Player (137)
Joined: 9/18/2007
Posts: 389
The double damage trick is quite nice. From watching it, I think it is somewhat easy After having destroyed the fleas, instantly hit the queen, as the invincibility will then run out when she goes upwards again. It may turn out quite tricky, because the time window from hitting the last flea to hitting the queen is quite small. This should be included in a new TAS for sure. About the game over skips, well... They are really nice timesavers in a real-time run, but these may severely reduce the entertainment value of the run. And as this game is certainly good enough for the moon tier, I personally would ban the game over skips. Feel free to make up your own decision on that. Besides that, it may pay off to use not only two, but three game over skips. The third one would be quite expensive, as it would requiire you to collect four additional "continue" items, and most of them are quite far away from the usual path, so the difference is likely just a few seconds. I think I'm not up to the task of redoing the run. The TAS itself took about a year to create. And since there is a ten year old bossfight included in the current run, it wouldn't be a good idea to just update the last fight. But you will have a hard time improving my slides, because short term improvements often turn out to become substantially slower in the long run. However, the game is quite hex-edit friendly (even across emulators, this requires adjustments because of loading times), so you may copy those parts where you fail to improve.
Banned User
Joined: 10/29/2014
Posts: 176
Location: Bavaria, Germany
I think I'll help making an updated TAS on lsnes for this then. Some memory addresses of the form 7E...., i.e. starting with 7E, for enemies (1 byte, unsigned):
0426 - 042F contains Plok data        04EE - 04F7 contains 16th enemy data  05B6 - 05BF contains 36th enemy data
0430 - 0439 contains right arm data   04F8 - 0501 contains 17th enemy data  05C0 - 05C9 contains 37th enemy data
043A - 0443 contains left arm data    0502 - 050B contains 18th enemy data  05CA - 05D3 contains 38th enemy data
0444 - 044D contains right leg data   050C - 0515 contains 19th enemy data  05D4 - 05DD contains 39th enemy data
044E - 0457 contains left leg data    0516 - 051F contains 20th enemy data  05DE - 05E7 contains 40th enemy data
0458 - 0461 contains 1st enemy data   0520 - 0529 contains 21th enemy data  05E8 - 05F1 contains 41th enemy data
0462 - 046B contains 2nd enemy data   052A - 0533 contains 22th enemy data  05F2 - 05FB contains 42th enemy data
046C - 0475 contains 3rd enemy data   0534 - 053D contains 23th enemy data  05FC - 0605 contains 43th enemy data
0476 - 047F contains 4th enemy data   053E - 0547 contains 24th enemy data  0606 - 060F contains 44th enemy data
0480 - 0489 contains 5th enemy data   0548 - 0551 contains 25th enemy data  0610 - 0619 contains 45th enemy data
048A - 0493 contains 6th enemy data   0552 - 055B contains 26th enemy data  061A - 0623 contains 46th enemy data
0494 - 049D contains 7th enemy data   055C - 0565 contains 27th enemy data  0624 - 062D contains 47th enemy data
049E - 04A7 contains 8th enemy data   0566 - 056F contains 28th enemy data  062E - 0637 contains 48th enemy data
04A8 - 04B1 contains 9th enemy data   0570 - 0579 contains 29th enemy data  0638 - 0641 contains 49th enemy data
04B2 - 04BB contains 10th enemy data  057A - 0583 contains 30th enemy data  0642 - 064B contains 50th enemy data
04BC - 04C5 contains 11th enemy data  0584 - 058D contains 31th enemy data  064C - 0655 contains 51th enemy data
04C6 - 04CF contains 12th enemy data  058E - 0597 contains 32th enemy data  0656 - 065F contains 52th enemy data
04D0 - 04D9 contains 13th enemy data  0598 - 05A1 contains 33th enemy data  0660 - 0669 contains 53th enemy data
04DA - 04E3 contains 14th enemy data  05A2 - 05AB contains 34th enemy data  
04E4 - 04ED contains 15th enemy data  05AC - 05B5 contains 35th enemy data  
