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For anyone who was wondering, I finished Chuck's gym (that is, after working for a week on another run). It took me many hours over 3 days to get critical Magnitude 9/10 on Chuck's Poliwrath, but I finally got one. Makes me feel lucky to get critical Magnitude 10 on Miltank so soon. Anyway, Jasmine's Steelix has way too much defense and I can't OHKO it with non-critical Magnitude 10, so I'll do Mahogany Town first. I've seen almost exclusively physical moves being used throughout this whole run. Geodude did have a couple special moves thrown at it, but they missed. :) Does anyone know if I can get L38+ Goldeen or L41+ Seaking before the forced waterfall climb? I don't think so.
Post subject: ok, go check it!
Active player (317)
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Added some info to the pokémon game resources page. Please check if everything's allright.
"Genuine self-esteem, however, consists not of causeless feelings, but of certain knowledge about yourself. It rests on the conviction that you — by your choices, effort and actions — have made yourself into the kind of person able to deal with reality. It is the conviction — based on the evidence of your own volitional functioning — that you are fundamentally able to succeed in life and, therefore, are deserving of that success." - Onkar Ghate
Bisqwit wrote:
Drama, too long, didn't read, lol.
Editor, Expert player (2126)
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Posts: 3298
OK, I am done Clair's gym and headed toward Victory Road. There are so many things to note so I'll try to say the important things: - I used the Max Ether in the underground entrance in Goldenrod (where you must rescue the director). It turns out that using the Ether in the Tower would have been as effective, but I'm not going back. I did not use any PokeCenters. - It is possible to Escape Rope from the underground Goldenrod. Unfortunately, I did not buy enough Escape Ropes and to correct this would require redoing the entire run from Azalea. Escape Rope would save 20 seconds. - The Rocket Grunts are so weak that it is almost downright boring. They don't use a variety of Pokemon and I spend a lot of time avoiding the use of weaknesses, which is not a sign of entertainment. - I replace Magnitude with Earthquake because Magnitude wastes a second with every use, and it is harder to get high-magnitude criticals compared to Earthquake criticals. - I considered deliberately fainting out of Radio Tower, but threw that idea away. I also used strength on Pokemon instead of letting them self-destruct, which would be marginally slower and not as clean-looking. - I deliberately 2HKO a Pokemon (which I could OHKO otherwise) just to use Rollout. It turned out to be faster and less wasteful of resources. A WIP will come when I beat Johto. Anyway, I plan to do a full run of Johto+Kanto. Any ideas about it? Should I use the A+B+Start+Select reset to skip the hall of fame and Johto credits?
pirate_sephiroth wrote:
Added some info to the pokémon game resources page. Please check if everything's allright.
Thanks. I changed some stuff around.
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Well. I do hope to see a WIP soon. Beating Johto should not be too hard.
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FractalFusion wrote:
Should I use the A+B+Start+Select reset to skip the hall of fame and Johto credits?
Yes, I think - there are credits once again after Kanto, so it's okay. Looking forward for complete run =)
Editor, Expert player (2126)
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Johto beaten. Final time is 2:11: http://www.savefile.com/files/8021314 Remember to set the system back to May 19 and delete the .sav, or use the savestates in the .zip. I ended the movie as if my goal was only to beat Johto, but when I do Kanto I will soft-reset just after the game saves.
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Damn that Rollout is useful tech in a speedrun! Your run was very fast (as it is supposed to be :P) and had few unexpected choises in routes, which made it even more entertaining. Can't wait to see your Kanto-run. Keep up the good work FractalFusion. Btw, what do you mean with "set the system back to May 19"? I didn't do it and the run still played just fine. Do you mean that the OS's date (in my case Windows') should be set to May 19, or what? I'm just eager to know even though it doesn't affect me ;)
Which run should I encode next? :)
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In real-clock games, VBA v17 reacts differently to some OS dates. It may be that the date you have works, but I know that May 19 works for me. I'm planning out the Kanto route. I heard somewhere that it is faster to get to the Power Plant through Rock Tunnel, rather than from Cerulean City.
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The run still looks good, hehe. I will be eagerly awaiting the next update. ;3
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Very close to done. I'm at Red now. I just have to write up submission text, beat Red, finish submission text, and submit. Edit: Don't have time to submit today. Maybe tomorrow.
