Movie's infomation

Emulator: Snes9x-1.43-Win32-WIP1
  • Took hit for speed.
  • Clear time is 00:27
  • Rate for collecting items is 24%
  • Improved not only 'Speed'. (Shooted enemies more)
This movie is faster than the old one, by maybe about 80 seconds (inside of the game-time, not 'Length'). 'Movie length' is not short, because I opened the 'equipment menu' more than in the old version.


This is my 5th movie of Super Metroid of 'Any% timeattack' (except for the '14%' version). I tried to throw away preconceptions. I tested many cases, many patterns, again and again...
And now, I think "clear time 00:26" is impossibility... Thanks for all people who advised me something! Lastly, I really hope that you can enjoy this movie!
If you have a question, please write in easy English.(^_^;)

Bisqwit: I edited this text a little for readability.
Bisqwit: processing.

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Sorry about the typo. I haven't slept in about two days.
someone is out there who will like you. take off your mask so they can find you faster. I support the new Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun.
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First, I say 'Thank you!' to you! (Mazzic,Fihlvein,joy11) But, Fihlvein, "It's the best movie on this site." is too praise for me.(^_^;)
Mazzic wrote:
Great work Terimakasih! How on earth do you have the time to make these runs in such short time!? And you wanna know something? I think 26 minutes is possible ;)
I think that it was not short-time, for me... It is as for, yes, I want to know something. May I ask you about your ideas? I tell you this. This movie's Clear-Time is 27min 37sec 20. So, If I want to accomplish 00:26, I must shorten the time about 38seconds... Yes, I want to know the 'howto'.(^_^)
feitclub wrote:
I admit I was a little bold in using "-kun," but when I typed "Teri-san," it didn't look right. Judging by Teri-kun's response, I feel my choice worked out. Although, he didn't answer my question: どこに住んでいる?東京?大阪?何歳だ?
Don't worry, I didn't feel that you were a little bold. Please remember, I said "I felt happy".(^_^) And sorry about my forgetting answer... Umm, In NewYork, Do people not worry about their own privacy...? In Japan, people want to hide their own privacy... Especially, in 'Internet', they think so strongly. Yes, me too. So, I can't answer your question, sorry.(^_^;) But, I can tell you about only this. I live in "IBARAKI, Kanto, Japan." (It is in northeast from TOKYO.) In Japanese-Language, "日本、関東地方、茨城県". (It is little bad for us, asking like "where do you live?" or "how years old?" "are you man or woman?" etc... Especially in Internet.) (^_^;) Oh, but don't worry, my initial is true,of cource. (Edit) To Boco Please take care of yourself.(^_^) (Edit2) To feitclub Please don't misunderstanding, like this. I can't tell you about my privacy, but it does not mean "I can't trust you."
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I have one suggestion based on your previous movie and some comments in this thread. As I see it you lose some time when you collect that extra item (24% instead of 23%) and that item should be the energy tank somewhere. Is it possible to manipulate luck more on the few enemies you kill? I realize that this is hard because then you most surely will have to compromise on something else like missiles. However, I think that is the key to get it down under 27 minutes. If you do another version I wish you very good luck Teri. If not that's fine for me ;) I know how annoying it can be to fix something small in a long movie, and especially when it's not the first version. Good luck!
/Walker Boh
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Wow, after seeing the previous version of your movie, I would not have imagined you could have been able to shave off another minute. I am glad to be wrong. Great job!
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Thanks for your advise! and your anxiety; Umm, I could understand your meaning. But it is maybe impossible... I try to tell you the reason,as I possible. - 1st EnergyTank and 2nd EnergyTank I think that you didn't mean these EnergyTank,didn't you? If I didn't get 1st and 2nd one, I will die.(^_^;) -4th EnergyTank Like a my past post, I must 4th EnergyTank to speed-up. -3rd EnergyTank I think that your meaning is this tank. So, I tried to explain "why I must get 3rd-E-Tank." Yes, I can manipulate luck. But , it is not freely. "manipulation of luck" has some limitations. 1: Enemy's-item have decided already, when I get into a room. 2: Enemy's-item is,,, like a regular-roulette. (Example of No.2) If I defeat a enemy in fastest time, he give me "Big-Life". (This is a assumption.) If I defeat a enemy again(in re-recording), in perfectly same timing, he give me same item. In short a word, If I want to get a specific-item, I must change timing of defeating. This sentence means "I must wait sometimes. (In most of cases, I must loss the times.) 3:I can control, but not all No.3 is a biggest reason. I can control some enemies-items, but it is not all. I can control "Boss-Charactor's-Item"(and some small enemies), but not perfectly. Boss's-Item changes from,,, "Samus's Status". - Example (This is just example.) If Samus's life is only 1, Boss gives me "Many-Life-Items". If Samus's life is Max, and Samus have no Missiles, Boss gives me "Many-Missiles". Can you understand this meaning...?(^_^;) In short a word, "the bare-life is bad, because Boss does'nt give me Important-Items." For example of my movie: If I didn't get Power-Bombs from Phantoon,I must loss a lot times... If I didn't get Super-Missiles from Phantoon, I must loss a lot times,too. If I didn't get Best-quantity-Life, I'll be not able to control, some enemies's-item, after. I calculated all like these, and I choose best(maybe)-item-luck-pattern... Of cource, this is only one of a-factor-of-manipulating-item-luck. Another factor is exsist,too. I worry about , can you understand these not-good explanations.(^_^;) (Edit) (I fixed some type-miss and sentence.)
