this was hell to even just start up.
Tools that can be used: Hourglass W/O savestates (and possibly with)
thanks to RF2 using both mouse AND button inputs as camera movement, a TAS of this is possible. i have, very VERY badly done the first level, but with windows 8.1 it is more or less impossible to use savestates.
as soon as the short preview of terribleness is finished being uploaded to google chrome, i will post the link to the file itself here. word of warning, if you suffer motion sickness don't watch. the camera shakes more than being on a boat, and because i had to botch it together due to my inability to correctly encode it, the file is not even vault tier. it is, quite literally, trash tier, but considering it's my first i'm happy.
at the very least, hourglass can make the game go windowed, something that normally i've had issues with.
Linkity link
Notable issues
with hourglass causing memory issues (and thus a BSoD) whenever you try to savestate in windows 8.1, the best botch to get around this is to use a Vertual Machine that can savestate the entire desktop. it'll be super slow, super bad, and most likely cause desync issues, but without one of the most useful tools for a TAS broken, it'll have to do for now.
Red Faction 2 will sometimes load up as a black screen and stay like that from start to end. restart the entire record to fix this issue. The exact same thing can happen during a playback too, and seems to happen slightly more often when fast forward is ticked for video dumping.
RF2's audio will, semi-often, "break" and not correctly get loaded in, or just be lower volume than normal.