Joined: 8/3/2014
Posts: 18
Good stuff. I love the instant boss kills. That shit is so funny. I don't think it would be too difficult to set up the pressure plate into a quick death, especially with the hammer guys that hang around.
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I am really enjoying this progress! I had no idea this game could be torn apart like this.
Joined: 9/27/2015
Posts: 48
Finished the game and here's everything I found after 3rd dungeon (which is.. not a lot, unfortunately!) Arrow room skip This chest is close to the wall enough that you can clip into the wall and just upwarp there, nothing super difficult. Playing in this room a bit, I wondered if I could maybe shoot the target from way back, on top of the panel that opens up after, but here's what I found out: I believe that the game unloads/stop updating everything that is not rendered. So shooting the arrow from there to the target actually did nothing. So I went to the furthest place I could find where it was still loaded and hit it, then tried going back to the panel quickly, but I realized that it didn't do anything. When I walked back closer to the target, then it enabled the short cutscene and the panel went up. Zooming in with R1 also will make stuff render/update from further away also. May be good to keep in mind for certain things later I also found a frame perfect exploit by accident that has no use for now but basically, there is a single frame before the cutscene starts where you can shoot an arrow and it will come out from the point of view of the camera during the cutscene, and I think the angle it shoots off at depends on your view before the cutscene. I actually did that on accident the first time and was amazed when I realized afterward that there is only a single frame window. Could perhaps be useful for something? Highly doubtful but still Next up is a skip for the room I call the "bullshit room" Almost like the dev put that acute corner there on purpose Banana key skip uses 90 degree corner + a tall enemy. Pretty standard stuff A skip for the room just before the prison room I actually had no idea how to complete this room legitimately. There was no place I could go? Anyway, I got crafty and shot 7 arrows at that crush monster (the category of monsters that crushs you) which is the max you can do before he dies, then pushed him the rest of the way to the wall, and used him to clip and upwarp. To finish off, a quick upwarp using an acute corner to shave off a few seconds of dialogs and running What is cool about this is that the last prison cell has an easter egg. It's basically a refrigerator npc that, according to one of the developers in an interview, supposedly contained a celery and a carrot, but nobody was able to interact with it and therefore nobody was ever able to confirm this. This upwarp however changes everything! One last skip I forgot to record. The dark night of aphasia, (4th dungeon world) you can skip the first room. There are acute corners all over the place but none of them let you reach the loading point because there is a ditch in the wall in-between. So what I did is push the movable box against the slanted corners at the far end of the room, and basically created my own acute corners. From there, I think you can figure out what comes next. A small bit of information that's nice to know is that there is quite a delay before you take the damage when walking on the green goop in 4th dungeon. (the water-like substance of that dungeon) Oh, and in the world right before the final boss fight, if you jump down into the lava, it'll put you next to the boss entrance which skips a bit of walking. (also, notice how that jump behaves, try it a couple times, you'll see why I'm saying that. I'm gonna have to study that one. It basically pulls you straight down halfway thru the jump which is REALLY weird) Unfortunately, no boss skips/quick deaths were found after Clarence, which kind of sucks. It is sort of possible with Reggie (4th boss) because you can get on top of the walls and get the door down, like with Snuff, but reggie doesn't really care and moves all over the place. Many annoying rooms in the 4th dungeon could not be skipped either. It's still worthwhile to search in those rooms however, maybe I could have missed some interesting details. After this, I'm gonna take a break with this game for a few days to think of some ideas and brainstorm a bit with what we have and what we know. All the obvious skips are there on the t able and now we'll have to think way out of the box I think.
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Love the progress! Cant wait to see the final results!
Joined: 8/3/2014
Posts: 18
Good stuff Oxy. I'll be sure to check that stuff out when I get there. Also, I've been kinda sick, so too today off to kinda relax. I'll get back on the grind tomorrow for sure and see if we can find anything else.
Joined: 9/27/2015
Posts: 48
Just letting you guys know that I have updated the dedicated resource page for this game it contains almost everything that is known up until now and I suggest reading it (especially you saintconnor since you are going to be playing around in this game)
Joined: 8/3/2014
Posts: 18
Awesome. Resources are always valuable.
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oxysoft wrote:
new ram watch with lives
You can use the userfiles storage. Log in to the main page, and then almost at the very bottom there's a link saying "Upload a WIP...". It accepts RAM Watches and Lua scripts as well as movie files.