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Ouzo wrote:
Wow, after seeing the previous version of your movie, I would not have imagined you could have been able to shave off another minute. I am glad to be wrong. Great job!
Thanks! When I started to make this movie, I have no confidence of 00:27.(^_^;) :Memo (This movie is about 80seconds faster than old one, in a result.)
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Terimakasih wrote:
Umm, In NewYork, Do people not worry about their own privacy...? In Japan, people want to hide their own privacy... Especially, in 'Internet', they think so strongly. Yes, me too. So, I can't answer your question, sorry.(^_^;) But, I can tell you about only this. I live in "IBARAKI, Kanto, Japan." (It is in northeast from TOKYO.) In Japanese-Language, "日本、関東地方、茨城県". (It is little bad for us, asking like "where do you live?" or "how years old?" "are you man or woman?" etc... Especially in Internet.) (^_^;) Oh, but don't worry, my initial is true,of cource. (Edit2) To feitclub Please don't misunderstanding, like this. I can't tell you about my privacy, but it does not mean "I can't trust you."
I apologize if I went too far, Teri-kun. すみませんでした。If you don't want to answer questions like this, I understand. On some message boards, I do not use my real name. Here, I am comfortable in doing so. That is why I include a link to my webpage, which is all about me.
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
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Your explanation is very good and I understood it all. And yes, I realize that more energy often result in more speed so it might be a good thing after all to take the 4:th energy tank. Thanks anyhows and good luck yet again.
/Walker Boh
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feitclub wrote:
I apologize if I went too far, Teri-kun. すみませんでした。If you don't want to answer questions like this, I understand. On some message boards, I do not use my real name. Here, I am comfortable in doing so. That is why I include a link to my webpage, which is all about me.
Oh, you don't need to say to me ,"sorry"! Because, I know that just you had not known about my policy. I knew that you had no malice.(^_^) And ,I see why you do so. To Walker Boh I think that your ability of understanding is very good... Thanks about your idea&supports, and sorry about those reasons.
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You see, Terimakashi, I think the key is , as WalkerBoh said, in route planing. I don't think the optimal route have been found yet. I'm working on it though.
Bein' away for like five years, and not a single new post in the ZSNES forum... :'-(
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Hi~ everyone and てりまかし君 When I saw this thread, I thought it was the previous one at first. No! it's just the lastest ascending run now. ^_^; Never stop believing, you did it! This run had been HYPER improved beyond the past. Right now, we have met the bottleneck about 38 secs, hope everyone can help てりまかし to get it better.(Though being unlikely to me.) ----- Why there is a save in the third slot, maybe I can figure it out. ^_^
Mr. and Mrs. Rerecord: Why do we fall ? So that we might better learn to pick ourselves up.
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Terimakasih wrote:
To Boco Please take care of yourself.(^_^)
大丈夫よ。あたしは期末試験のために勉強しすぎただけ。明日終わるから大丈夫。 (テリマカシさんはあたしの下手な日本語が分れるかもしれないね)
jecy wrote:
Why there is a save in the third slot, maybe I can figure it out. ^_^
Movies started from reset contain SRAM instead of a savestate, because contents of SRAM might alter playback. Because rules here forbid starting from a savestate but allow SRAM to have any contents (as long as a new game is started), it's fine.
someone is out there who will like you. take off your mask so they can find you faster. I support the new Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun.
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Boco wrote:
大丈夫よ。あたしは期末試験のために勉強しすぎただけ。明日終わるから大丈夫。 (テリマカシさんはあたしの下手な日本語が分れるかもしれないね)
I hear you. My last final was this evening. Tomorrow I return to New York City for an extended break.やったぜ!
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
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Boco wrote >Movies started from reset contain SRAM instead of a savestate, because contents of SRAM might alter playback. Because rules here forbid starting from a savestate but allow SRAM to have any contents (as long as a new game is started), it's fine. Thx for your explanation. Some game such as GBA game Metroid fusion, Metroid Zero Mission..., if I want to start it from 'HARD mode', there should be have one savestate in the SRAM at least. I think this is one of the purposes in this rule. But here I think there is another attempt..., I had tried it before.(Out of topic, maybe...) Good Luck Boco, get a nice grades! So do I. ^_^
Mr. and Mrs. Rerecord: Why do we fall ? So that we might better learn to pick ourselves up.
