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Well I've done a lot of intresting stuff with this glitch- At the far right column in brinstar I've gone down into the elevator room that leads to norfair. The best I could do was get stuck in wall with one unit of cieling preventing me from droping out to the right, or jump out into the area below the elevator. I've gone to un chartered areas in Riddley's lair and then come back into the real riddley's lair in another spot. Unfortunetly it was just a very slow way to get from one place to another. I've gone down from the top left column in Norfair into the the column two screens below. Also at this same spot I've gone down one screen exactly, then was able to move to the right into the secret tunnel under the screw attack power up and get into the screw attack room all while the visible screen was scrolled one screen to the left of the area I was getting colision detection with. I could could shoot the red door open and go through it, which seemed to bring me into the next room correctly, the screen continued to scroll right but always stayed behind one screen to the left. I could shoot the screw attack ball open, but I never managed to pick it up, I knew I shot it open because when I went throught the red door and the screen scrolled I could see it screw attack item or if I hadn't shot it, the red ball. I never managed to get through the row which leads to the screw attack safely. I'm not sure what would happen if I went through another door or did some door glitching again. If you go to the left most column in Kraid's lair, then fall all the way down, there's the two small rooms to the right, in the second room there's a little passage you can bomb through to go into the room below. I've glitched down there, scrolled screen about half way down and gone through the blue door (without seeing samus) down there and had it take me to place with the fake Kraid where I could see samaus again. But perhapes more intresting is if the screen was scrolled any higher when I went through the blue door the screen insteading of scrolling down to the row with the fake kraid would scroll up and into the row above with the missile carrier I could move through some unknown area wihtout seeing samus yet the screen would scroll right, then I could shoot open a blue door and go through and it would take me one row higher where I could see samus again.
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moozooh wrote:
Spider-Waffle wrote:
It's hard to say where samus is when you can't see her.
You can monitor her X/Y coordinates in the game's RAM.
X/Y coordinates would be nice, but you also don't know what part of what room she is interacting with, and often strange rooms just get made up by the game. So sometimes your interacting with a room you have no idea what it looks like. How do you monitor the X/Y coordinates, is there a plugin that could let you see them while you play?
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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I knew about the Brinstar -> Norfair thing, but unfortunately it's impossible to go up and get the ice beam right after getting the missiles. That would be really nice. You can't do it since the wall in the elevator room is only 1 brick thick. I was trying memory watches one time, and Samus's position and page number are very easy to find. I can't tell you what they are off the top of my head though.
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I managed to get that tourian in wall trick to work, requires 3 metroids you have to freeze them almost pixel perfect. Unfortunely the column does not scroll down further. I did climb to the top though. This is the first use of enemies to get into a wall, add that to the trick list.
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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If you can get to Kraid without the Missiles in a relatively fast manner, that trick should be used in the Any % run. It's very possible to kill Kraid without the ice beam, and it would save time running to get the missile pack next to the Norfair elevator at the beginning of the game. After Kraid, you can just get the Ice beam before going to Tourian.
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Like I said it's good for non-up+A. With up+A though I don't know if it's faster. After getting the ice beam it's faster to up+A then go to tourian. So basically your comparing the time taken to drop down the gold column, get missiles and come back vs the time lost from doing the slower route to Kraid. It really is a lot slower; you have to do three aditional door glitches, as well as lots of downard screen scrolling which is much slower than climbing the wall. I'm pretty sure it's slower.
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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That's why it would be ideal to get the Wrong Way Door trick to work to bypass the missile hatch instead of having to door glitch down to Kraid.
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What is the wrong-way-door-glitch? missile hatch, what are you talking about?
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Spider-Waffle wrote:
missile hatch, what are you talking about?
Lol. Stop talking to missile hatches!
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Here are a few oddity demos that use the game genie codes. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/4172/KraidShortcut.fcm - Wrong way door glitch to Kraid http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/4173/toobad.fcm - Ice beam shortcut from Norfair elevator - too bad it's impossible to door glitch here. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/4174/hatchcreate.fcm - The interesting but utterly useless Door Creation glitch.
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Are those using a save state? They don't play back from the beginning correctly. Just what is this other way to kraid you are proposing?
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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You have to use the game genie codes specified on the description page for them to work. they are SSAEAI, EEXTTY, KAPGEI. They allow samus to bypass some collision detection.