Joined: 9/27/2015
Posts: 48
Warepire wrote:
oxysoft wrote:
new ram watch with lives
You can use the userfiles storage. Log in to the main page, and then almost at the very bottom there's a link saying "Upload a WIP...". It accepts RAM Watches and Lua scripts as well as movie files.
here Kingsley's Adventure wasn't in the game list so I left it at default, hopefully that's ok
Joined: 9/27/2015
Posts: 48
I started the TAS over from the start, improving on the old wip that got to the library (so not even into the first dungeon) and so far I got to the room of the tutorial with the block you gotta push onto the pressure plate. Entering that room, I am overall 71 frames faster than the old one so that's certainly good news. This is partly due to the fact that I now force Kingsley to immediately run all the time by double tapping the forward stick, which can be done lightning fast in TAS. (thanks connor for that one) The next couple bits are gonna take a bit longer because I want to test an alternate route for for that room. Here is the progress on the old TAS, as a sample of what to expect now that I rewatch it, that upwarp was so insanely good that I I don't even think my new TAS is even as fast as that. I'll have to time it during my next session.
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Posts: 48
I've been playing around lately, trying to figure out stuff and I came across this Didn't do much in the end but it's still cool. Also interesting that you can activate that switch more than once. I wonder if it's the same for other ones also?
Joined: 9/27/2015
Posts: 48
I've been playing around on and off trying to find some new tricks. I noticed that the loading zone for the locked door in the second world is actually really really close to the outside of the building so I've been trying to maybe touch it ever so slightly through the walls and activate it from outside. I decided to try the most random thing ever and didn't actually think it would work but pushing myself against the door together with the dog (which I pushed all the way to the door prior to) actually lets me clip very easily through the door Sadly, the loading zone is not active at that point when the door is closed. Quite weird. This could be useful for other things tho, just an interesting mechanic to keep in mind when looking for skips and stuff In the training rooms at the beginning, I found a way to clip into the movable block. You place it such at it is overlapping the sliding door while it's down and pull it as close as you can to the switch. You can pull it closer than you normally could by taking advantage of the glitched corner of this block which can clip inside walls. Then, you activate the switch to slide the door back up and reactivate it again to pull it down. As it's coming down, you rapidly run under it and you'll be pushed inside the block. You cannot move out of it by walking in any way, and you can pull/push the block into any direction from inside. (kingsley moves along with it) Finally, you can jump to upwarp on top of the block. If you position the block next to a wall and jump forward, you can upwarp on top of walls. As is what seems to be standard with this game, the room is littered with walls that extend to 10,000 units high with a few low walls sprinkled all over. I don't think this whole thing has any use considering the time it takes to setup it and whatnot but it's a fun trick to keep in mind. edit: found some new oddities I've been playing around with the green portal that takes you to the room with Reggie but I think this will probably apply to all green portals like this 1. If you do the glitch to walk around while in first person, look all the way down towards the floor and enter a green portal, there is a very high chance that the game will just freeze forever. The more towards the floor you are looking, the higher the chances. 2. If you enter the portal, exit out the game real quick then start a new game, kingsley will appear as if he was coming out of a green portal in the room with adelina at the start. Doesn't seem to affect anything but it's good to keep in mind just in case If I keep pushing the game and testing every little details, it shouldn't be too long before I start finding some really serious glitches in the game. At least, that's what I'm hoping. (e.g. causing loading zone to warp to incorrect areas, this kind of stuff)
Joined: 8/3/2014
Posts: 18
So, I've been in quite a hiatus, and I apologize. The last year has been quite a year to say the least and I'm still trying to find my headspace. But I do very much intend on getting back into things and especially back into KA. I ordered a physical copy of the game and soon as I find my old hard drive, I'll be putting in emu work again and getting used to controls and whatnot. I see Oxy has still be doing some work on the resource page and youtube, and that's fucking awesome. Hopefully we can put our heads together again and take this game down.
Joined: 9/27/2015
Posts: 48
Saint Connor wrote:
So, I've been in quite a hiatus, and I apologize. The last year has been quite a year to say the least and I'm still trying to find my headspace. But I do very much intend on getting back into things and especially back into KA. I ordered a physical copy of the game and soon as I find my old hard drive, I'll be putting in emu work again and getting used to controls and whatnot. I see Oxy has still be doing some work on the resource page and youtube, and that's fucking awesome. Hopefully we can put our heads together again and take this game down.
