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Here's a full walkthrough of the game. It could be useful for planning an effective route for the rest of the game. On Mission 4 onward it's the real deal, planning everything up will be really tough. My encode of Mission 3: Link to video
Here, my YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/dekutony
Post subject: The Route: Mission 4
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Damn........ it's been 1 year since this thread was made, stuff has changed since then. Ok, so now I planned a full route for mission 4: -Talk to G and grab the hat and the hammer. -Use the map to go to the dock, Herbert-senpai will be there. -HUD Off gadget menu, pick up the lantern and Go to HQ. -Talk to G again and take the Super Helium. (the dialogue triggers by clicking the tank once.) -Use the map and go the barista in the Town Center. -Help the coffee shop owner to pick up the cookies. -Recieve the cookies and go outside the shop (Item HUD Off in this one). -Give the hat to the puffle and then give him the cookie, grab the map piece afterwards. -Go to the Snow Forts to trigger the map piece event in the plaza. (it only activates with that.) -Go to the Plaza, the map piece event will trigger, so now talk to the penguin with the newspaper and go to the Pizzeria afterwards. -Talk to the Pizzeria owner and take the pizza. -HUD Off the items menu and go back outside. -Give the penguin the pizza and ask for the newspaper. -Use the Map to go to the Lighthouse, go there afterwards. -Pick up the net inside and ask the orange penguin for the balloons, then take the box. -With the map, go to the town center. -Go inside the Gift Shop. In there grab the tent pegs. Go back outside. (Item HUD Off here) -Open the Item menu, combine the map, turn on the flashlight and make a giant balloon. -After that, drag the balloon to the Gift Shop. Open the item menu and drag the net. Open the menu again and do this with the tent pegs. Do the same thing with the hammer as well. -Once the Gift Shop is fixed, go to the Dock on the left. -Go inside the tunnel. Then go inside the maze and skip the minigame. After that, go to the boiler room and talk to Herbert inside. -Talk to G in the phone and hang up. -Click on the screwed up boiler and the microgame will appear. (Solarplex, this is where I need you to do this section.) -Once the boiler room is fixed, G will call you, talk, hang up and go to HQ. -Report to G, mission 4 ends. OH SHET THIS WILL TAKE A WHILE.
Here, my YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/dekutony
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http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/20162076831710204 Haven't completed it yet, the movie finishes on going to the Town Center on the Map. (i hope... desync can happen i dunno)
Here, my YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/dekutony
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Another backup: http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/20250967802476847 The movie ends when going to the plaza to ask the guy with the newspaper about the newspaper. The input has changed though. I missed out doing a very important thing in G's lab, but now that has been fixed. I'll try to finish my part tomorrow.
Here, my YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/dekutony
Post subject: Used the solar signal
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http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/20292722403646330 Ok solarplex, I finished my part, I'll leave the boiler microgame to you pal. :) EDIT: Fixed input... again. Now you can continue.
Here, my YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/dekutony
Post subject: Re: Used the solar signal
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Kurabupengin wrote:
http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/20292722403646330 Ok solarplex, I finished my part, I'll leave the boiler microgame to you pal. :) EDIT: Fixed input... again. Now you can continue.
Will do. Edit: simple enough: http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/20300588170184266 Link to video
Post subject: Mission 4 is here!
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Mission 4 done! ^_^ Link to video Mission 5, oh boy, were doing some progress here, oh yeah!
Here, my YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/dekutony
Post subject: New mission route.
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Weeeeeeee! My route for Mission 5 is done! Route thing (short resumed version): -Talk to G, grab all the stuff. -Map, go to Ski Lodge, go to the small house thingy, go upstairs and grab the rope. -Map, go to Plaza, talk to the penguins and get the gum. -Map, go to mineshack, grab the sticks, talk to Rory and help him out. -Then fix the minecart and place a device in it. -Map, go to mountain, mix the specific items and place the kite in the pole. -Map, go to the Dock and help the penguin with the boat... get the inflator afterwards. -Map, go to the Iceberg, mix the specific items, inflate the rubber ducky and place the duck in the sea... talk to G in the phone, go to HQ afterwards. -Talk to G, get the telescope and go to the Fireplace by using the Map. -Go to the Fishing Pond and use the telescope there. -Go to the Wild, get the stolen phone, mix the 2 items and place it in the nearest tree. -Phone G, go to HQ, talk to G. Mission 5 ends. Ok............. Solarplex, there's 2 microgames that I need you to do in this mission. The first one involves turning on a boat, and I think there's a very quick way to turn it on... although I'm not sure. The second one involves fixing a minecart, I have no idea of what strategies you can use there. I'll start when full motivation comes in and also after I finish some secret project I'm working on for April Fuels too. :D
Here, my YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/dekutony
Post subject: Used the solar signal! Episode 2
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http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/21384577086239725 Started mission 5. Solarplex, your turn, please fix the boat!!!
Here, my YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/dekutony
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I'll get to it next week when I have time
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Current progress: http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/21629689446651004 Gonna continue tomorrow. Lookin' good so far.