If Z is the address with which a given memory address block for some enemy starts, then Z is the x position (counting from the left rightwards) in pixels, and the address (Z+0x1) checks if the enemy is existing/active on the screen, and the address (Z+0x2) keeps track of its y position (counting from the top downwards) in pixels. And in case of a limb (arm or leg) of Plok, (Z+0x8) functions as countdown timer during the time period when a limb is thrown, and when the countdown reaches 0, the extension of the limb moving away from Plok stops. The pixel positions are absolute and don't depend on the position of the screen, but the values loop whenever one exceeds a 256 by 256 pixels large square in any direction (and there probably is some further addresses somewhere that keep track of the copy-square in which enemies are located). Example: For the memory address block 0598 - 05A1 for the 33th enemy (slot), 0598 is its x position, 0599 checks if the enemy is active, and 059A is its y position. And here is some corresponding lsnes RAM Watches: A watch that covers the x and y positions of the first 20 enemies: A watch that covers the x and y positions of the enemy slots from 21 to 40: A watch that covers the x and y positions of the enemy slots from 41 to 53:
collect, analyse, categorise. "Mathematics - When tool-assisted skills are just not enough" ;) Don't want to be taking up so much space adding to posts, but might be worth mentioning and letting others know for what games 1) already some TAS work has been done (ordered in decreasing amount, relative to a game completion) by me and 2) I am (in decreasing order) planning/considering to TAS them. Those would majorly be SNES games (if not, it will be indicated in the list) I'm focusing on. 1) Spanky's Quest; On the Ball/Cameltry; Musya; Super R-Type; Plok; Sutte Hakkun; The Wizard of Oz; Battletoads Doubledragon; Super Ghouls'n Ghosts; Firepower 2000; Brain Lord; Warios Woods; Super Turrican; The Humans. 2) Secret Command (SEGA); Star Force (NES); Hyperzone; Aladdin; R-Type 3; Power Blade 2 (NES); Super Turrican 2; First Samurai. (last updated: 18.03.2018)
Banned User
Joined: 10/29/2014
Posts: 176
Location: Bavaria, Germany
Here is information about clipping through tiles, some tile map structure information for Plok & files with concrete tile value map outputs of those: Tile data (for behavior and then graphics) comes in pairs of two 1 byte addresses each, always starting with an even address. The following extracted data holds for the Normal difficulty. For the so-called ''child's play'' difficulty it may be different (but I doubt it). The concrete stage tile data layout outputs just cover the initial layouts for each stage, but the tile data can change dynamically in stages while a player is progressing through them. The intermediate vertical intersection lines are there to indicate that the right most block of tile data is not visible and inaccessible (but the level data continues into out of bounds regions to the right before it loops back to the far left in the next lower tile row), and in the boss stages 25, 29, 37, the left intermediate vertical intersection line indicates how far the screen is allowed to be moved rightwards before the respective boss battle ended successfully upon which the screen is allowed to move further rightwards. In the tile data sheet beneath there is only the even 1 byte memory addresses placed but each such even memory address represents the pair consisting of itself and the next larger (odd) memory address, and the position of each even memory address in each block in relation to other memory addresses of that block matches the position of the tile in the given stage of which the properties are determined by its respective pair of memory addresses. Plok stages:
1. Cotton Island Beach:                      11. Akrillic Plok's House:                  21. Akrillic The Penkinos:                  31. Fleapit Road Hogging:
     -----------------------------------         -----------------------------------         -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------
    |7E3412 ... 7E353E|7E3540 ... 7E3610|       |7E30D0 ... 7E311E|7E3120 ... 7E312E|       |7E3140 ... 7E31A4|7E31A6 ... 7E31D6|        |7E3510 ... 7E377E|7E3780 ... 7E378E|