Awesome to hear. I've been playing around on and off with this game for a few months now and actually started streaming some RTA runs in the last couple of days. I've been trying to figure out so hard how to optimize lives seeing how damage/death abuse heavy a run of this game is going to be with all these tricks but I recently realized something that might seem obvious in retrospect, but if you ever enter a dungeon low on lives, just kill yourself until you game over and you'll respawn at the beginning with your lives refilled to 5. I somehow had the wrong assumption that you would go back to your last save if you game over but no, you just respawn at the start of the dungeon. I usually enter the 4th dungeon with 1 or 2 lives so a quick reset to 5 right at the beginning there is definitely good for RTA. Speaking of the 4th dungeon, a good route needs to be figured out for the two rooms filled with all these piece of shit archer rats because they can very easily fuck up your run. I did a run yesterday that went fairly average, decided not to reset anyway because I wanted to finish a run for once, but I got wrecked at that part.. I don't know whose idea it was to put inertia on the first person mode but it's ridiculous, it definitely takes practice to aim
Joined: 8/3/2014
Posts: 18
Are there infinite continues? I didn't even think about this aspect, especially since when we were tampering with things it was in emu and we basically had god mode on, lol. One thing I meant to ask is how you managed to find and isolate certain values in that huge list of shit. Everytime I look at them they just look like gibberish to me :/. I'm asking too because I'd like to be able to look at other games like this (specifically Blasto) to see if I can figure some other things out, but I have no idea what I'm doing lol.
Joined: 9/27/2015
Posts: 48
Saint Connor wrote:
Are there infinite continues? I didn't even think about this aspect, especially since when we were tampering with things it was in emu and we basically had god mode on, lol. One thing I meant to ask is how you managed to find and isolate certain values in that huge list of shit. Everytime I look at them they just look like gibberish to me :/. I'm asking too because I'd like to be able to look at other games like this (specifically Blasto) to see if I can figure some other things out, but I have no idea what I'm doing lol.
If you've ever played with cheat engines when you were younger to cheat in games, it's the same thing really. You look for one initial value, play the game a bit, then refine your search. To find your lives for example, you'd do an initial search with the number of lives you currently have, lose/gain a life, redo a search with your new number of lives, and so on and so forth until you've nailed it down to one single address. For things you don't quite have an exact value of like your speed for example, you need to do some assumptions. For example, it makes sense to assume that your angular velocity must be set to 0 when you're immobile, so you'd do an initial search of zero while standing, then you could start walking forward and since you don't know the exact value of that angular velocity, you'd filter for values that have raised instead of an exact value. Then, you could go back to standing and search for decreased values, etc. Eventually, you'd end up with the angular velocity (if it's stored in the RAM that is, it's possible that the game never needs it) I skipped over the different ways that those values may be stored (bytes, 2-bytes, 4-bytes, endianness (the PSX uses little endian) and signed/unsigned values) and again you have to make assumptions here and understand a bit how all of this works. It's all big words for pretty simple concepts, all things considered. I recommend this guide for more information edit: but to address you post, I doubt you'll find anything useful for RTA using ram watches. It's useful mostly just for optimizing things during a TAS and also perhaps understanding a little better how certain things in the game might work. Usually, just experimenting and toying around is good enough to find good RTA viable tricks.
Joined: 8/3/2014
Posts: 18
No doubt. I'm mostly looking at ways to see if you can carry the jetpack in Blasto from episode 1 to episode 2 and trying to learn to read the values for that to see if it's even possible. But that's a bit off topic. But yeah, once I find my hard drive and hook it back up I plan to go digging again. Definitely some cool new stuff you found. Would really be cool to see if we can skip revisits, if possible and if it's even useful.
