Batman: The Caped Crusader is an action adventure title for the Commodore 64 with presentation resembling that of a comic book. This TAS beats Joker's campaign.

Game objectives

  • Emulator used: Bizhawk 2.3.0
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Loses time to make the TAS viewable


You must defuse 10 bombs to save Gotham, fight Joker and resque Robin. The game presents a big location that features 112 zones (comic pictures where you can act) and 21 obtainable items. Unfortunately, the TAS doesn't show Joker's mansion and the circus' insides.
At the beginning, you have to obtain a Gas mask to avoid poisoning in the sewer. Without putting it on, you health will drain quickly. Also the sewer is completely dark (excepting 2 adjecent rooms). Since I had to spend 80% of the TAS inside it, I think it's more reasonable to turn the Flashlight on and let people see what's going on. Besides, the Flashlight is placed at the same room as Gas mask so I spent no time looking for it.
Then, you have to cross all the sewer to find the Wire cutters. After that I turned around and went back to defuse all the bombs. If you sketch a map of the location, you'll notice that it has a branch structure. It has no shortcuts, so you have to cross it all again to find and defuse the bombs.
When all the bombs are defused, you make the real Joker to appear within the certain area. When you get out of the sewer and face the area with the note "Roll up! Roll up!", there are 3 zones at the left from you and 4 zones at the right. This is the area where Joker can be, but he usually spawns at the 4th zone at the right. I managed to make him appear 1 zone before it. He looks like a regular enemy (you can face up to 2 Joker-like enemies at the same time somewhere wthin the circus area) so you have to know he's the real one. After you hit him 9 times, he drops a Rope which you must use to rescue Robin. You use it and the game is passed. Where is Robin? How to get there? Does Batman know he must save him? It doesn't matter! You just use the Rope and you somehow rescue him.
Some unshown facts:
1. You can't use any health-restoring items without the False teeth. You can't even drink Cola without it.
2. There is a Toilet roll you can use if you pick up something undesirable =)
3. There are at least 4 items that do nothing useful. You just increase your game completeness percentage that affects nothing but your pride.
Like in Penguin campaign, there is a type of enemy that stuns you for a moment if you walk past him. I had to lose some time to make him tear me least possible times. Like adelikat, I had to use a cracked version of the game.
I don't know what's wrong with the cursor inside the inventory. I can't move it left normally. When it's in the right part of the screen, by pressing Up, it teleports way left. It's the only way to offset it left. I think it's a problem with the game. Some kind of an error inside the cracked game or what. Nevertheless, I found no other decent cracks.

feos: Nice run, everything seems legit, just like the currently published movie. Cracked version was allowed because there's nothing else available. The game is split into 2 parts, and all the dumps seem to also be separated.
The route makes sense, the items are required to beat the game, and flashlight is a micro trade-off that only costs a few frames, but makes a lot of sense, since most of the game is going through the sewers. Completion point is correct, after it you just reset your game. Optimality seems to be fine, you just walk around and use items.
Mouse pointer navigation is bugged in this version of the game, but redoing it with a version that doesn't have this bug would require redoing everything from scratch, and it might not be as fast anymore, so it's not required.
Note: If it turns out to be faster that way, this movie won't be considered obsolete if a new submission just uses a version without the pointer bug. There have to be actual gameplay improvements.
The game is a slow-paced 2-dimensional maze that's impossible to follow without knowing the game, ad there's no real action going on. Screens fading out is a nice feat, but the unfairly small viewport causes you to just give up and forget about understanding what you're seeing.
Accepting to Vault as a new branch, since this game (originally) consists of 2 independent quests.
feos: Make the branch match the manual (and the box cover).
feos: Enough time has passed, let's pub.