+200|7E3612 ... 7E373E|7E3740 ... 7E3810|    +60|7E3130 ... 7E317E|7E3180 ... 7E318E|    +98|7E31D8 ... 7E323C|7E323E ... 7E326E|    +280|7E3790 ... 7E39FE|7E3A00 ... 7E3A0E|
 ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |     ..| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |     ..| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |     ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |
    |7E7612 ... 7E773E|7E7740 ... 7E7810|       |7E3730 ... 7E377E|7E3780 ... 7E378E|       |7E3C88 ... 7E3CE4|7E3CE6 ... 7E3D1E|        |7EF590 ... 7EF7FE|7EF800 ... 7EF80E|
     -----------------------------------         -----------------------------------         -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------
           (+12C)     (+2)   (+70)      (+2)           (+4E)      (+2)   (+E)       (+2)           (+5C)      (+2)   (+30)      (+2)            (+26E)     (+2)   (+E)       (+2)

2. Cotton Island Bridge:                    12. Legacy Island Mace Cove:                 22. Akrillic Venge Thicket:                  32. Fleapit High Flying:
    -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------
   |7E3202 ... 7E32E6|7E32E8 ... 7E32F8|        |7E32A0 ... 7E33D6|7E33D8 ... 7E33E6|        |7E3A10 ... 7E3C7E|7E3C80 ... 7E3C8E|        |7E3510 ... 7E377E|7E3780 ... 7E378E|
+F8|7E32FA ... 7E33DE|7E33E0 ... 7E33F0|    +148|7E33E8 ... 7E351E|7E3520 ... 7E352E|    +280|7E3C90 ... 7E3EFE|7E3F00 ... 7E3F0E|    +280|7E3790 ... 7E39FE|7E3A00 ... 7E3A0E|
...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |     ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |     ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |     ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |
   |7E57CA ... 7E58AE|7E58B0 ... 7E58C0|        |7E5A58 ... 7E5B8E|7E5B90 ... 7E5B9E|        |7EB990 ... 7EBBFE|7EBC00 ... 7EBC0E|        |7EF590 ... 7EF7FE|7EF800 ... 7EF80E|
    -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------
          (+E4)      (+2)   (+10)      (+2)            (+136)     (+2)   (+E)       (+2)            (+26E)     (+2)   (+E)       (+2)            (+26E)     (+2)   (+E)       (+2)

3. Cotton Island Columns:                    13. Legacy Island Fool's Gap:                23. Akrillic Dreamy Cove:                    33. Fleapit Easy Riding:
     -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------
    |7E3512 ... 7E3610|7E3612 ... 7E3790|        |7E3230 ... 7E332E|7E3330 ... 7E333E|        |7E3630 ... 7E392E|7E3930 ... 7E393E|        |7E3510 ... 7E377E|7E3780 ... 7E378E|
+280|7E3792 ... 7E3890|7E3892 ... 7E3A10|    +110|7E3340 ... 7E343E|7E3440 ... 7E344E|    +310|7E3940 ... 7E3C3E|7E3C40 ... 7E3C4E|    +280|7E3790 ... 7E39FE|7E3A00 ... 7E3A0E|
 ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |     ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |     ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |     ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |
    |7EAA92 ... 7EAB90|7EAB92 ... 7EAD10|        |7E5BA0 ... 7E5C9E|7E5CA0 ... 7E5CAE|        |7EBCF0 ... 7EBFEE|7EBFF0 ... 7EBFFE|        |7EF590 ... 7EF7FE|7EF800 ... 7EF80E|
     -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------
           (+FE)      (+2)   (+17E)     (+2)            (+FE)      (+2)   (+E)       (+2)            (+2FE)     (+2)   (+E)       (+2)            (+26E)     (+2)   (+E)       (+2)

4. Cotton Island Log Falls:                  14. Legacy Island Zig Zag:                   24. Akrillic Creepy Forest:                  34. Fleapit In A Spin:
     -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------
    |7E324A ... 7E3352|7E3354 ... 7E3364|        |7E3230 ... 7E332E|7E3330 ... 7E333E|        |7E35F0 ... 7E3756|7E3758 ... 7E3766|        |7E3510 ... 7E377E|7E3780 ... 7E378E|
+11C|7E3366 ... 7E346E|7E3470 ... 7E3480|    +110|7E3340 ... 7E343E|7E3440 ... 7E344E|    +178|7E3768 ... 7E38CE|7E38D0 ... 7E38DE|    +280|7E3790 ... 7E39FE|7E3A00 ... 7E3A0E|
 ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |     ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |     ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |     ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |
