It pretty much works thusly, the 3rd, 5th, and 7th letter of your name determines which pokemon appear.
How about the Japanese versions? And if so, which pokemon appear?
Wandering Road wrote:
All right, so Jolteon and Thunderbolt aren't an option. What about Fissure? If you can control the outcome of any attack, instant kill moves like Horn Drill and Fissure should be able to connect every time. You get Fissure automatically after beating Viridian Gym, and the stats of the Pokemon who knows it shouldn't matter.
I remember a person on Gamefaqs who wrote a speedrun strategy for Pokemon yellow. Used Nidoking with both Horn Drill and Fissure. Also mentioned X Accuracy, but I wonder how that ties in.
The Japanese characters occupy the same place in memory space, only with different values. So, simply different pokemon. I'll try to compile or find a list.
Build a man a fire, warm him for a day,
Set a man on fire, warm him for the rest of his life.
Complete![/url] (1:54:52 realtime, 1:54 gametime at Hall of Fame screen)
Also, here's a collection of savestates[/url]. Each savestate takes you to just after defeating the corresponding Gym.
I seriously doubt this is publishable material; there's a few (very) minor mistakes made after the last version was posted here, and I forgot to set the game battle mode to Set instead of Shift, adding a couple seconds every time I KO a trainer Pokemon besides the first. Also, I'm sure there's a few opportunities where I can use less attacks to take out a Pokemon than I do, and I need better resource usage in places.. but here's a complete movie, and I don't believe it'll be that much slower than the final version.
4 hours later, I am unable to find a chart of the values of the Japanese Characters, but I was able to find a Pokemon Hex list.
Strange. All those weird characters give trainers. What is 'd, 'l, 's, 't anyway?
Tilus wrote:
Complete! (1:54:52 realtime, 1:54 gametime at Hall of Fame screen)
Also, here's a collection of savestates. Each savestate takes you to just after defeating the corresponding Gym.
Good job, Tilus. I had to go through a Japanese-to-English move list to figure out what your Pokemon were using.
I didn't realize you didn't set battle mode to Set and left it on Shift. If you do that, you would shave a few minutes off the run. Of course you're not going to forget.
Nice routes too; there were some routes that I missed. Especially the one in the Viridian City Gym.
Finished watching it. It's a very good job, and I look forward to seeing the final version. A couple of questions/comments:
1) How far out of the way is TM 26 (Earthquake)? It's a stronger move than Dig, and it's faster since it only takes one round to use. I'd think that if it's near your path through Silph Co. at all, it'd be faster.
2) And if Earthquake is better for Blastoise, then you should probably pick up a Sandshrew on your way to Cerulean instead of Bellsprout. Sandshrew can use Cut, Dig, and Strength, which might reduce the number of extra Pokemon you need to catch. (He can use Fissure too, but boosting his speed enough to use it might be problematic.)
Earthquake is in a floor X of silph co. and requires defeating a trainer. Earthquake and dig have the same power of 100. Dig is useful for many pokemon before you'd have a chance to get earthquake, so there is no reason to give it to any other pokemon.
Earthquake is in a floor X of silph co. and requires defeating a trainer. Earthquake and dig have the same power of 100. Dig is useful for many pokemon before you'd have a chance to get earthquake, so there is no reason to give it to any other pokemon.
...So it is. Huh. I could've sworn Earthquake was stronger. It's still faster to use, but probably not worth it if you have to beat a trainer.
I had a look over the Missingno glitch pokemon list again and it seems a level 100 Alakazam looks promising. After catching it, its attacks are Psybeam, Recover, Psychic, Reflect. That's two major attacks right there. Throw in Psywave over Recover or Reflect and you have a L100 Alakazam with three deadly weapons, and no Pokemon outside of psychic is resistant or immune to them.
I don't know how deadly these weapons would be, but when it's coming from a L100 Pokemon, it should do a whole lot of damage.
Edit: Sorry, Psybeam isn't that strong, only a base damage of 65. Psychic has base damage 90, almost the same as Surf. However, Psywave is typeless and I heard it does HP damage 1 to 1.5 times user level. That's extremely good for L100, and even psychic Pokemon cannot resist it. I'll analyze the Pokemon and move lists to see if another Pokemon can do better.
With my current path, neither Earthquake nor the Missingno glitch in any fashion will be faster than what I'm doing now. I currently don't go more than a couple seconds out of my way for anything I don't need to complete the game, and the Missingno glitch will take too much time to execute to obtain any timesavers out of it.
Now that I think about it, it's possible Body Slam will be too far out of my way as well - I'll need to look at where it is on the SS Anne and see how far out of the way it is. If it's too long, or if I need to fight a trainer for it, then it'll almost definitely not be worth it. If I need pure damage, Dig is stronger against anything that's not Flying, Grass, or Bug, and there's very few Pokemon under that category that I can't one hit before getting Ice Beam or Strength. I'll mostly be using Body Slam for its' paralysis attribute instead - on Pokemon I can't one hit and are faster than me, paralyzing them will make them much slower (and thus unable to counterattack before the killing blow), making the battle a half a turn faster.