Joined: 2/3/2017
Posts: 7
Resently picked this game up and doing some runs on it and found something intressting. Found a way to skip the green plant puzzle in the 3rd dungeon and there are two ways to do it one hard without death abuse and one easy with death abuse. First (Deathless): As you come in to the room you go directly to the right where the first monster is, get him to follow you over to the cage where the plant is and do a Upwarp using him. (This will put you at the height limit of the map so be carefull) make sure you don't change direction and just run forward a few steps. Now to the hard part, just have to land exactly on the plant to cancel Kingsley's fall, and once you have the plant just face the monster again and do a upwarp again to get out again, follow along the wall and jump to hit the trigger for the other room. Second (With death, also faster i think): first part with the Upwarp is all the same as the Deathless, the only change is when you sidestep of the edge you stop as soon as you are off the edge to land on the ground and abuse the sidestep mechanic and move while dead to pick up the plant. you respawn at the entrence with the plant and can just backwards jump out! Thought i mention that there is another alternative in this room to upwarp without the monster, but its a bit more precise, there is a coffin placed along the wall just before the cage and if you time it pefectly you can go inbetween the wall and the coffin and jump to upwarp, you don't really lose any time trying this just make sure the monster is still following you if you are doing the deathless alternative. Edit: Didn't read all previous post sorry, just saw that you allready found this, but i tried it RTA and its really possible to and not to hard to do it with a death abuse
Joined: 2/3/2017
Posts: 7
Did some further investigation in to manipulation Kingsley's speed & trying to find somehow to wrongwarp and found something very interesting, my theory from the beginning was that he moved faster outside and slower inside. so i actually found something entirely different that i didn't expect. First off, if you change Kingsley's state to the maximum value possible it directly drops down to 60 (i think, can't check right now) and shoots of in the direction hes facing but you lose all control what so ever. Maybe useful if we can get to manipulate his state? Second I found all the memory values for all keys and more interesting on one of my play through of the training part i tried to manipulate all sorts of different thing in the game to find a weird result. and just briefly the Purple grape key changed state from 0 to 1 way before i event talked to the king and queen. The downside of this is that i tried to redo all my steps but have not yet been able to recreate this glitch. This could skip having to talk to the king and queen and save some time. Third and most interesting in my opinion. Kingsley have a size value depending if hes outside or inside, i found this when i was trying to find if there is a specific value for all rooms/dungeons. the size value control almost everything with Kingsley, hitbox/collisionbox speed and jump height the only thing that remains the same is when he sidestep its exactly the same speed. My thoughts on this is that maybe we can get the outside value of his size and use it while inside of the dungeons, this could really change the routes inside some dungeons and allover speed up everything, but then again need to find a way to carry over the value somehow.
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If you found the values, why don't you go ahead and list the addresses and types so they are documented?
Joined: 2/3/2017
Posts: 7
Warepire wrote:
If you found the values, why don't you go ahead and list the addresses and types so they are documented?
Here is the modified ram watch file that contain the values! Here they are if you want to to look at the by hand Kingsley's size: 2 Byte Unsigned 0x0E8520 Silver key: 2 byte signed 0x0E8590 purple key: 2 byte signed 0x0E8594 Orange key: 2 byte signed 0x0E8592 red key: 2 byte signed 0x0E8596 yellow key: 2 byte signed 0x0E8598 green key: 2 byte signed 0x0E859A orange key 2: 2 byte signed 0x0E859C
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FearingSpoon wrote:
Warepire wrote:
If you found the values, why don't you go ahead and list the addresses and types so they are documented?
Here is the modified ram watch file that contain the values! Here they are if you want to to look at the by hand Kingsley's size: 2 Byte Unsigned 0x0E8520 Silver key: 2 byte signed 0x0E8590 purple key: 2 byte signed 0x0E8594 Orange key: 2 byte signed 0x0E8592 red key: 2 byte signed 0x0E8596 yellow key: 2 byte signed 0x0E8598 green key: 2 byte signed 0x0E859A orange key 2: 2 byte signed 0x0E859C
Warepire wrote:
oxysoft wrote:
new ram watch with lives
You can use the userfiles storage. Log in to the main page, and then almost at the very bottom there's a link saying "Upload a WIP...". It accepts RAM Watches and Lua scripts as well as movie files.
Joined: 2/3/2017
Posts: 7
Warepire wrote:
FearingSpoon wrote:
Warepire wrote:
If you found the values, why don't you go ahead and list the addresses and types so they are documented?
Here is the modified ram watch file that contain the values! Here they are if you want to to look at the by hand Kingsley's size: 2 Byte Unsigned 0x0E8520 Silver key: 2 byte signed 0x0E8590 purple key: 2 byte signed 0x0E8594 Orange key: 2 byte signed 0x0E8592 red key: 2 byte signed 0x0E8596 yellow key: 2 byte signed 0x0E8598 green key: 2 byte signed 0x0E859A orange key 2: 2 byte signed 0x0E859C
Warepire wrote:
oxysoft wrote:
new ram watch with lives
You can use the userfiles storage. Log in to the main page, and then almost at the very bottom there's a link saying "Upload a WIP...". It accepts RAM Watches and Lua scripts as well as movie files.
Sorry about that, here:
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Location: A little to the left of nowhere (Sweden)
Awesome, thank you for doing the proper documentation, so that the information isn't lost.