    |7E5FC6 ... 7E60CE|7E60D0 ... 7E60E0|        |7E7520 ... 7E761E|7E7620 ... 7E762E|        |7EA2A0 ... 7EA406|7EA408 ... 7EA416|        |7EF590 ... 7EF7FE|7EF800 ... 7EF80E|
     -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------
           (+108)     (+2)   (+10)      (+2)            (+FE)      (+2)   (+E)       (+2)            (+166)     (+2)   (+E)       (+2)            (+26E)     (+2)   (+E)       (+2)

5. Cotton Island Rickety Bridge:             15. Legacy Island Sponge Rocks:              25. Akrillic Womack Spider:                                   35. Fleapit Real Rumblings:
     -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------         -----------------------------------------------------          -----------------------------------
    |7E33A0 ... 7E34AA|7E34AC ... 7E3566|        |7E3330 ... 7E34AE|7E34B0 ... 7E34BE|       |7E3172 ... 7E31CE|7E31D0 ... 7E320E|7E3210 ... 7E3220|        |7E3510 ... 7E368A|7E368C ... 7E378E|
+1C8|7E3568 ... 7E3672|7E3674 ... 7E372E|    +190|7E34C0 ... 7E363E|7E3640 ... 7E364E|    +B0|7E3222 ... 7E327E|7E3280 ... 7E32BE|7E32C0 ... 7E32D0|    +280|7E3790 ... 7E390A|7E390C ... 7E3A0E|
 ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |     ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |     ..| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |     ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |
    |7E7918 ... 7E7A22|7E7A24 ... 7E7ADE|        |7E69E0 ... 7E6B5E|7E6B60 ... 7E6B6E|       |7E3FE2 ... 7E403E|7E4040 ... 7E407E|7E4080 ... 7E4090|        |7EF678 ... 7EF7F2|7EF7F4 ... 7EF8F6|
     -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------         -----------------------------------------------------          -----------------------------------
           (+10A)     (+2)   (+BA)      (+2)            (+17E)     (+2)   (+E)       (+2)           (+5C)      (+2)   (+3E)      (+2)   (+10)      (+2)            (+17A)     (+2)   (+102)     (+2)

6. Cotton Island Crazy Cradles:              16. Legacy Island Swifty Peaks:              26. Akrillic Creepy Crag:                   36. Fleapit Silent Running:
     -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------         -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------
    |7E3298 ... 7E33CA|7E33CC ... 7E33DA|        |7E3350 ... 7E34DE|7E34E0 ... 7E34EE|       |7E31B0 ... 7E326E|7E3270 ... 7E327E|        |7E3510 ... 7E377E|7E3780 ... 7E378E|
+144|7E33DC ... 7E350E|7E3510 ... 7E351E|    +1A0|7E34F0 ... 7E367E|7E3680 ... 7E368E|    +D0|7E3280 ... 7E333E|7E3340 ... 7E334E|    +280|7E3790 ... 7E39FE|7E3A00 ... 7E3A0E|
 ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |     ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |     ..| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |     ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |
    |7E7834 ... 7E7966|7E7968 ... 7E7976|        |7E65B0 ... 7E673E|7E6740 ... 7E674E|       |7EEFD0 ... 7EF08E|7EF090 ... 7EF09E|        |7EF590 ... 7EF7FE|7EF800 ... 7EF80E|
     -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------         -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------
           (+132)     (+2)   (+E)       (+2)            (+18E)     (+2)   (+E)       (+2)           (+BE)      (+2)   (+E)       (+2)            (+26E)     (+2)   (+E)       (+2)

7. Cotton Island Blind Leap:                 17. Legacy Island Log Trail:                 27. Akrillic Gohome Cavern:                  37. Fleapit The Flea Queen:
     -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------         -----------------------------------------------------
    |7E3448 ... 7E3652|7E3654 ... 7E3662|        |7E3310 ... 7E347E|7E3480 ... 7E348E|        |7E35D0 ... 7E389E|7E38A0 ... 7E66AE|       |7E3172 ... 7E31CE|7E31D0 ... 7E320E|7E3210 ... 7E3220|
+21C|7E3664 ... 7E386E|7E3870 ... 7E387E|    +180|7E3490 ... 7E35FE|7E3600 ... 7E360E|    +2E0|7E66B0 ... 7E3B7E|7E3B80 ... 7E698E|    +B0|7E3222 ... 7E327E|7E3280 ... 7E32BE|7E32C0 ... 7E32D0|
 ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |     ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |     ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |     ..| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... | ...   ...  ...  |
    |7ECA0C ... 7ECC16|7ECC18 ... 7ECC26|        |7EA990 ... 7EAAFE|7EAB00 ... 7EAB0E|        |7EF0B0 ... 7EF37E|7EF380 ... 7EF38E|       |7E3FE2 ... 7E403E|7E4040 ... 7E407E|7E4080 ... 7E4090|
     -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------         -----------------------------------------------------
           (+20A)     (+2)   (+E)       (+2)            (+16E)     (+2)   (+E)       (+2)            (+2CE)     (+2)   (+E)       (+2)           (+5C)      (+2)   (+3E)      (+2)   (+10)      (+2)

8. Cotton Island Bobbins Bros:              18. Legacy Island Crouch Hill:               28. Akrillic Crashing Rocks:
    -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------
   |7E3172 ... 7E31EE|7E31F0 ... 7E3220|        |7E33D0 ... 7E359E|7E35A0 ... 7E35AE|        |7E3808 ... 7E3BF2|7E3BF4 ... 7E3C02|
+B0|7E3222 ... 7E329E|7E32A0 ... 7E32D0|    +1E0|7E35B0 ... 7E377E|7E3780 ... 7E378E|    +3FC|7E3C04 ... 7E3FEE|7E3FF0 ... 7E3FFE|
 ..| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |     ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |     ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |
   |7E3FE2 ... 7E405E|7E4060 ... 7E4090|        |7EBCB0 ... 7EBE7E|7EBE80 ... 7EBE8E|        |7E93AC ... 7E9796|7E9798 ... 7E97A6|
    -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------
          (+7C)      (+2)   (+30)      (+2)            (+1CE)     (+2)   (+E)       (+2)            (+3EA)     (+2)   (+E)       (+2)

9. Akrillic Garlen Beach:                    19. Legacy Island Bobbins Bros:             29. Akrillic Rockyfella:
     -----------------------------------         -----------------------------------         -----------------------------------------------------
    |7E3370 ... 7E350E|7E3510 ... 7E351E|       |7E3172 ... 7E31EE|7E31F0 ... 7E3220|       |7E3172 ... 7E31BA|7E31BC ... 7E320A|7E320C ... 7E3220|
+1B0|7E3520 ... 7E36BE|7E36C0 ... 7E36CE|    +B0|7E3222 ... 7E329E|7E32A0 ... 7E32D0|    +B0|7E3222 ... 7E326A|7E326C ... 7E32BA|7E32BC ... 7E32D0|
 ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |     ..| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |     ..| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... | ...   ...  ...  |
    |7EA2D0 ... 7EA46E|7EA470 ... 7EA47E|       |7E3FE2 ... 7E405E|7E4060 ... 7E4090|       |7E3FE2 ... 7E402A|7E402C ... 7E407A|7E407C ... 7E4090|
     -----------------------------------         -----------------------------------         -----------------------------------------------------
           (+19E)     (+2)   (+E)       (+2)           (+7C)      (+2)   (+30)      (+2)           (+48)      (+2)   (+4E)      (+2)   (+14)      (+2)

10. Akrillic Sleepy Dale:                    20. Akrillic Plok Town:                      30. Fleapit Cycling Clever:
     -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------
    |7E32D0 ... 7E341E|7E3420 ... 7E342E|        |7E3450 ... 7E35CE|7E35D0 ... 7E366E|        |7E3510 ... 7E377C|7E377E ... 7E378E|
+160|7E3430 ... 7E357E|7E3580 ... 7E358E|    +220|7E3670 ... 7E37EE|7E37F0 ... 7E388E|    +280|7E3790 ... 7E39FC|7E39FE ... 7E3A0E|
 ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |     ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |     ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |
    |7EA7B0 ... 7EA8FE|7EA900 ... 7EA90E|        |7ED7F0 ... 7ED96E|7ED970 ... 7EDA0E|        |7EF590 ... 7EF7FC|7EF7FE ... 7EF80E|
     -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------
           (+14E)     (+2)   (+E)       (+2)            (+17E)     (+2)   (+9E)      (+2)            (+26C)     (+2)   (+10)      (+2)


1.5 Cotton Island Beach Warp Race:           3.5 Cotton Island Columns Warp Race:         4.5 Cotton Island Log Falls Shell Game:      5.5 Cotton Island Rickety Bridge Warp Race:
     -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------
    |7E3750 ... 7E37FA|7E37FC ... 7E394E|        |7EAD10 ... 7EAF7A|7EAF7C ... 7EAF8E|        |7E8462 ... 7E8480|7E8482 ... 7E857C|        |7E3678 ... 7E371E|7E3720 ... 7E383E|
