Joined: 12/22/2006
Posts: 193
Location: Flowood, MS
When parents fight, it's the children who hurt the most.
The people requesting that S3&K get destarred are nuts. I showed this to a dude who had never seen a speedrun before and he went absolutely crazy. It's a perfect introduction.
<adelikat> tony hawk is porn for me
<Comicalflop>my mom is hot
[Umihara Kawase]Plus, if you follow the advice of the publication text and try the game out a bit, it instantly becomes very impressive.
If you expect the viewer to have a working emulator and the rom around, then we need a new definition of "first time viewer".
edit: I agree on the dual MMX run to lose it's star. Advanced experimental concepts aren't meant for first timers. Plus, I wasn't that impressed by the result.
Joined: 8/1/2004
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Tub wrote:
Zurreco wrote:
[Umihara Kawase]Plus, if you follow the advice of the publication text and try the game out a bit, it instantly becomes very impressive.
If you expect the viewer to have a working emulator and the rom around, then we need a new definition of "first time viewer".
See the word "plus" there? It means "in addition to," which means that the words preceding it are also valid. That being said, UK is a short and amusing clip. You can follow it easily, and it's not that hard to appreciate it for what it is. ON TOP OF THAT, if you try it out (which you are advised to do), you will gain an even deeper admiration for the run.
Joined: 12/22/2006
Posts: 193
Location: Flowood, MS
If anything should be destarred it should be the 120-star Mario 64 run. It's fantastic and all, but no first-time viewer's going to sit through Dire, Dire Docks seven times.
<adelikat> tony hawk is porn for me
<Comicalflop>my mom is hot
If anything should be destarred it should be the 120-star Mario 64 run. It's fantastic and all, but no first-time viewer's going to sit through Dire, Dire Docks seven times.
I've got a feeling that, for new viewers, there are basically three (3) categories of runs that should be starred:
(1) Glitch Runs: Since they showcase the advantages of how programming errors can be exploited using emulators
(2) Skill Runs: Frame perfection. This is done using the same information/techniques as someone on SDA, but with the use of re-records, can be executed perfectly (versus sacrificing the overall experience due to a player error that can't be undone in a single/multi-segment run ... see the 120 star run on SDA of Mario64)
(3) Style Runs: These encompass Skill runs (and sometimes both Skill and Glitch runs), but go the extra mile to ensure that any "dead air" in the movie is filled with the maximum amount of extra "eye candy".
FODA's 120 star run, IMO, falls under the last category. Anyone who's played the game or seen another run of it can appreciate the time and effort put into making it what it is today. I think it deserves to keep the star, regardless of the length of the movie, as every attempt was made to make redundant trips entertaining; be it through showcasing glitches, speed or just out and out style.
Taking a (consentually voted) sampling from all three categories will likely attract newer users to continue cruising the site, checking out additional movies, and/or even trying to make one of their own.
Just my two cents ;)
It was already mentioned in the submissions topic, but I thought I'd mention it here also. The new Ninja Gaiden 2 run seems very suitable for a star.
If it were up to me, it gets the River City Ransom star.
I'm actually amazed that the SMW 96-star run isn't starred.
(Not to mention, it's also the highest-rated run on the site...)
Honestly, there is too many vast portions of the game which are boring to watch that I had to watch that it in two parts, so I'd much rather watch the 11 exit run instead. Staring two runs of the same game should really be avoided and left to exceptional circumstances, which no game on the site as of yet falls into.
I'm actually amazed that the SMW 96-star run isn't starred.
Would you give it the 11-exit's SMW star? That run is better optimized that the 96 exit run, so I wouldn't do this.
I'd be totally against starring both, and I don't think SMW 96 exit run has a shortage of attention, being the highest rated run.
I've got a feeling that, for new viewers, there are basically three (3) categories of runs that should be starred
You might group them like that, but I'd say the popularity of the game also matters, perhaps a lot…
I agree with you ... mostly. When I first came to this site, the first run I went for was Megaman 2, since that was my favourite game. Actually, at the time, I didn't know what a glitch run was, and after seeing that, well, I was hooked ... and have been ever since. I ended up looking for similar runs, but they weren't always easy to find (abuses programming errors can mean many different things).
Though a star generally signifies an overall level of excellence, sub-categories might be beneficial. You could even have a limited number available, and have users vote runs in and out of star-status (though this could prove to be a nightmare from an administrative standpoint :P).
Would you give it the 11-exit's SMW star? That run is better optimized that the 96 exit run, so I wouldn't do this.