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Mazzic wrote:
You see, Terimakashi, I think the key is , as WalkerBoh said, in route planing. I don't think the optimal route have been found yet. I'm working on it though.
First,thank you to your working of finding optimal-route. (I think that 'Optimal' means ... maybe, 'Optimum'.) Hm,If you have a great idea of the route, yes, I want to know.(^_^) But, before I made this movie, I examined that what is the optimum route... (Examples) :Take HiJumpBoots, before taking SpeedBooster. (Maybe Bad) (I need 'Many-Life', before going to MARIDIA.) :Take Wave-Beam, before taking SpeedBooster. (Bad) :Go to Phantoon, before going to a direction of SpazerBeam. (Bad) :Go to Ridley , after I take SpeedBooter&WaveBeam.(Bad) :Go to Ridley , after I take Hijump&SpeedBooter&WaveBeam.(Bad) :Go to NORFAIR, before defeating KRAID.(Bad) :Taking IceBeam, before going to MARIDIA.(Bad) :and another smalls... So, I'm sure that this route is best-route...I think so,still now.(^_^;) I think that If I use 'Space-Time-Beam-Glitch' somewhere, I can accomplish under 00:20, easier. (Because ,perhaps I can skip Ridley & MotherBrain.) But I think , that movie will be not entertainment.(^_^;) So, I don't want to use it, If I can use it. ([perhaps] means, "I don't know "howto",now.") To Jecy Thanks! But I know that you can produce some improvement points.(^_^) (Please don't misunderstanding, this is just my impression, not a request.) >Why there is a save in the third slot, maybe I can figure it out. ^_^ Hm, I think that perhaps you have a misunderstanding.(^_^;) 'A savedata in the third slot', I used it only for some examinations. Yeah, I have no plan to make 100%-run, still now. I think that perhaps you think like this. It is wrong, sorry.(^_^;) By the way, Did you make a run of GBA-Metroids...? If you have made it already, yes, I want to see it. To Boco Thank you very much for your trouble.(^_^) And, your Japanese-Language is very easy to understand. I tried to read your web-site(a little;),and I could understand that why you could write good-Japanese-Language. I think that if you come to Japan, you can speak with people,ordinary. Oh, but most of Japanese people are shy,please don't feel sad.We have no malices.(^_^;) To Feitclub I hope that you can enjoy your extended break!
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Terimakasih wrote:
I think that If I use 'Space-Time-Beam-Glitch' somewhere, I can accomplish under 00:20, easier. (Because ,perhaps I can skip Ridley & MotherBrain.) But I think , that movie will be not entertainment.(^_^;) So, I don't want to use it, If I can use it. ([perhaps] means, "I don't know "howto",now.")
I agree, I don't think watching this would be very entertaining. Skipping the boss in this way would be as entertaining as if a glitch was found to beat Super Mario Bros 1 mid way through the first level. You miss too much of the game. I enjoyed this movie very much! Every time you get a better time you find new ways to make the movie more entertaining!
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To BoltR Thanks for your impression(,and agreement)! :Present (Extra or gift?) Today, I rembered that someone said like this. (Sorry, I forgot that who said so.) "Please rescue them before you embark..." It is easy work, so I made it. (ClearTime is 00:27, in bare; and SMV-file only,sorry...) This is just extra-file, I'll not submit this one. (Edit) Now, Web-Server is maybe down.
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What is this rescue-thing about?
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Bisqwit wrote:
What is this rescue-thing about?
OK, I made MPEG-File. (8 MBytes) I think that maybe you can see MPEG... This File-size is too big for web-server-space. So, I'll delete this one(mpeg), after a few days,sorry. (Edit) Thanks for your explanation,BoltR; (Edit2) I fixed URL,sorry...
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He rescued the animals before getting to the ship. I beleive Jecy asked for this. It's just a small detour.
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I didn't know there were any animals in Super Metroid that should be rescued.
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They are the ostridge thing and it's baby that teach you how to shinespark, and the little green things which teach you how to wall jump. These moves aren't directly explained you, but they demonstrate to you how they are done. They also appear in Metroid Fusion (and save your life...)
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I watched the MPG. It's a pity this wasn't included in the submission. I think this would have been nice.
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Bisqwit wrote:
I watched the MPG. It's a pity this wasn't included in the submission. I think this would have been nice.
Umm, but to rescue them is clearly time-loss...
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Terimakasih wrote:
Umm, but to rescue them is clearly time-loss...
I know - which is why I said "pity". The addition makes the movie slightly more entertaining (I think).