+200|7E3950 ... 7E39FA|7E39FC ... 7E3B4E|    +280|7EAF90 ... 7EB1FA|7EB1FC ... 7EB20E|    +11C|7E857E ... 7E859C|7E859E ... 7E8698|    +1C8|7E3840 ... 7E38E6|7E38E8 ... 7E3A06|
 ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |     ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |     ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |     ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |
    |7EC150 ... 7EC1FA|7EC1FC ... 7EC34E|        |7EDF10 ... 7EE17A|7EE17C ... 7EE18E|        |7E9976 ... 7E9994|7E9996 ... 7E9A90|        |7EC330 ... 7EC3D6|7EC3D8 ... 7EC4F6|
     -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------
           (+AA)      (+2)   (+152)     (+2)            (+26A)     (+2)   (+12)      (+2)            (+1E)      (+2)   (+FA)      (+2)            (+A6)      (+2)   (+11E)     (+2)

7.5 Cotton Island Blind Leap Warp Race:      9.5 Akrillic Garlen Beach Shell Game:        15.5 Legacy Island Sponge Rocks Shell Game:  20.5 Akrillic Plok Town Tower Room:
     -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------
    |7ECC28 ... 7ECE32|7ECE34 ... 7ECE42|        |7EB052 ... 7EB070|7EB072 ... 7EB200|        |7EA6D2 ... 7EA6F0|7EA6F2 ... 7EA860|        |7E3EB0 ... 7E3EDE|7E3EE0 ... 7E40CE|
+21C|7ECE44 ... 7ED04E|7ED050 ... 7ED05E|    +1B0|7EB202 ... 7EB220|7EB222 ... 7EB3B0|    +190|7EA862 ... 7EA880|7EA882 ... 7EA9F0|    +220|7E40D0 ... 7E40FE|7E4100 ... 7E42EE|
 ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |     ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |     ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |     ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |
    |7EF874 ... 7EFA7E|7EFA80 ... 7EFA8E|        |7ED062 ... 7ED080|7ED082 ... 7ED210|        |7EC482 ... 7EC4A0|7EC4A2 ... 7EC610|        |7EB5B0 ... 7EB5DE|7EB5E0 ... 7EB7CE|
     -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------
           (+20A)     (+2)   (+E)       (+2)            (+1E)      (+2)   (+18E)     (+2)            (+1E)      (+2)   (+16E)     (+2)            (+2E)      (+2)   (+1EE)     (+2)

22.5 Akrillic Venge Thicket Shell Game:      23.5 Akrillic Dreamy Cove Warp Race:         28.5 Akrillic Crashing Rocks Warp Race:
     -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------
    |7EBE92 ... 7EBEB0|7EBEB2 ... 7EC110|        |7EC312 ... 7EC60E|7EC610 ... 7EC620|        |7E97A8 ... 7E9B8A|7E9B8C ... 7E9BA2|
+280|7EC112 ... 7EC130|7EC132 ... 7EC390|    +310|7EC622 ... 7EC91E|7EC920 ... 7EC930|    +3FC|7E9BA4 ... 7E9F86|7E9F88 ... 7E9F9E|
 ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |     ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |     ...| ...   ...  ...  | ...   ...   ... |
    |7EEE12 ... 7EEE30|7EEE32 ... 7EF090|        |7EF722 ... 7EFA1E|7EFA20 ... 7EFA30|        |7EEB54 ... 7EEF36|7EEF38 ... 7EEF4E|
     -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------
           (+1E)      (+2)   (+25E)     (+2)            (+2FC)     (+2)   (+10)      (+2)            (+3E2)     (+2)   (+16)      (+2)
One part of the idea behind this is to use this information to determine which type of diagonal slope tile (in terms of tile data values) it is for which I found a small variation of jumps that allow to clip through it on the way down when Down is held appropriately to accelerate Plok's jump downwards (and the same for other block types which may exist that one might be able to clip through, possibly using different jumps adapted to them or other means entirely). Then in the next step it can be used to find the locations of these specific kinds of diagonal slope tiles and test out clipping through them, preferably at places that may allow to get somewhere that one isn't meant to be able to get to, and in particular to clip to lower portions of stages to see if ''garbage data'' in the form of tiles is located there, such as in the case of the 2nd stage, Cotton Island Bridge: Then the next step would be to look out for blocks there that can crash the game if one interacts with them (and possibly manipulating which blocks may