Movie's infomation

Emulator: Snes9x-1.43-Win32-WIP1
  • Took hit for speed.
  • Clear time is 00:27
  • Rate for collecting items is 24%
  • Improved not only 'Speed'. (Shooted enemies more)
This movie is faster than the old one, by maybe about 80 seconds (inside of the game-time, not 'Length'). 'Movie length' is not short, because I opened the 'equipment menu' more than in the old version.


This is my 5th movie of Super Metroid of 'Any% timeattack' (except for the '14%' version). I tried to throw away preconceptions. I tested many cases, many patterns, again and again...
And now, I think "clear time 00:26" is impossibility... Thanks for all people who advised me something! Lastly, I really hope that you can enjoy this movie!
If you have a question, please write in easy English.(^_^;)

Bisqwit: I edited this text a little for readability.
Bisqwit: processing.

Joined: 7/28/2004
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Why not `star´ for this one? I thought the earlier, slower one had it already?
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Fihlvein wrote:
Why not `star´ for this one? I thought the earlier, slower one had it already?
Because there are imperfect people among us, such as me (^_-;) I made a mistake.
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Well, that sorted it ;-) Watched this one again earlier today and it still excites every time I see it!
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Fihlvein wrote:
Well, that sorted it ;-) Watched this one again earlier today and it still excites every time I see it!
Thanks! Your enjoying is most happiness thing for me.(^_^) To Bisqwit I think that you deleted posts ,for me.(^_^) Thanks, and sorry... I felt very very easy now, because it was my crazy-misunderstanding. All I have to do is to learn English,more.
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Terimakasih wrote:
To Bisqwit I think that you deleted posts ,for me.(^_^) Thanks, and sorry... I felt very very easy now, because it was my crazy-misunderstanding. All I have to do is to learn English.
Yes. No problem. :) It has happened to me a few times as well (at Japanese boards).
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Terimakasih wrote:
Also I think (I might be wrong) there are some stages where you start the Speed-Booster into an open door, but could you not go through the door and open the opposite door to fly even farther? I wondered if you could not shoot the door or at least make a race with your own shoot ;-), which would look pretty cool.
Sorry, I can't understand these meaning... I know all-these-words,but can't translate,sorry.. Would you give me a sample-smv-file or a picture(Jpg,Bmp,Gif,Png)...?
Nevermind. I watched your video again and found out, that I was wrong. You already use the speed booster to the absolute maximum. Thank you for that one :-). Has Smokey seen your new video, yet? I ask, because I watched his video to "compare" routes and playing style and I was quite astonished that Smokey already uses so many tricks. However you hae found some really cool new ones, which he could perhaps use if they are not too difficult to perform. Btw. Have you already measured all rooms frame by frame? I just ask, because I saw in one NES metroid submission, that this could help improving the time even more. What about a 100% run now? ;-) Btw. I don't think anyone from Nintendo has ever though that some"input" would beat the game in 27 minutes. I mean they thought that under 3 hours was really good... cu Fabian
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Personally I find it a really big bummer that the final-boss-bug exists in this game. It would be so much better if this bug didn't exist at all. The bug is in one word, to be honest, ugly. It makes the snes graphics engine to bug (the leg of the monster blinks and is almost constantly not drawn) and makes the whole end battle extremely confusing. For someone who has never seen the end battle played the normal way (as in the 14% version of this video) it's very hard to understand what's going on. It also makes the video to miss an important story in the game (the friendly alien helping). The bug isn't even cool, it's just plain ugly and confusing. What makes it a really big bummer is that since it exists, it just has to be used. It wouldn't really make much sense to not to use it because the goal is to complete the game as fast as possible. It's a shame. I would so much prefer that this bug didn't exist at all. The video would be a lot nicer to watch with the proper final battle. In this regard the 14% version of this run was very welcome because the bug was not used (I suppose because it was not possible). I personally would certainly not complain if in this video the end was changed to have the "regular" end battle (as optimally as possible).
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Fabianx wrote:
Nevermind. I watched your video again and found out, that I was wrong. You already use the speed booster to the absolute maximum. Thank you for that one :-). Has Smokey seen your new video, yet?
Hm, sorry about my poor, but I see. I don't know that Mr.Smokey has seen my video ,or not. I think that he is a not-emulator-player,so ,perhaps he doesn't like this movie...
I ask, because I watched his video to "compare" routes and playing style and I was quite astonished that Smokey already uses so many tricks.
Of cource, I refered to his movie. And ,I refered to some player's play-style.(Frenom,Jecy,Red.S.,Sippu...)