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Neat! :3 I will be awaiting the submission! ;3
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The run is done and submitted. The reason I took so long is because it took me days to write up the submission text, and I fixed a mistake in the run at Lt. Surge's gym.
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Already, I was thinking of improving the run. It must be the desync issue that did this to me. I considered using other Pokémon, and came up with a few choices (Sentret, Rattata, Pidgey, Spearow, and/or Gyarados (not shiny) later, and/or Suicune later). All these Pokémon have some desirable feature. - Sentret gets Surf, Rollout, and the three punches, but is slow before it evolves and doesn't get much on either attack stat. - Rattata gets Quick Attack and Hyper Fang early, but that's it. - Pidgey and Spearow get STAB Flying moves (good for Bug gym), and learn Fly, but are hopeless against Steel gym. - Gyarados gets Thrash (similar to Rollout, except it does major damage right away), Bite, and Surf. It's probably lower-leveled than the current Pokémon at that point. - Suicune is normally hard to get but using cheats can help (Suicune encounter flag cheat giving its location). Two extra trainer battles are required, though in Gold/Silver (Crystal is not an option). It starts out at L40, learns some HMs and has many four-letter words in its moveset. However, I'm not sure if it retains Bite at L40. Anyway, an important thing about the first three Pokémon listed is that they get STAB on Tackle and other normal moves. The starter doesn't. Any ideas?
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Btw, I was thinking if an alternative run where the goal is not to beat the game but to capture all the pokémon which can be captured in the game (including using bugs to capture pokémon which do not appear in the game in normal play) would be interesting. The run could end when the last (possible) pokémon has been captured. Or if it's possible to somehow show all captured ones (or their amount) in the pokedex (I don't remember how it worked) then after that. It might be interesting as a showcase demonstrating what are all the pokémon that can be captured in the game (including abusing bugs).
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Warp wrote:
if it's possible to somehow show all captured ones (or their amount) in the pokedex (I don't remember how it worked)
You can ask Dr. Oak for a rating on the captures.
Player (225)
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You could also collect the diploma, except I'm not totally sure how that works, and I hear you can get it with just 150 Pokemon rather than 151.
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Which run should I encode next? :)
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As far as I know after collecting 150 pokemon you can get Mew in japanese RGB version (somewhere in mansion), and in american release you only get diploma for getting 150 pokemon in pokedex.
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Someone should check to make sure that's not just a rumor!
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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But aren't we talking about Gold/Silver/Crystal? This is Pokemon GSC topic after all.
Which run should I encode next? :)
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Yeah, but you have to go in order. First get all the Pokeymon in RGBY, then get 'em all in GSC. Otherwise it's just all messed up you see.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Yes, I would also like to see that kind of run. Though, I'm not so sure it would be more entertaining but still.. Btw, Bisqwit. I think you should move all of the post here from Waps latest to this one to the Pokemon R/B topic.
Which run should I encode next? :)
Editor, Expert player (2126)
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I think it is possible to obtain all 151 Pokémon (and MissingNo. too!) in RBY. In GSC, as far as I know, you can't get all 251 Pokémon without GB link. So I wonder if there is a special diploma or message for catching all the game-exclusive Pokémon.
zefiris wrote:
As far as I know after collecting 150 pokemon you can get Mew in japanese RGB version (somewhere in mansion), and in american release you only get diploma for getting 150 pokemon in pokedex.
I heard that it (Mew rumor) is a false rumor. But that could be a rumor itself! Really, it's hard to trust people nowadays.
Player (225)
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but nobody lies on the internet you can trust me on this one
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
Joined: 8/27/2006
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Hmmm... Pokémon Crystal has even fewer differences from the previous versions than Pokémon Yellow so a run for it might not be accepted: Animated sprites at the start of each battle would cost the run a few frames at a time; The subplot about Suicune; You have to do a quiz to get the Rising Badge; A Move Tutor appears twice a week in Goldenrod City, teaching the three useful moves, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt and Ice Beam yet for a fee of 4000 Game Corner coins. Very intriguing.
Why, oh, why do I even <i>try</i> to understand my own species?
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