Here, my YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/dekutony
Post subject: Possible memory corruption via crash
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I'm posting right now because I managed to crash the game via Ghost Items glitch. You'll need to perform the glitch, mix the items to make the grappling hook, drag the jackhammer to the river and THEN click on the items box to obtain the cloned items, then the game will crash after the screen fades to black. I post this because there's the smallest, tiniest, thinest possibility that we can make something useful out of this, like corrupting memory of the game or something (ACE maybe), hell, I think cloning items and vanishing NPCs is already corrupting memory! Not sure though... that's all I can say really.
Here, my YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/dekutony
Post subject: Used the solar signal! Episode 3: special double pack
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Progress so far: http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/22028623576407641 Hey solarplex, can I ask you something? Can you please do this 2 microgames coming up? I mean, with dialogue optimization and the minecart fixing too. Then you can leave it to me until I need you again... ok? Thank you!!! :D
Here, my YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/dekutony
Post subject: Re: Used the solar signal! Episode 3: special double pack
Active player (275)
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Kurabupengin wrote:
Progress so far: http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/22028623576407641 Hey solarplex, can I ask you something? Can you please do this 2 microgames coming up? I mean, with dialogue optimization and the minecart fixing too. Then you can leave it to me until I need you again... ok? Thank you!!! :D
completely missed seeing this post, will work on this today.
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Thanks a bunch pal! One question though... did you pushed start to skip the instruction cutscene instead of the touch screen? EDIT: I see that you didn't, I'll fix it tomorrow before I continue the mission.
Here, my YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/dekutony
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Post subject: 1000th post + new WIP
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Progresssssssss: http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/22227442975577545 Hey solarplex, is the rubber ducky segment improvable?
Here, my YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/dekutony
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I'll check today if I have time! edit: http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/22254282222975693 two frame improvement by dragging the air-pump down to its base and then rapid clicking instead of click at its start!
Post subject: Mission 5 done... on half of the road!!!
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http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/22271402518263648 Oh yeah!!!!! Mission 5 done!!! We have half of the game done guys! Before starting mission 6, I want to clarify a few things: -Mission 6 route is already planned, so I'm starting tommorrow. -Now in order of TASing difficulty, Mission 8 is the hardest, then followed by Mission 10 and then Mission 7. -I want to finish this TAS and submit in on the Workbench before October 24th, the reason of this specific date is because it is the 10th anniversary of Club Penguin (after the beta testing period), so this TAS is my present to them. Ok, encode will be here in a moment... EDIT: Link to video
Here, my YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/dekutony
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How hard is mission 9? Let's keep powering through then! Don't get sidetracked by those hack games :P
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solarplex wrote:
How hard is mission 9? Let's keep powering through then! Don't get sidetracked by those hack games :P
Mission 9 is less harder than Mission 7 and 6 because it's as straightforward as Mission 1. Hack games? Oh you mean my bootleg projects? k then, considering my motivation on this 16 month project, I will. ;)
Here, my YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/dekutony
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Kurabupengin wrote:
solarplex wrote:
How hard is mission 9? Let's keep powering through then! Don't get sidetracked by those hack games :P
Mission 9 is less harder than Mission 7 and 6 because it's as straightforward as Mission 1. Hack games? Oh you mean my bootleg projects? k then, considering my motivation on this 16 month project, I will. ;)
Looks like theres about 5 mini-games in Mission 6. lemme know when you need me!
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Basically Mission 6 goes like this: -Talk to G and wait until the entire conversation is over (at some point I can entertain a little). -Grab the solar panel on the same room you're in. -Use the Map to go to the Dock. -Talk to the penguin with the boat and ask him for the rope. -Go to the lighthouse. -In there, grab the soda barrel, then go outside. -Talk (HUD Off) to Jet-Pack Guy and then give him the soda barrel. -Solarplex will do this really hard microgame about some cups and stuff. This involves mixing 3 cups, where 2 of them need to have 4 parts of soda each. -After completing the microgame, I'll go to the Town Center with the Map and go to the Gift Shop. -HUD Off to Rookie, and drag the solar panel to the magnet. -Solarplex will do the microgame with the solar panel. You should find the fastest route for it since it can be done in different ways, one faster than the other. SOLARCEPTION... -Exit the Gift Shop and then go to the Night Club (HUD Off). -Drag the rope to the machine and Gadget HUD Off the machine when it breaks, then drag the wrench afterwards. -Solarplex, this wrench section is harder than the rest SO FAR, instead of doing it 1 time, you'll have to do it 3 times backwards, I hope you will make it optimal. -Then by clicking the machine again, ANOTHER microgame... this one is easier though. Solar, here you just have to drag the gears to the right places... only that. -THEN Jet-Pack guy will call you and then I have to go to the Dock... again. -DUN DUN DUUUUUUN! It was Klutzy! Rookie will call you and then you have to go the Night Club, Herbert-senpai will be there. -Activate the trap. It didn't work... so Gary will call you. -Then HUD Off Jet-Pack Guy and use his jetpack on the cage. -Just optimize dialogue, do entertaining crap again and mission ends. Yeah solar, this mission will be harder for you this time... sorry :( BTW, Mission 7 route is done too, more into that after Mission 6 gets finished.
Here, my YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/dekutony
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