However you hae found some really cool new ones, which he could perhaps use if they are not too difficult to perform.
Thanks. But I think that most of techniques are too difficult to perform... (Example)"Quickest-Boost-Charge" is crazy-difficult, without slow-down-function.
Btw. Have you already measured all rooms frame by frame?
No, I used not only 'show-flame-function'. SuperMetroid has "not-counting-game-time scenes.". (Between door to door , Getting Item moment,etc.) So, If I depended on only 'show-flame-function' , maybe I did more mistake. I use cheat-search-function.(Just to see inner-game-time). So, I have not measured all rooms frame by frame. (I didn't need to measure about all rooms.)
I just ask, because I saw in one NES metroid submission, that this could help improving the time even more.
Sorry, I have not played NES-Metroid. So, I don't know about NES-Metroid...
What about a 100% run now? ;-)
Sorry, I don't know about it, now. Of cource, I have no plan about 100% run, in my future,at least now.
Btw. I don't think anyone from Nintendo has ever though that some"input" would beat the game in 27 minutes. I mean they thought that under 3 hours was really good...
Yeah, I think so, too.(^_^;) But, please don't misunderstanding, my real power is not good. If I play this game with my real power, I can't reach clear-time 00:40.(^_^;) ------------------------------------------------------------ If I have misunderstandings, please tell me so.
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Oh, I have overlooked your response, very sorry...
Warp wrote:
Personally I find it a really big bummer that the final-boss-bug exists in this game. It would be so much better if this bug didn't exist at all.
Yeah, I think so... >(I suppose because it was not possible). Yes, you are right.
I personally would certainly not complain if in this video the end was changed to have the "regular" end battle (as optimally as possible).
First I can understand your thinking,very. And ,of cource I can understand, you said "personally".(^_^) However, If I didn't use that 'Bug', (perhaps)some people will say to me 'Why did you not use murder-beam?' So, I had a only one-way. I must use it, then.
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Terimakasih wrote:
However, If I didn't use that 'Bug', (perhaps)some people will say to me 'Why did you not use murder-beam?' So, I had a only one-way. I must use it, then.
How about a poll? How many would like the movie to not to use the the final battle bug and how many think it should definitely be used? By the way, how much does the bug really save time compared to an optimal regular fight against the final boss? If we are talking about a few seconds, I definitely see no reason to use the bug. After all, making good and entertaining videos has pretty high priority, sometimes even at the cost of being some seconds slower. If, however, we are talking about something like 1 minute, then I suppose it can't be helped.
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How about a poll? How many would like the movie to not to use the the final battle bug and how many think it should definitely be used?
Sorry, I don't know about other people's opinions. However, in my "14%-attack-movie"'s thread, someone said to me this,actually. "Why didn't you use murderbeam?". >how much does the bug really save time I don't know it correctly, but I can say this. The bug is surely faster, and it is not "a few". Hm,I think that you don't know how important about 1second. '1second' is very important time.(^_^;) '3seconds' is very very important times. '10seconds?' It is very very very... important times. 'Important' means ,,,"It is important, in this web-site". Basically, this web-site wants "Fastest-Movie", I think so. However, I don't know which is important, Entertainment or Fastest. But, I'm a movie-maker. I choose 'Fastest'. If I didn't use murderbeam, someone will beat my record easier. Someone didn't use murderbeam, I will beat someone's record easier. Can you understand my feeling?(^_^;) >After all, making good and entertaining videos has pretty high priority, >sometimes even at the cost of being some seconds slower. I can understand your meaning. Yeah, I don't like murder-beam, too. And I know that not using murder-beam is,,,beautiful one. Hm,I think you can make "beautiful one", by yourself, can't you?(^_^)
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Yes, Terimakasih. Please Try. (No need to submit, I just want it as .smv)
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I just watched your new run Teri (Im late as always) But I'm even more impressed now! You did some really nice things in this run. Oh, and thanks for included bomb tricks (staying in air), it's very impressive to watch ;) Good job!
/Walker Boh
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TNSe wrote:
Yes, Terimakasih. Please Try. (No need to submit, I just want it as .smv)
Here. Hm,Warp,I got an answer,now. 'Murder-Beam' is faster than normal, about 1 second. I said "1second is very important". Umm, but I didn't think that the diffirence is truely 1 second... A: Murder-Beam is faster(about 1sec) , but not beautiful. B: Not using Murder-Beam is slower (about 1sec) , but beautiful. If anything(would rather say), I like "B", of cource. But "B" is not "Fastest". Umm, what should do I...?