be possible to be placed in such areas by the game), and to then see if ACE might be an option, and in the case this could be confirmed, there may be the outlook towards a corresponding ACE TAS, but these further aspects are just speculations so far. - - - Two simplified versions of working spinjumps that I found that allow to clip a block in stage 2, Cotton Island Bridge: Frame 1: A (while facing right at correct x and y pixel position w.r.t. the clipped slope as in the image above) Frames 42 to (52 or) 53: v (both options work, but frame 51 doesn't work anymore) Frames 58 to 64: <v Alternate starting position and clip jump: Frame 1: A (while facing left at correct x and y pixel position w.r.t. the clipped slope as in the image above) Frames 30 to 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, or 54: v Frames 55: < (or <v, for any of the above cases) In this 2nd case, starting to hold down at 31 doesn't work anymore. Remark: Unpausing in this game allows to press Start to unpause the game, repress and hold Start again (within the animation time before the gameplay continues after the unpause finished) together with whatever further buttons one wants to hold, and the game will that way run the gameplay for 1 frame with the buttons that were held, and then pauses the game again, which sort of allows to easily execute even as unassisted player any conceivable input sequence for gameplay frames due to this input buffer enabling behavior (although e.g. random events or processes may still be rather uncontrollable that way).
collect, analyse, categorise. "Mathematics - When tool-assisted skills are just not enough" ;) Don't want to be taking up so much space adding to posts, but might be worth mentioning and letting others know for what games 1) already some TAS work has been done (ordered in decreasing amount, relative to a game completion) by me and 2) I am (in decreasing order) planning/considering to TAS them. Those would majorly be SNES games (if not, it will be indicated in the list) I'm focusing on. 1) Spanky's Quest; On the Ball/Cameltry; Musya; Super R-Type; Plok; Sutte Hakkun; The Wizard of Oz; Battletoads Doubledragon; Super Ghouls'n Ghosts; Firepower 2000; Brain Lord; Warios Woods; Super Turrican; The Humans. 2) Secret Command (SEGA); Star Force (NES); Hyperzone; Aladdin; R-Type 3; Power Blade 2 (NES); Super Turrican 2; First Samurai. (last updated: 18.03.2018)
Site Admin, Skilled player (1548)
Joined: 3/20/2014
Posts: 1764
Location: Dumpster
Trying improvement, so far saved 25 frames of gameplay: User movie #67520173636646202 Link to video EDIT: already saved 7 frames on the last level in this upload lol
[16:36:31] <Mothrayas> I have to say this argument about robot drug usage is a lot more fun than whatever else we have been doing in the past two+ hours
[16:08:10] <BenLubar> a TAS is just the limit of a segmented speedrun as the segment length approaches zero
Site Admin, Skilled player (1548)
Joined: 3/20/2014
Posts: 1764
Location: Dumpster
I'm working on an all levels tas with fsvgm777, our last wip to be uploaded to youtube is here: Link to video In the first level with fleas I had a flea egg instantly hatch and it's not related to the timer that automatically hatches all eggs in the stage: Here is a userfile containing this: User movie #68720084349038205 EDIT: Appears to be connected to 0x000974 in wram. EDIT2: Figured it out. It relates to the global egg timer. When an egg comes within range it gets assigned an address and that address takes the value of the global egg timer. Each frame the value counts down by 1. If you hit the egg, it goes down by 1000 (plus 1 per frame). If you hit the egg at 1001, it immediately hatches as the value hits 0 the next frame. While the address is at 1000 through 91, if you hit it will be set to 90. If it is below 90, any additional hits do nothing to the counter.
[16:36:31] <Mothrayas> I have to say this argument about robot drug usage is a lot more fun than whatever else we have been doing in the past two+ hours
[16:08:10] <BenLubar> a TAS is just the limit of a segmented speedrun as the segment length approaches zero