* Xkeeper ascends onto his soap box
Although lately -- and in my opinion, unfortunately -- this site's focus has shifted to pure speed over making an entertaining movie, please remember, that to a newbie, being five frames slower makes little difference.
See also: SM64 120 vs. 16 exit. The 120 run showcases much more interesting tricks and routes than the faster 16 star run, while providing much more entertainment as well from the wait times.
Please keep in mind that, while optimization is important, newbies aren't going to look at it and say "Oh, he missed a frame here."
Optimization does not equate to entertainment, and as the numbers indicate, the 96-exit run is far superior.
9.4 vs. 9.1, just wow. The difference is… staggering… :—O
When you cnosider they have 40-50 votes each, the difference is quite high.
Although the difference between the Super Mario 64 runs exibits the same properties (8.5 (16) v. 9.1 (120)).
But, in the end, I am not one who places stars on movies. i.e., shutting up now.
When you cnosider they have 40-50 votes each, the difference is quite high.
I mean, the difference may be high statistically, but not, well, conceptually. The point being that the 11-exit run still has 9+ on entertainment scale, which means it's really very entertaining.
I did not say it didn't; but the 96-star run is higher.
Although there are other things that should be taken into account...
*145339> <Xkeeper> There are other factors to take into account, such as oldbie "jading" ("I've already seen this trick executed before many times; I am bored of it now in long runs") versus newbie amazement ("Wow, how did he do that/how can he go so fast")
*145352> <Xkeeper> obviously, one of these will be a lot less likely to watch a longer movie
The 96-star runs has more time to demonstrate all of the various tricks usable, much like the 120-star SM64 run.
But, I did demonstrate another method:
Movie text
However, if you prefer shorter runs, there is a 11-exit version available.
This would work fine as ar as I can tell. It'd give both runs the benefit of being "recommended", since it's directly linked into the starting text.
See also: SM64 120 vs. 16 star. The 120 run showcases much more interesting tricks and routes than the faster 16 star run, while providing much more entertainment as well from the wait times.
Please keep in mind that, while optimization is important, newbies aren't going to look at it and say "Oh, he missed a frame here."
Optimization does not equate to entertainment, and as the numbers indicate, the 96-exit run is far superior.
The SM64 argument doesn't apply in the same way the the SMW argument applies, becuase of the nature of a 16 star there is almost no idle time since you're going directly for the quickest stars, the only way to really be different is by the use of camera angles, but that has its critics, as many people dislike certain ones on the grounds of; too spastic, close, far away, hard to see whats happening, simalar. The concepts seen in the 96 exit appear in the 11 exit as well unlike SM64.
One of the starred runs I definitley agree with is SMB2, becuase its been improved many times and even without watching some of the earlier submissions I can see where the improvements will have come from over the years.
Dirving onto a tangent here, I'm actually somewhat curious that there's no "Show top rated movies" on the homepage in addition to the "Show recommended movies".
In order to view them, you have to remove the "RecY" (or whatever) from the URL, and even then it shows every single movie.
Is there any good reason why RCR is still starred, looking at the posts at the begging of the topic it seemed people thought it was a great idea, but times have changed drastically since. I think if a new entry gets a star then perhaps that would be a good reason to remove RCR.
RCR has star potential no less than, say, Arkanoid or Gradius, but it has yet to be unfolded. Basically, it just needs a very stylish run, which the game has the means for.
RCR has star potential no less than, say, Arkanoid or Gradius, but it has yet to be unfolded. Basically, it just needs a very stylish run, which the game has the means for.
Just outta curiosity (and I don't want to derail this thread too much), what would constitute a "stylish" run? Vatchern's run got shot down pretty hard, even though it was faster, because it apparently lacked the style that Sleepz' run had. I thought about taking a stab at this myself, but the reception of the last attempt wasn't received very well.
This might be better suited to an RCR topic I guess, but I'm wondering what people would like to see if just a straight "speed"-run isn't good enough to obsolete the current one.
RCR has star potential no less than, say, Arkanoid or Gradius, but it has yet to be unfolded. Basically, it just needs a very stylish run, which the game has the means for.
Just outta curiosity (and I don't want to derail this thread too much), what would constitute a "stylish" run? Vatchern's run got shot down pretty hard, even though it was faster, because it apparently lacked the style that Sleepz' run had. I thought about taking a stab at this myself, but the reception of the last attempt wasn't received very well.
This might be better suited to an RCR topic I guess, but I'm wondering what people would like to see if just a straight "speed"-run isn't good enough to obsolete the current one.
All the fuss over the submission was becuase of the fact the movie claimed to play for entertainment without mentioning anything to do with speed. Most people like me could only see the speed.