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Post subject: Re: A better link for the records
Joined: 1/31/2005
Posts: 95
samurai goroh wrote:
Here's a page that has a score for each of the planets, it might help you out: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Stadium/3316/StarFox64.html
When you get 316 kills on Corneria, you let me know. My record is 195 on expert. Granted, I did miss a few, but as the ship locations are predetermined and there's a set amount of them, you can't make me believe I missed 100+ (you can't even make me believe 250, the lowest score in the chart) without a vid. The most I could possibly believe is 220, and that's if I somehow got a huge amount of extra charge shot +1s I missed earlier and a few extra ships... :/ I could say the same about the venom scores, seeing as the absolute max in the area-6 entry version of the planet is 227 and I highly doubt boise-entry could even approach that... but I never played boise-entry more than once or twice, so I'll spare them an outright denial. I don't mean to insult you if it comes out like that, s goroh, but I don't believe one score on those charts you linked to. Of course, if I'm missing some weird technique for boosting your scores extremely high, correct me immediately. >_>
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If a charged shot hits two Star Wolf ships you'll get a hit+1 bonus. Maybe it works on Andross's eyes as well?
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Don't star wolf ships barrel roll constantly and outlast the charge shot? Well, regardless, I was premature in declaring 227 to be venom's absolute max, I guess. Still, where'd the 309 on that page come from? -_-
Editor, Player (55)
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Maur wrote:
Don't star wolf ships barrel roll constantly and outlast the charge shot? Well, regardless, I was premature in declaring 227 to be venom's absolute max, I guess. Still, where'd the 309 on that page come from? -_-
I think you could get that amount if you play from Bolse & not from Area 6...
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I don't remember Boise-entry getting anywhere near that high. But I always preferred area 6, so I'm in no real position to speak. I'll stop my crusade, as it's getting pointless. But if anyone has vids out there, please enlighten me. >_>
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Yeah. It's possible to get over 227 going into Venom from Bolse if you're really good, but I always considered Venom to consist of two parts: the normal way in, and the 'back door' that it's so famous for in the first game. Lovingly so, this was one of my favorite games: amongst others, I played this game alot (and I still do on Nemu). And, yes, from a certain distance, it's nearly impossible to nail a Star Wolf ship with a charged blast (especially when they have their ship upgrades). However, it gets much easier as the distance between the ships (Fox's and any other member of Star Wolf) decreases. Even so, if I remember correctly, Star Wolf's AI tends to do 'passes' over and under one another to get bogeys off their backs, even though you never see this happen while pursuing one of the ships, but sometime it might happen (hitting two ships with one charged blast) as a fluke. I never had much trouble taking on Star Wolf. It gets REALLY hard if you're down to one laser, but if you're good at the game, that's not a hard prospect, especially on Fortuna (the snowy level). I figure if someone were to do a speed-run, then they'd definetely have to avoid Aquas, maybe Katina (getting through Fortuna is alot easier), use the warp in Sector X to warp right to Area 6 (or was it Sector Z?) and just run into Venom's backdoor (thereby by-passing all that crap before-hand in the Venom level you get by going through Bolse) and get straight to Andross. With hyper lasers, Star Wolf would be rediculously easy to defeat with both instances, in some instances, taking seconds between the two. Not to mention, during the cut-scene where they fly in, it's possible to hit the Start button, cut the scene short (ha!), turn and take potshots at them before they even register on the map. With practice, you can pre-maturely take down one of Star Wolf before they even cause any trouble. Anyways, that's just me rambling on. I haven't played the game since the last time I went to the game shop at the Fleamarket. Bill was looking for Dreamcast imports, and I was sitting there showing off for the crowd of Geeks swarming the place for rare games. :D
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I think a speed-run of this game would be pretty pointless... but again, a high scoring game on the other hand would look amazing.
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*slaps Maur with Expert Mode* There are tons more ships in that.
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Figures, the one stage I haven't played on expert is boise-entry venom. -_- Are there really that many ships there?
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I just dug up my N64 and played through this game again. It is still just as awesome as it ever was. Anyway here is my crappy best score (not sure if it was done in normal or expert mode):
(obsolete, see updated score below)
This score is REALLY crappy because when I played through just now (normal mode), I got 1303, just 181 lower than my best, and I haven't played the game in about 7 years or something. I'm going to play a few more times and get a better score. This game ROCKS! Yeah, and I would REALLY like to see a video of this game. It really sucks that the N64 controller is so bad. Edit: I just improved my top score, it is now 1612. Yeah, baby!
CO  ME  KA  SX  MA  A6  VE 
167 294 180 195 175 374 227
Total: 1612
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Blublu wrote:
Edit: I just improved my top score, it is now 1612. Yeah, baby!
CO  ME  KA  SX  MA  A6  VE 
167 294 180 195 175 374 227
Total: 1612
Is that your best record? If so, how long have you been playing this game? I remember that when a friend of my brother lend us this game I could managed to get +1700 points within a month... I'll look for the exact score & which planets I went... BTW, there was a contest on a famous magazine from where I am, & the best record was something like 2100+, I would really enjoy seeing a vid of this game :)
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samurai goroh wrote:
how long have you been playing this game?