I will also need to investigate the Escape Rope item - whether or not it functions differently than Dig (in where I can use it and where it will take me), and if so when I can use it to speed up the run somehow.
(Oh, and in R/B/G Psychic attacks *are* super effective against Psychic Pokemon. Because of this Mewtwo actually was an unbeatable monster in the original games, since Psychic did at least normal damage to all the Pokemon in the game, and was super effective against a good number of them as well.)
Something I noticed in the run puzzled me. You entered the Cinnabar Island PC briefly but you still went back to Fuchsia City PC. That might mean you have to heal at the PC to set the escape point there. Oh well. I was hoping otherwise.
As for analysis on how damage works, I found the following site:
I used the damage formula to try and figure out how a L100 Pokemon would fare. Even a decent base 70 attack (same type) is enough for a one-hit KO (with critical hit). Though it may be faster taking Blastoise all the way.
Tilus wrote:
(Oh, and in R/B/G Psychic attacks *are* super effective against Psychic Pokemon. Because of this Mewtwo actually was an unbeatable monster in the original games, since Psychic did at least normal damage to all the Pokemon in the game, and was super effective against a good number of them as well.)
Thanks. A battle chart said psychic was resistant to psychic.
Very nice program.
However, it brings up the question of Dig vs. Earthquake again. The program says that Dig only has a power of 60, which is what I originally thought. Earthquake's power is 100, almost twice that. It still might be faster to grab Earthquake after all.
Dig and Earthquake are both power 100 in R/B/G, according to a pair of very valuable resources I've found (including one which, ironically to my advantage, hasn't been updated since Yellow came out), and in-game tests seem to back up that fact, so maybe Dig was reduced in power in G/S/C, which that battle simulator seems to be updated to.
4 hours later, I am unable to find a chart of the values of the Japanese Characters, but I was able to find a Pokemon Hex list.
For those who are interested about the values of the Japanese characters:
katakana hiragana
A (128) - Golduck a (177) - Squirtle
I - Hypno i - Charmeleon
U - Golbat u - Wartortle
E - Mewtwo e - Charizard
O - Snorlax o - Missingno.
KA - Magikarp ka - Missingno.
KI - Missingno. ki - Missingno.
KU - Missingno. ku - Missingno.
KE - Muk ke - Oddish
KO - Missingno. ko - Gloom
SA - Kingler sa - Vileplume
SHI - Cloyster shi - Bellsprout
SU - Missingno. su - Weepinbell
SE - Electrode se (190) - Victreebel
SO - Clefable so - garbage
TA - Weezing (rest give garbage)
CHI - Persian .
TSU - Marowak .
TE - Missingno. .
TO - Haunter
NA - Abra
NI - Alakazam
NU - Pidgeotto
NE - Pidgeot
NO - Starmie
HA - Bulbasaur
HI - Venusaur
FU (155) - Tentacruel
HE Same as "he" -----------> garbage
HO (156) - Missingno.
MA - Goldeen
MI - Seaking
MU - Missingno.
ME - Missingno.
MO - Missingno.
YA - Missingno.
YU - Ponyta
YO - Rapidash
RA (165) - Rattata
RI Same as "ri" -----------> garbage
RU (166) - Raticate .
RE - Nidorino .
RO - Nidorina .
WA (169) - Geodude wa (220) - garbage
(There is no 170) (There is no 221)
N (171) - Aerodactyl n (222) - garbage
(TSU) - Missingno. .
(YA) - Magnemite .
(YU) - Missingno. .
(YO) (175) - Missingno. (yo) (226) - garbage
katakana hiragana
GA [KA+“] (5) - Spearow ga [ka+“] (38) - Kadabra
GI [KI+“] - Voltorb gi [ki+“] - Graveler
GU [KU+“] - Nidoking gu [ku+“] - Chansey
GE [KE+“] - Slowbro ge [ke+“] - Machoke
GO [KO+“] - Ivysaur go [ko+“] - Mr. Mime
ZA [SA+“] - Exeggutor za [sa+“] - Hitmonlee
JI [SHI+“] - Lickitung ji [shi+“] - Hitmonchan
ZU [SU+“] - Exeggcute zu [su+“] - Arbok
ZE [SE+“] - Grimer ze [se+“] - Parasect
ZO [SO+“] - Gengar zo [so+“] - Psyduck
DA [TA+“] - NidoranF da [ta+“] - Drowzee
(D)JI [CHI+“] - Nidoqueen (d)ji [chi+“] - Golem
(D)ZU [TSU+“] - Cubone (d)zu [tsu+“] - Missingno.
