• Gens 9c
  • enable PERFECT SYNCHRO just for my sake. im a little superstitious :)
  • disable DAC under sound (Jyzero told me this could cause desyncs)
  • have button config set to 3 buttons for player 1 and 6 for player 2 (this gives you wolverine in the opening level)
  • everything else should work fine (on default for 9c at least)
  • no warps/passwords
  • programming errors: collision detection
  • takes damage to save time; no deaths
X-men 2: Clone Wars (also my description)
the Phalanx, an alien race, have come to earth in order to take over. the X-men decide to not let that happen with the help of "anti-hero" Magneto and take on them, as well as a few of the X-men's rivals in the process.
Movie Making:
well, i said id do it but i didnt think i would so soon either. anyhow, over 2 minutes faster than the last version. hardest parts came in desyncing... which didnt happen UNTIL master brain (i hate that bastard for that too... every stage from then on froze or desanc in 1 spot or another). the lab remains the toughest part because it CONSTANTLY freezes for unknown reasons.
  • controller settings WILL depend on who you start the game with. this is taken from Truncated's explanation of how it works out:
"Your starting character depends on if player one is using a 6-button or a 3-button controller.
6+6: Beast + Gambit 3+3: Beast + Psylocke 3+6: Wolverine + Cyclops 6+3: Wolverine + Cyclops"
  • in the Sentinel Factory, using Nightcrawler's Jump+Up+Attack on floors beneath the terminals (the annoying things used to open doors via electricity) is much faster than running up, around and destroying them there (i know, this is one of those things that should kind of say DUH! but i honestly never considered it because i never used that move too much. TouchOdeath suggested this)
  • in Avalon's falling section, leaping and pressing Down+attack will cause a few characters to do a sort of dive move. this is used as much as possible to speed up the rather lifeless and unexciting level. Truncated discovered this one.
  • Apocalypse HAS HIT POINTS (well... it was a find to me as i though the battle was a timed event). i saved damn near a minute because i kept my health at 100% (or in the yellow) and thereby did a BUNCH more damage (almost a third less hits required to kill him this way if not more). TouchOdeath pointed this out as well.
  • Master Brain is defeated using Beast because TouchOdeath suggested trying it out since Beast is massively strong. i tried it out and it worked like a charm (after the desync this guy causes).
  • the Phalanx elevator with Alien Cyphers is timed. regardless of how many kill or if you choose not to kill any, it was always take the same amount of time for Deathbird to appear. this is also a boring level because of that.
  • Nightcrawler is used excessively because he is FAST. its not a personal preference or anything (though he has grown on me). Also, he has many moves to exploit and also has the wall crawling ability.
  • Wolverine is substituted for Nightcrawler because he is quick and powerful. this will mostly be noticed (if not always) in boss battles (ie: the Phalanx elevator's after Master Brain and the last level with the Clone Battles).
  • Collision Detection is the biggest thing i exploit in this game. not just with enemies, but often within level designs (Savage Land Temples/Complex comes to mind here with the Leap Kicks and teleporting).
Things worth mentioning:
  • Truncated pointed out that the characters have actual theme music! its mostly heard in the opening level as its mostly ambience and then the music. anyhow, heres what he wrote on it:
"On another note, the music changes depending on players. Beast has a bass like track added, Wolvering has a metallic saw-wave sound. Cyclops has long arpeggio sweeps. Psylocke has an beeping echo track, and Gambit has a melodic sweeping track. Nightcrawler has beeping and conga drums (Yoshi anyone?). Probably not of any use but I think it's fun."
  • TouchOdeath pointed out that is you charged an X-man's power bar and then paused it, let go of A and unpaused it, the bar would remain at full charge.
  • He also pointed out that you can use Nightcrawler to teleport in the Pyramid level (ascend straight up instead of going around). This however requires that you have one of the Mini-Tusks for leverage. Also, Wolverine is much more powerful so Nightcrawler would have a time taking out Tusk (and does).
  • Joseph Collins pointed out Phalanx Magneto. ill rip the excerpt from him since i use to get frustrated making him try to appear back in the day:
"What you need to do is defeat all the Phalanx X-Men clones except for one. It doesn't matter what order you do it in just so long as all but one are dead. Now, once you've done that, head back down to the very bottom of the area -- the end of the hallway where the Phalanx mech's claws turned into your character(s). Now, hit the wall to the left. If you do this, the wall should emit a circle of explosions which circle around twice and into a sort of close-eyed blank-looking smiley face.(Looks like this -> -_-) Now, head back up into the second room from the bottom on the right. This room should have a wall blocking your progression. However, if you did as I said, if you hit this small wall, it should shatter like glass. Walk into the room, and there, you will fight Phalanx-Magneto!"
aside from that, i used just about every tip given to me by TouchOdeath and Truncated in the last thread (and prolly some before that as well). i would like to thank both of them for this, without which i'd of prolly never tried this game again. especially Truncated... all of your "whining" (you said it, not me :)) really pushed me into doing this.
the elevator trick was a bit odd for me. i did this as best i could so i would still be able to dispose of Exodus just as well.
Apocalypse goes down MUCH faster thanks to TouchOdeath's tip.
just about everything is faster (and if not, its tied). i even used Beast against Master Brain... and Beast is really happy about it... just look at how much more he wants to help out! :)
anyhow, i hope this doesnt desync on you and you enjoy it (god knows it might because of my luck).

Truncated: The run for this game has come a long way since the first version, which was 35 minutes long. After five revisions, this is the first one I have felt that I could vote Yes for. So have 11 other people, and noone has expressed any negative views. Therefore, I think this is worthy of publication. Accepting.
slash_star_dash: thank you. i would have one thing to add. it was quite late when i originally submitted this and would request the name of the author be the same as all other things ive attempted slash_star_dash. i know, this will most likely happen by default, but just incase. i forgot to change the author nickname. sorry.
Bisqwit: You know, there's a shift key in the keyboard. It can be used to make capital letters. It is useful for capitalizing the first letter of each sentence.
Anyway, processing this movie now.