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I get an error when I try to start with game genie on. Can you explain what happens in the Wrong-Way-Door-Glitch? Or how you plan to get to Kraid?
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w i think i performed that "wrong way door glitch" when using the game genie codes down in tourian on the door at the bottom of the second vertical shaft which is what led me to ask you if it was possible to glitch smaus into missle doors...but then again i'm not totally sure. Edit: also I'm not sure if what i did would be benneficial to a TAS either so i figure I'd leave it to the experts Edit 2: After watchin CtrlAltDestroys videos i'm not entirely sure i performed the glitch because the screen scrolled the right way but i ended up hidden from view on the other side of the screen and it took a lil bit of time for Samus to get back into the frame. On the other hand i performed it pretty much the same way by morphing into a ball and dropping into the door
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I think the Config -> Game Genie button only emulates the Game Genie subsystem but doesn't let you add codes. You can add codes by going to NES -> Cheats, type the cheat into the "Name" box and then hit "Add game genie code" You can double click them on the list to enable or disable them. The wrong way door glitch works like this: When you enter a door, the "cutscene" will move you to the left or right a certain number of pixels. If you were, somehow, to enter the door farther into the door (past the normal entry point), Samus will still be moved the same number of pixels, but it will move you too far and cause you to wrap around to the other side of the screen. Being on the other side of the screen, the game will transition you to the room in the opposite direction than the door you entered. This only seems to work in vertically scrolling rooms where there are doors opposite of each other. It can't work without codes unless you're somehow able to get a horizontal boost farther into the wall while door glitching. If that were possible, this trick would be very easy to do. To get to Kraid with this trick, just bypass the red doors by using the wrong way glitch on the blue doors opposite of them.
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oh I understand now, well that might be possible. I discovered you can warp 2 units up at a time when in walls by pressing up and jump at the same time after you roll into a ball. This is how the warp through floor glitch works since you are able to pass through two units. You could get stuck in a wall using only 2 enemies this way.
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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well then what i did was similar but not totally the same because samus ended up in the wrong place there just wasn't a room on the other scide to scroll the other way
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I've found a way to do the WWDG without cheats, but it's very limited. You have to glitch to the horizontal column with one door on one side. Then you can go to the other side of the screen and jump into the edge of the screen from below. It will move you through the door on the other side. I did this in Kraid's Lair- Fall all the way down the first column and go left untill you reach the next column, then you can glitch down into the row below. I was then able to pass through the red door on the left this way. However things were kinda messed up when I did this. The room behind that red door is supposed scroll down, but when I tried to glitch down it wouldn't work and there was lava in the blocks at the bottom of the screen, it wasn't acting like the normal level.
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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Could you possibly record a movie of that?
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How do you make movies and where do the files go when you make them? That thing in Kraid's lair is frustrating because if would just let you pass to the right like it does in every other place like it then you could get the missles and proceed to kraid faster, or up+A and go to kraid the normal which I think would be faster for an up+A route too. When you go from a verticle column to a row and there's a blue door on just one side you can pass through the other side and it will act like a door and the screen will scroll the correct way and the level will be normal. Going through the blue door will make everything act like a row, even when you go to a column. The only place where I've found the screen will always scroll towrds the door in this place in Kraid's lair, this door happens to be red but I don't see why that should decide which way the screen scrolls. I'm trying to figure why this place is different from the others.
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Spider-Waffle wrote:
How do you make movies and where do the files go when you make them?
File --> Record Movie, then click on the "..." and specify a name for the movie file as well as the folder in which you want it in.
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here is a video I made that goes from the main vertical room in kraid's lair, all the way into kraid's room itself without the use of any missiles. The catch is that the room data for kraid's room is wrong, so the game thinks samus is in a different room. I am confident that it is possible with enough effort though. Played in real time, forgive the sloppy play.
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Wow, so the WWDG is actually possible! You door glitched down, changed your position, then glitched back up. That's awesome. I want to experiment with this.
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I hope you have better luck getting into kraid's room than I did. Someone said in this thread earlier that it was possible to get into kraid's room by having the bug push samus in. I don't know if this is true or not. If it were possible, 45+ seconds can be cut from the current any% run.
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Check it out, it works. Forgive my sloppy playing as well. Edit: This begs the question, who wants to work on this TAS? I know I don't, I'm really bad at random, laggy platformers.
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