• Gens 9c
DAC disabled 3 button controller player 1, 6 button player 2 Perfect Synchro (don't ask, its there out of superstitious habit anymore)
  • Warp is used in the beginning of the game (via Toilet); makes level pass quicker and gives some powerful weaponry
  • takes damage to save time, no deaths
  • played on hardest difficulty
  • description (also description of movie): an unlikely hero is found in that of an earthworm who battles the evil Queen Slug-for-a-Butt in order to rescue Princess Whats-her-Name?
  • movie making was easy. played mostly on 10%.
i should note something right off: i grab either ALL or NONE of the blue spheres in "Andy's Asteroids". a few people said it would be more entertaining getting them all, but in some instances (2), i couldn't get them all and nifboy said ALL or NOTHING, so i went with that. yes, some time is wasted at a screen afterwards, but it at least makes the repetetive "Andy's Asteroids" somewhat worthwhile.
Also, i don't do much when waiting because it was deemed VERY irritating when i originally did this (Cheez also pointed out to just do nothing while waiting... and some of Jim's animations are quite funny anyhow, so who am i to deprive the star of the game? :))
i would also like to thank Cheez for showing me the shortcut in "What the Heck!?" and nifboy for his valuable input as i progressed.
i think people would like the result because this is a classic game with a lot of variety (seriously). and this one has an extra level the SNES version doesn't (Intestinal Distress). however, the SNES does have "Who Turned out the Lights?" which is missing from the genesis version. also, i personally find this version more fun than the SNES one.
anyhow, hopefully no desyncs for anyone, and i also hope you enjoy the movie.