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Walker Boh wrote:
I just watched your new run Termi (Im late as always) But I'm even more impressed now! You did some really nice things in this run. Oh, and thanks for included bomb tricks (staying in air), it's very impressive to watch ;) Good job!
Thank you,always.(^_^) Is "Termi" a nickname? Hm, If it was type-missed, it is OK.(^_^) Please don't take care about your late, please enjoy my movie, in your free time. >Bomb' trick You're welcome. But sorry about my scamping just before "Draygon". Then, my brain was full ,by thinking many things.(^_^;) (Edit) I made Mpeg-File about MotherBrain (after Baby-dead). :Warning This file is a part of Battle-with-MotherBrain.(not all-parts) If you can see smv-file, please see smv-file.
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Compared Frame count... When the timer countdown for escape starts. (After MB dead) Murder Beam: about 165550 No Murder Beam: about 164000 That means that the No Murder beam is faster by almost 25 seconds? And you can also enter the menu last time where you recharge energy the final time. (saves 2 times into menu), and you can also use the remanining missiles on Mother Brain... Is murder beam really faster?
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TNSe wrote:
Compared Frame count... When the timer countdown for escape starts. (After MB dead) Murder Beam: about 165550 No Murder Beam: about 164000 That means that the No Murder beam is faster by almost 25 seconds? And you can also enter the menu last time where you recharge energy the final time. (saves 2 times into menu), and you can also use the remanining missiles on Mother Brain... Is murder beam really faster?
"menu" doesn't count "inner-game-time." :Another Words "menu" have no relation with "Clear-Time". "Your meaning is 'Length' , not 'Clear-Time'." Please use 'Cheat-Code-Function'. And check these binary. 7E09E0 - Hours 7E09DE - Minutes 7E09DC - Seconds 7E09DA - Frame Count "Murder-beam" is faster about 1 sec... If I can defeat him, more faster, then, "murder-beam" is not faster. But I don't know that "I can" or "I can't". (Edit) >you can also enter the menu last time where you recharge energy the final time. (saves 2 times into menu), I understood. >you can also use the remanining missiles on Mother Brain... I know that missiles is truely bad-way, sorry.
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So the extra missiles you have left over cannot give you that 1 extra second? ^_^;
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TNSe wrote:
So the extra missiles you have left over cannot give you that 1 extra second? ^_^;
Sorry, I answered in my Edited reply.(^_^;) His HP is 18000. Max-Charge-Beam give him damage, 900 by 1shoot. So, I don't need Missiles... Missiles are useless,in this case..
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1 second :E (this smiley is biting lower lip) I almost wish that Bisqwit had encoded the one without Murder Beam, the final fight looks a lot better without it :) And the input length is shorter (if you don't enter menu twice input length (movie file size)) would be even smaller :) I have watched this run 3-4 times now :P Or more.
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To TNSe >1 second :E (this smiley is biting lower lip) Thanks for explanation about ":E". >I almost wish that Bisqwit had encoded the one without Murder Beam, the final fight looks a lot better without it :) I think so, but I think that we can't judge this problem, by only us. And, he(Bisqwit) had encoded my movie with MurderBeam one,already... I know that endocing is hard work... >And the input length is shorter (if you don't enter menu twice input length (movie file size)) would be even smaller :) ...You said, "Re-record again,when Samus re-charge she's energy."? >I have watched this run 3-4 times now :P Or more. Thanks. I'm happy. Oh, I'm very tired,now... Sorry, but I'm go to bed...
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Did I understand right: No-murder-beam is faster than Use-murder-beam, when comparing the Real time, not Game time? We already apply this principle in SMB1: We focus on Real time. Even if we can get time "343" in level 8-1, we take "342" instead because the fireworks waste Real time. We provide the "in game completion time" for convenience only, but I don't think players should focus on that. But I'm not sure.
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Terimakasih wrote:
To TNSe >And the input length is shorter (if you don't enter menu twice input length (movie file size)) would be even smaller :) ...You said, "Re-record again,when Samus re-charge she's energy."?
Yeah, re-record again from Samus LAST recharge of energy! :)
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Terimakasih wrote:
Is "Termi" a nickname? Hm, If it was type-missed, it is OK.(^_^)
Sorry about that. I made a typing miss.
/Walker Boh
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To Bisqwit >Did I understand right: Yes, you did. And I understood. Thanks.
TNSe wrote:
Yeah, re-record again from Samus LAST recharge of energy! :)
May I decline?