That was my fifth or so playthrough after a 7 year break. And I took the first try in each level. And I played on normal mode..
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This is unrelated to anything, but may be useful for someone who decides to make a vid of this game. If you restart a level, your bomb count is reset to 3. Meaning, you can use all your bombs and magically gain 3 somehow. :P Is anyone else thinking katina -> sector x and sector x -> macbeth (if you can even use bombs there, i normally warp to sector z, i find that stage far cooler even if you can't get many hits)?
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But doesn't that remove your hyper lasers? Or if not, does it use an extra life which I think adds extra points at the end of the game?
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Hi there, a friend of me was a good SF64 player some years back. I asked him to do a SF64 run, he got a score of 2252. Well.. he said he has played like crap, but I was really amazed..maybe you too? He has played the game the first time after about 2 years and he wants to improve his score in some weeks and record it again. If you're interested in his first playthrough, check this video =): http://www.superplayers.de/others/dimi/lw_playthrough_dimi_2252.avi Have fun!
.:| www.superplayers.de |:.
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The link doesn't work ...
http://www.superplayers.de/others/dimi/lw_playthrough_dimi_2252.avi wrote:
Not Found The requested URL /others/dimi/lw_playthrough_dimi_2252.avi was not found on this server. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apache/2.0.52 (Debian GNU/Linux) mod_perl/1.99_14 Perl/v5.8.4 DAV/2 SVN/1.0.5 mod_jk2/2.0.4 PHP/4.3.4 Server at www.superplayers.de Port 80
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http://www.superplayers.de/others/dimi/ file should be "dimi/LylatWars_Playthrough_2252Hits_DimitrijJarowoj.avi"
hello world !
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Wow, I can't wait for his improved video!! Please let us know when you've got that up!! Thank you for making and hosting that vid!
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Awesome stuff. Are there any differences in going from NTSC to PAL(I assume it's PAL)? For instance, I notice his charged bullets graze units without actually killing them, or he targets groups of already dead ships. I don't have my N64 with me, does this occur in the NTSC version as well?
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I've uploaded some more videos of the current SF64 champion Dimitrij Jarowoj and 2 videos of Winfried Merdes. ATTN: The players/videos are aiming for the best score and NOT fastest time. You could find them all here: http://www.superplayers.de/other/dimi/ Playthrough - 2345 Hits (305-478-230-315-269-511-237) (by Dimi) Sector Y - 305 Hits (by Dimi) Fortuna - 93 Hits (by Dimi) Katina - 264 Hits (by DarkPlayer) Aquas - 218 Hits (by Dimi) Solar - 180 Hits (by Dimi) Zoness - 406 Hits (by Dimi) Titania - 299 Hits (by Dimi) Macbeth - 306 Hits (by DarkPlayer) Sector Z - 118 Hits (by Dimi) Venom - 303 Hits (by Dimi) Training Mode - 101 Hits (by Dimi) Have fun :) !
.:| www.superplayers.de |:.
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Yeah, everything I've said has just been proven wrong. Feel free to ignore me now. -_-
Post subject: star fox 64
Joined: 1/1/2022
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i'm pretty new here, i really enjoy the movies. and upon watching the gradius movies i remembered playing (and beating) star fox 64 so many times. i think a timeattack on it might be possible, but maybe not as most of the level scroll themselves so cutting down the time would rely mostly on the objective based levels and the boss battles. my personal best i believe is that i beat the game on hard in under 30 minutes, i think i beat the last boss in around 20 seconds flat. but i didn't have the technology at the time to record it. just thought i'd throw the idea out there.
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First, there isn't yet a rerecording emulator for N64. Second, a movie of that game should be focused on points, not time. (At least that's my opinion.) Third, there is already a speedrun (done on the console, no emulator) available on SDA: http://speeddemosarchive.com/StarFox64.html
Player (36)
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Hello everyone, and sorry to dig up an old thread. >< Being a recent lover of time-attacks, I've decided to start one myself and have chosen StarFox64 as my first one. Having read this whole thread, it saddens me to know most of it won't be as appealing since it's a side vertical..? uhh.. forward!) scroller like Gradius, but cannot be done the same way. (curse you speed upgrades!!) However, I would like to ask bisqwit if another sort of "entertainment" is acceptable by time-attack standards. How about StarFox64 done with limited firing? As in, one laser shot to kill one enemy? As a hardcore fan of FPS (especially Counter-Strike), it always gives me a sense of joy when I do a 1 shot kill on somebody. I'm sure it'd be the same way in StarFox if Fox McCloud killed everyone with great precision. Does anybody else think this is a good idea? Cheers to my first post. ^^ P.S. Is my avatar offensive? I'll remove it if needed.
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Don't the guidelines state that in FPS games or any games that involve shooting, no shots should be shot that are un-necessary? This would mean that yes, you should only shoot to kill. There shouldn't be any missed shots, unless it is for charging a later shot (like in Megaman games). Hope this helps! P.S.: I don't think your avatar is offensive. I find it to be quite funny!
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