It's been a long and arduous road, but we've finally gotten Umihara Kawase below 2 minutes. I think it's safe to say we've pushed the game to its limits. Here's a breakdown of the frame difference between my movie and Bob's after each level.
Stage 1: 1 frame.
Stage 2: 34.
Stage 3: 45.
Stage 4: 47.
Stage 5: 54.
Stage 6: 56.
Stage 7: 65.
Stage 8: 262!
Stage 9: 267.
Keep in mind that this is one of those games which is picky about desyncs. The first time you play the movie it will probably desync. This is normal: just run the movie a second time.
You won't NOTICE many differences(outside of stages 2 and 8), but they're there. This movie meets the same criteria as the runs in the past. Enjoy.

Bisqwit: I noticed the differences, and it played fine here with sounds on (when I let the game run to the menu screen before loading the movie). Excellent.

Joined: 8/3/2004
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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #498: Blechy's SNES Umihara Kawase in 01:58.58
Emulator Coder
Joined: 10/9/2004
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Wow, any run that beats a run of bobs automatically gets my yes vote! Really tho, an improvement is an improvement, and it looks really smooth :P
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Noooooooo...My first obsoleted run :( Very good though. I don't think I'll be able to improve it (yes, I am a sole loser and will try >______>), but we'll see about that. Definate yes vote though. I didn't think it was improvable :/
Player (68)
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Very nice. Too bad about the sound problem. An obvious yes vote from me.
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Sound problem?
Player (68)
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The movie desyncs if sound is turned on. This happens with certain games. I thought everyone knew about it. Or has it been fixed? I think I have the newest version of snes9x...
Emulator Coder, Skilled player (1311)
Joined: 12/21/2004
Posts: 2687
It works fine for me with sound. Snes9X has at least 3 different desync bugs that I'm aware of, but the only one that I can get to cause this movie to desync is the one where you start playing the movie without letting the game emulate for a while first, which has nothing to do with the sound settings. About the actual movie, the differences are difficult to notice but it's a little faster and it's amazing that the previous one was improved at all so I see no reason not to put it up. (By the way, can anyone do these moves in real-time? I felt pretty stupid when I tried the game out after watching the runs.)
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Well, now I feel stupid. :(
Ambassador, Experienced player (707)
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I also noticed the differences and wow, this was just amazing. Ever since the first run of this game was posted I've been fascinated with it. Great job!
Joined: 7/28/2004
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Really nice! Always great to see competition, keeps things more interesting :)
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [280] SNES Umihara Kawase by Blechy in 01:58.58
Emulator Coder, Skilled player (1311)
Joined: 12/21/2004
Posts: 2687
Blechy wrote:
I think it's safe to say we've pushed the game to its limits.
What if I said I found 39 frames lying around just in the first field? Some of the levels look unimprovable, but I think similar improvements could be made in 2 or 3 of them. Maybe nothing really significant, but then again this is one of the shortest published runs...
Joined: 8/24/2005
Posts: 375
Location: Göteboj
Umihara Kawase is simply great, I have to say I enjoy this movie - great work, Blechy and Bob! It's one of these games I only play for the sake of playing, not winning. So, I'm trying to go to as many fields as possible, and play around with the fishing line. However, there's two doors I just CAN'T get to. I don't know if this is the right thread to ask in, but does anyone know how the hell to get to these two doors? First, this one: The ring is where I believe you should stand, and the X where I think the hook should be placed. The red line on the platform how you should walk to charge up, and the arrow... how I imagine the jump should go if you do it right. But I just can't seem to grab onto that upper platform! I've been close, but it just feels impossible, I've been trying for eternities. Then... this annoying one: Same here withr the symbols... well, my theory is that you first go to one side to lure the boss over there, then quickly going over to the other side and follow the arrow... but it's hard. The REAL pain is the smoke clouds and the small seahorses the boss fires (both displayed as red symbols on the pic). You get paralyzed... well, it is possible to stay on the platform, but when you recover, the boss is... well, there. In the way. Going over him isn't at option since he'll just paralyze you and you'll fall onto him. Any tips? I want to see more fields. And nitsuja, you need to fix a rerecording PlayStation emulator so we can get Umihara Kawase Shun. :P
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