Emulator used - fceu-0.98.12-blip.win

About the game:
Battletoads is the game known to be very hard and few people have actually beaten it. It features a female villain and a lot of humorous dialogues.
- One person controls 2 characters
- Uses warps
- Takes damage to save time
- Abuses programming errors in the game
- Manipulates luck

About the run:
- Beats Phil and Genisto's time by 3 minutes and 50 seconds. They used famtasia (fceu wasnt avaliable at the time) which doesnt have frame advance. It also lacked some shortcuts and glitches which werent known.
- Aproximately 80% of movie was done using frame advance, needed for a person to control 2 characters, but which allowed me to do many precise movements.
- Level 6-1 (first section of Karanth's Lair) was done controlling only the first character and tossing player 2 around, absolutely no input was done on the 2nd controller there, without wasting any time. (just to show off ^_^)
- Dark Queen works like this: Each time you hit her, she will stop higher to start spinning for the hurricane attack, unless she manages to hit a toad using her knee, which pulls her back to the ground. This is used to keep her close to the big hands of the toads.

The Bugs and odd stuff about the game:
- Battletoads has a bug that doesn't allow 2 players on level 11 (Clinger Wingers). So, level 11 is played using only 1 character (by killing player 2) and then player 2 comes back on the next and final level (12 - the Revolution)
- When running, instantly press the opposite direction you're running + B to give a backwards headbutt. Its usefull on many places and is used on level 11 boss to prevent getting inside the boss, which would result on a shock damage.
- On level 10 (Rat Race), simply kill any running rat and the game will think you killed a boss, which abruptly ends the level.
- Run towards the jet on level 3 (Turbo Tunnel), or the surf board on level 5 (Surf City) and jump right before hitting it, it results on an incredibly high jump out of the screen. This bug is surprisingly present on Snes Battletoads & Double Dragon game too. It's used here just for fun.
- Pressing left+right causes some weird behavior on the characters leading them to apparently change planes, and this is used on level 9 (Terra Tubes) to ignore helicopters and rubber ducks wherever possible.
- Its possible to move around while ducking, and this allows to go through sprite walls. Checkpoints still need to be touched though, or else the game crashes on the next checkpoint, or, if its the end of the level, it wont be active. So i get through walls and wait on the other side, which saves some time.
- On Arctic Caverns (level 4), theres a yellow spike on the ceiling which can be passed through as long as Down is being pressed, even if you're not really ducking.
- Even if you touch a spike and aparently die, it takes some time to actually deduct a life from the lives counter, so if the level ends before the life is deducted, the game will go to next level and the life wont be deducted at all. This is used to save time.

Bisqwit: Good work. Processing.
Bisqwit: Can't cancel, nesrocks Already published!

Joined: 8/3/2004
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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #525: nesrocks's NES Battletoads "2p warps" in 15:29.03
Emulator Coder
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Nice and fast :)
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Yes please.
Ambassador, Experienced player (707)
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Wow, amazing teamwork. One question, I think you did the same thing in your other 'toads video: you grab the first downward copters in the terra tubes, but not the others. Was it not possible to avoid those first ones? By far the best spot was the snake level. Even though I knew you were going to throw the other guy into the exit I still busted my gut laughing. ;) Very entertaining.
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unfortunately not, the angle was too high to enable the toads to go back in mid air after going to the left... thanx for the comments :) rash throwing zitz in the hole "FLOP!!" he throws him in the hole so violently its funny
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TheAxeMan wrote:
I think you did the same thing in your other 'toads video: you grab the first downward copters in the terra tubes, but not the others. Was it not possible to avoid those first ones?
wow you and your good eye, it actually IS possible to do so, do the left+right trick, run to the left, jump and then easily fall between the spikes in the bottom. i had just given a lame excuse (i hadnt even though of doing that, maybe because i assumed phil and genisto did the right path). BUT (yes theres a but) i tested it now and the only way to get through the helicopters is by doing left+right, which disables the toads to grab the upwards choppers right after : / so.. even though possible to do what you imagined, the level cant be finished after doing it :)
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [291] NES Battletoads "warps, 2 players" by nesrocks in 15:29.03
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