Okey. Id thought it was time that I update this run a little, let's say with approx 3min and 50seconds.
What to say about it.. Michael Jacksons Moonwalker. Michael is looking for all the kids that Mr Big has kidnapped and with his moves and dancing he success to find them and kill's Mr Big and all his men.
  • Takes damage
  • Uses no passwords
  • Played at hard
Act 1-2 Q: It seams that you stand still at the last child on lvl 1-2, why? A: The spot that trigger the boss is on the Pinnball game and how much I tried to get there before the monkey came I could'nt do it, thats why.
Act 1-3 Q: Could'nt you jump over the girl? A: Nope, sorry. But on the way back I could with a little help of the piano.
Act 2-2 Q: Why did'nt you dance them to death in the end? A: Simple, they will all run away and Michael will be dancing alone.
Act 3-2 Q: Here is an another place that you did'nt dance them to oblivion. A: Yeah, dancing takes alot longer to kill them rather then to kill them that I do and in the end of the battle there comes 2 zombies that also takes alot faster to kill without it.
Final Act - Battle. Q: It looks like you are missing some shots here and there. A: Yes thats true, but for a good sake. When you are firing there is comming one at the left side and one at the right side every second time. Thats why.
Okey.. hope that you all will enjoy this. Im not dead, I just lost some motivation on everyting. Oh almost forgot, I no longer got any internet at home. I moved to the forest... at least what it feels like. :)