the region). Meanwhile, Maridia (the underwater section) is underwater which severely constrains Samus's movement capabilities. Of course normally the Gravity suit is acquired which removes these restrictions, so navigating without it makes many rooms much more difficult. Those familiar with the game will recognize that normally even a skilled player would need to take much longer to navigate the same rooms. Draygon, the boss, is also quite difficult to fight without the Gravity suit, and the strategy used is nothing you would see in any other circumstances. Usually you can just speedboost him to death in a TAS. That's my take on it. If you feel that we need to not have a fifth Super Metroid video on the site, I'd suggest replacing one of the less-glitched any% runs (here or here). They're the least well-distinguished from each other of the currently published runs.
Pyrel - an open-source rewrite of the Angband roguelike game in Python.
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This run is different from the others in that by doing a reverse boss order, the player moves through zones that you shouldn't be able to visit so soon due to lack of equipment. In a normal playthrough, that would result in death, but in this TAS incredible health management is done to barely survive those zones just enough time to kill the boss and return to safety. It's also fun that by the time you reach the "first bosses", Samus is so absurdly powered up the game can't handle it very well. Due to the reverse order, the run takes quite a lot of time before the "action" begins, as the first boss the player encounters is the furthest away, but after that point is reached, it becomes quite entertaining. This run has the same purpose than the "swordless zelda run". It would have been an easier choice if this one got 100% of the items, but the "ingame" category is pretty stupid and could be removed in favor of this one, in my opinion.
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Derakon wrote:
If you feel that we need to not have a fifth Super Metroid video on the site, I'd suggest replacing one of the less-glitched any% runs (here or here). They're the least well-distinguished from each other of the currently published runs.
Seconded. I'm not sure if I should bring up this argument here, but if it has some relevance to whether or not this can be published... IMO, it was a mistake to bring back the in game category. As I understand it, the decision to publish an in game category was made largely because, at the time, the difference between the two routes and strategies used was enormous. That's no longer true, at least not to the extent it once was. Here's a list of route differences between the two published any%s (hopefully I didn't forget anything...): - Saturn kills Kraid after Ridley. However, I'm pretty sure we should've done this in the real time any% too. - Saturn collects the Plasma Beam. - Saturn collects the Hi Jump. Saturn has the Plasma Beam for less than six realtime minutes before it's replaced by Hyper, so it makes very little difference overall. That just leaves the Hi Jump.
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DarkKobold wrote:
It is a bad thing, for this movie, as it is difficult to once again accept a 5th category for Super Metroid. Understand, that the decision on this movie is far from being made. Thus far, the argument hasn't really occurred, and the main argument is that "This movie is awesome." However, all Super Metroid Submissions by skilled SM tasers are awesome.
I do hope you see the inherent controversy in these two paragraphs: it's "difficult to accept" an additional movie because everything that goes for it is "being awesome". I dunno, it just seems funny to me that the reason for difficulty is that of all things. We don't want awesome things on the site? Too much awesome is a bad thing? Uhh, what's the logic here? :D But let's try looking at this from the opposite perspective as well: what exactly will be compromised, harmed, or otherwise wronged by accepting this movie without having to remove any content from the site? Thus far, the argument hasn't really occurred, and the main argument is that "Having too many1 categories is a bad thing." The site has progressed so much during the last few years and you are clinging to the worst of the atavisms as if it were something good to begin with. It was an arbitrary rule that has outlived its purpose many years ago. I look forward to the day when we drop the burden of arbitrary constraints that make little sense, if any. Hope this was eloquent enough. 1 — I.e. over four, thank god it's not three anymore!
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Joined: 6/26/2011
Posts: 167
I found this movie very entertaining, especially as I've never seen an SM movie make actual use of the CF before. ...However, what would normally be a Yes vote is negatively affected by my worries over categories. It's hard for me to really think of a reason this movie is unique enough to warrant its own category, just for using a different, 10-minute-slower route than the existing any% run(s). So I will abstain from voting, and join in the recommendations for providing this to Gruefood Delight. (As for the realtime vs gametime any%s, I also see no reason why the two runs should co-exist. But that's not entirely relevant to this particular discussion.)
First a movie gets submitted, and ends up accepted despite breaking rules other runs have been rejected for. And when I vote less than spectacularly on this movie, I become the victim of harassment and threats. Yay, favoritism.
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DarkKobold, can you explain to us all why you feel that the number of categories for any given game needs to be restricted? Personally, I'm of the opinion that if a run gives us something unique as compared to the currently-published runs of the game, it should be published, number of existing branches be damned. Derakon has already done a fine job of explaining what unique things an RBO run brings to the table, so I won't rehash that.
Previous Name: boct1584