DE [TE+“] - Rhyhorn de [te+“] - Magmar
DO [TO+“] (19) - Lapras do [to+“] (52) - Missingno.
(No 20-24. No Mew) (No 53-57)
BA [HA+“] (25) - Gastly ba [ha+“] (58) - Seel
BI [HI+“] (26) - Scyther bi [hi+“] - Diglett
BU [FU+“] (27) - Staryu bu [fu+“] - Tauros
BE [HE+“] Same as "be" ------> be [he+“] - Missingno.
BO [HO+“] (28)- Blastoise bo [bo+“] (62)- Missingno.
katakana hiragana
PA [HA+°] (64) - Farfetch'd pa [ha+°] (68) - Missingno.
PI [HI+°] (65) - Venonat pi [hi+°] - Missingno.
PU [FU+°] (66) - Dragonite pu [fu+°] - Doduo
PE [HE+°] Same as "pe" -------------> pe [he+°] - Poliwag
PO [HO+°] (67) - Missingno. po [ho+°] (72) - Jynx
other symbols
null (0) - 'M (garbage)
end-of-name marker (80) - Missingno.
- (katakana double-vowel dash) (227) - garbage
-The absence of 170 and 221 is presumably from the omission of (W)O and (w)o from the naming list of characters. (W)O is never used in the game anyway, even though it's there.
-The hiragana and katakana of "ri" are similar. Thus the developers got lazy and had only one character represent both. Similarly with "he".
-Wonder how the (han)dakuon got their numbers? If you try to give a character a (han)dakuten and the resulting character is legit, its number is the original number minus X where X is:
Katakana dakuon: X=128 Katakana handakuon: X=89
Hiragana dakuon: X=144 Hiragana handakuon: X=134
That's why there are length-5 number gaps in the table. If it were possible to have [NI+“], it would yield Mew. Unfortunately, no such character exists. Thus, Mew cannot be obtained via the Missingno glitch.
-There are many Pokemon in the Japanese Missingno list that are not in the English Missingno list. There is only one Pokemon in the English list that is not in the Japanese list: Porygon (number 170).
The 3rd and 5th characters in the trainer name determine the Pokemon. The 2nd and 4th characters determine their level. Just don't make the 2nd and 4th characters (han)dakuon if you want L100+ Pokemon.
I spent a couple hours churning this list up using only Pocket Monsters Green, the emulator, and Hex Workshop. Credit those who made the list of values of each Pokemon.
(Note: The missingno glitch does not work in Pocket Monsters Green)
well, ur right that both dig and quake has power of 100, but you also neglected to notice that dig is basically 100 power 2 turn move, while quake is 100 power single turn move, so quake in over all power is far more powerful dealing double 100 power in 2 turns while dig only hits once for 100 power in 2 turn phase, so earthaquake is far superior to that of dig.
Dig also teleports you from some places to pokecenter, doesn't waste any time to get and it doesn't take that much more time to use. And there are only few places left after Silph co (saffron gym, maybe fuschia city (haven't watched the video), cinnabar island, viridian gym, power plant, rival, victory road, elite four). Earthquake is faster for: Saffron Gym (unless you get Zapdos at this point in which case zapdos would ohko them all, or if strenght, if you have it, ohkoes them), Fuschia Gym (all enemies, I think), and elite four's ghosts. That is around 20 enemies, which I think is not enough to use earthquake and destroy dig (buying escape ropes takes some time too).
Begun my final run a few days ago. Here's the progress up to Gym 1[/url]. You may notice that I'm now using English Pokemon Blue rather than Japanese Green.
However, despite the battle optimizations I've made so far (not a single enemy attack hits/affects me now, which saved a good bit of time), I'm currently 1097 frames (~18 1/2 seconds) slower than the Green run. I guess I wasn't quite expecting this much additional text in the English version of the game, I dunno.. Still, I'll be staying with the English Blue version for the final run, as it makes the game a heck of a lot more readable for the average viewer.
I've also solved one of my questions - Escape Rope = Dig, so I won't be using any Escape Ropes in the run.
Anyways, any questions/comments before I trudge on any further?
String Shot only effects your speed, and because your speed is slower than Weedle's it doesn't matter wether or not it hits. Unless the first critical'd frame happened to be String Shot missing as well....
Build a man a fire, warm him for a day,
Set a man on fire, warm him for the rest of his life.
Looks good so far. Just wondering whether talking to trainers is faster because the ! mark doesn't show up on their heads.
Tilus wrote:
I've also solved one of my questions - Escape Rope = Dig, so I won't be using any Escape Ropes in the run.
How about Teleport?. Not that you'll be using it.
OmnipotentEntity wrote:
String Shot only effects your speed, and because your speed is slower than Weedle's it doesn't matter wether or not it hits. Unless the first critical'd frame happened to be String Shot missing as well....
If it hits, the screen shakes for half a second. That's not good.