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Solid enough run, makes the game look confusing but easy. Probably Vault though. Nice to see this game get the complete treatment with both modes having TAS runs
Used to be a frequent submissions commenter. My new computer has had some issues running emulators, so I've been here more sporadically. Still haven't gotten around to actually TASing yet... I was going to improve Kid Dracula for GB. It seems I was beaten to it, though, with a recent awesome run by Hetfield90 and StarvinStruthers. ( Thanks to goofydylan8 for running Gargoyle's Quest 2 because I mentioned the game! ( Thanks to feos and MESHUGGAH for taking up runs of Duck Tales 2 because of my old signature! Thanks also to Samsara for finishing a Treasure Master run. From the submission comments:
Shoutouts and thanks to mklip2001 for arguably being the nicest and most supportive person on the forums.
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It looks like this game image only contains one part, the Joker, while the current movie uses an image that only contains the Penguin. Not both in one image. Is that correct? Or maybe it's just the way hacks are done, and the original game contained both?
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Reviewer, Experienced player (568)
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feos wrote:
It looks like this game image only contains one part, the Joker, while the current movie uses an image that only contains the Penguin. Not both in one image. Is that correct? Or maybe it's just the way hacks are done, and the original game contained both?
The original image seem to have both campaigns while our images don't provide the "Choose your mission" screen and, instead of it, shows a short graphical animation of who has hacked the game. Both adelikat's and my ROMs provide broken title screens. The original game shows a picture of Batman punching the Penguin before the actual game starts. Our ROMs show a screen of unknown symbols.
TASing is like making a film: only the best takes are shown in the final movie.
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This guy seems to be playing the original game: And this is the original menu I guess: I'm considering renaming the branches of both movies to match this pic, since all other videos I can find use the cracked versions split as 2 separate games, or just play those parts right away, no menu.
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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I found a version with working cursor. Batman_Part_II.D64 CRC32: 640F092F MD5: 214001C76C401FDDAB06CF7CE1011C1E SHA-1: D5465C3BC05C5DA7239BB9B975DA4172DC26AFE6 This game is not resync friendly, right?
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
Reviewer, Experienced player (568)
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feos wrote:
I found a version with working cursor. Batman_Part_II.D64 CRC32: 640F092F MD5: 214001C76C401FDDAB06CF7CE1011C1E SHA-1: D5465C3BC05C5DA7239BB9B975DA4172DC26AFE6 This game is not resync friendly, right?
No, it won't resync unless I correct all the inventory sections in TAStudio. Also, I suspect it will make the TAS slower, but, nevertheless, inventories will look more decent then.
TASing is like making a film: only the best takes are shown in the final movie.
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Figured out the quest names. Applicable manuals are here. The main manual in pdf has the same text as here. And the modes are officially called: The Penguin: A Bird in the Hand The Joker: A Fete Worse than Death
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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I would guess that the reason for two separate disk images results from the original having one episode on one side of the disk and the other episode on the flip side of the disk. C64 disk drives couldn't read both sides of the disk, so to access the other side, the disk would need flipped over. Sometimes these flips happen mid-game. I would guess if the above screenshot is from an uncracked original disk or uncracked image, selecting one of the options will simply load that option, while selecting the other option would tell the user to flip the disk over and then it would load. EDIT: so we need to decide if we A) want to require combining the two images into one game for publication. B) want to consider the two episodes distinct enough to published separately (similar to serial episodic games like DOS Crystal Caves or any other episodic Apogee game for that matter).
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Interestingly, the manual doesn't talk about how to select either quest. Also one of the cracked versions explicitly says that everyone was cracking part 1 while missing part 2 that's on the other side. The main problem is, we need the original to tell for sure.
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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It's a bit of a stretch, but based on this page, the OCEAN port (released on tape in the UK), potentially had two cassettes for the least there are two cassette slots in the packaging suggesting there may have been two cassettes. I've sent a message to the runner of that site asking if he knew how the episodes were distributed on the game media. I'm not holding my breath for a response, but who knows....maybe I'll be surprised. EDIT with more info that mostly negates the above two statements: I found a website that has photos of various releases of the game. All the variations only show one piece of media (either a tape or a disk). Also, the site offers an image of the "original" tape version of the game (which is why I haven't linked the page in this edit). The image is actually 2 images, one for 'Side 1' of the tape and one for 'Side 2' of the tape. I tested both using PAL settings in BizHawk (the US release was the disk release, tape releases were Europe). Using 'Side 1' loads Part 1 (Penguin); using 'Side 2' loads Part 2 (Joker). I have no way to confirm if this truly is an uncracked original version or not, but there was no 'cracked by' screen during loading, and the true title screen was displayed for each side of the game. There was no "choose your mission" screen displayed using either side of the tape. If we are willing to accept the authenticity claim by the webpage, we at least know that for tape versions, the two parts of the game were simply opposite sides of the tape media. Either could be played independently of the other side. So we have a bit more information, but are still left with a dilemma due to the image feos posted above. We could either: A) assume that the disk versions of the game mimic the tape version and have separate unconnected episodes on either side of the media that load directly to their appropriate part as the tape images do. This however means that the above image may not be from an original disk and could possibly be from a cracked and/or compilation image that requires selecting which mission so the multi-disk image knows which section to load. B) assume that the disk version doesn't split part 1/2 by which side of the disk is loaded from and the above image is the way the C64 knows which section of data to run. Personally, I feel the later of those options would require more coding than necessary on the part of the developers than simply coding one part on either side of the disk. Essentially, they would have had to code a loader to select the mission option in addition to simply coding the two missions. Using opposite sides of the media eliminates the need for a mission selector/loader. If it was done that way effectively on the tape, why would they feel the need to add the selection option for the disk release when they could utilize the same concept to separate the parts? Other than finding someone with an actual C64 and original release version of this game, I don't know if we can confirm things any further regarding authenticity of how data storage for the two episodes was done.
Joined: 6/4/2009
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whoa, this was a real game ??? i tought it was a homebrew surprisngly very high quality game, yes vote
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feos wrote:
Interestingly, the manual doesn't talk about how to select either quest. Also one of the cracked versions explicitly says that everyone was cracking part 1 while missing part 2 that's on the other side. The main problem is, we need the original to tell for sure.
I had the Original Amiga version, and the floppy has two sides. If you insert the floppy by side A, you load one of the quests. If you insert the floppy by the other side, you load the second one. I always loved and hated this game. The hate is because I felt it was impossible to beat without using a cheat (back then called trainers) to give myself infinite health.
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [3907] C64 Batman: The Caped Crusader "The Joker: A Fete Worse than Death" by Dimon12321 in 07:06.62