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DarkRiolu27 wrote:
This appears to mean that saving a lag frame will save one overall frame (assuming all other lag is the same), but saving a frame through better movement will either save 0 or 5 frames, depending on when the door is reached relative to the framerule.
So this would work like the flagpole frame rule in SMB - the framerule could potentially "eat" any small movement improvements and render them irrelevant?
c-square wrote:
Yes, standard runs are needed and very appreciated here too
Dylon Stejakoski wrote:
Me and the boys starting over our games of choice for the infinityieth time in a row because of just-found optimizations
^ Why I don't have any submissions despite being on the forums for years now...
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GJTASer2018 wrote:
DarkRiolu27 wrote:
This appears to mean that saving a lag frame will save one overall frame (assuming all other lag is the same), but saving a frame through better movement will either save 0 or 5 frames, depending on when the door is reached relative to the framerule.
So this would work like the flagpole frame rule in SMB - the framerule could potentially "eat" any small movement improvements and render them irrelevant?
Correct, although it can also be leveraged in many situations since subpixels are maintained through doors, so as I mentioned in a previous post if you have an extra frame or two you can use it to set your subpixels to favorable values or perform other actions at the cost of movement, without losing frames. In going back through the TAS I've mostly gotten door entries mid-framerule or right at the end, so I haven't lost much time to them. In the couple situations where I've reached the door right at the start of a framerule I've been able to save enough subpixels to press up a frame sooner and get a faster framerule.
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Now that I know that this game has framerules I went back and checked if I could hit any earlier framerules and managed to save one at the Warp Star in the first room. https://tasvideos.org/UserFiles/Info/638540146507053121 Thanks to differences in lag, I was 7 frames ahead out of level 2, but lost the entire lead and more trying to sync it up in level 3. This is what I was comparing to: https://tasvideos.org/UserFiles/Info/638540146973591150 I doubt this will end up being relevant for the current TAS but I figured I would post it here in case someone revisits this game in the future.
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I only just realized that holding Left + Right for 2 frames when Kirby has 0 speed results in an overall increase in distance traveled for a given number of frames, since the increase in acceleration outweighs Kirby's slight backwards movement for those 2 frames. This can be useful during the start of most rooms, after taking damage, or when changing direction, like in the last room before Whispy in level 1. In a lot of rooms it doesn't help since it's not enough to save a framerule, but it can also change when the game lags, so it can potentially save a frame or two that way. I redid what I had so far with this knowledge, starting with the framerule I had saved in the first room. https://tasvideos.org/UserFiles/Info/638549003242406298 Hopefully I don't find anything else that causes me to redo the TAS from the start again.
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Apparently changing the color palette when the game is booting up causes lag to occur in different places. This could potentially be leveraged to decrease lag overall, although it would be difficult to figure out which color palette is the best, since none seem inherently better than others, just different.
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DarkRiolu27 wrote:
Apparently changing the color palette when the game is booting up causes lag to occur in different places. This could potentially be leveraged to decrease lag overall, although it would be difficult to figure out which color palette is the best, since none seem inherently better than others, just different.
How does that compare to running in standard Gameboy mode instead of Color Gameboy? Is there even less lag with the monochrome?
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DrD2k9 wrote:
How does that compare to running in standard Gameboy mode instead of Color Gameboy? Is there even less lag with the monochrome?
I don't know if running on a different system would be better, but there is a grayscale palette option which doesn't necessarily seem better than any of the others.