Bisqwit: I'm submitting this movie on the behalf of Pom.
This is a new record of Super Mario Bros, made in VirtuaNES but converted to FCEU's FCM format.
How it compares to existing movies:
which movie Input-end at frame# Axe hit at frame #
Pom's previous movie 17978* 18000*
Phil's unpublished movie 17979 17997
This movie 17974 17996
(*= Comparable timing. Subtract 2 frames to get Famtasia timing.)
(Input-end refers to the frame when all buttons are released, not movie-end.)
It was made by Pom soon after he discovered about Phil's unpublished movie, but Pom thought the improvement is too small to be worth anything. However, apparently his opinion changed :)
Note: You may notice that some levels are not played as fast as they could be. This is because of the 21-frame rule inherent in the Super Mario Bros game. The rule means that completion times of all levels (except the last one) are rounded up to the next 21-frame boundary, regardless of the exact time.

NesVideoAgent: Hi! I am a robot. I took a few screenshots of this movie and placed them here. Here goes!

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #740: pom's NES Super Mario Bros. "warps" in 04:59.93
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But it's 04:59.56668, not 05:00. :( Oh, if only there were a few more frames to spare. Still, this is neat.
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Where does this improvement come from? I think it might be from jumping down to the warp pipes in 5-2. Even though it is a very small improvement, I think it's worthy of a publish.
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Ouzo wrote:
Where does this improvement come from? I think it might be from jumping down to the warp pipes in 5-2.
You mean 4-2. No, it doesn't come from there because that scene is also subject to the 21-frame rule. The only place where sub-21 improvement can come from is the last part of 8-4.
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I haven't watched it and maybe not since I am tired of this game but I think it is wort publishing even if he had done some strange moves like I did and seems the video to be slower. I agree for doing those moves . Phil's unpublished movie Input end at 17979!? I have never stopped my movie at those frames but 17995.
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Phil wrote:
Phil's unpublished movie Input end at 17979!? I have never stopped my movie at those frames but 17995.
None of the times I wrote in the text were movie-end times. "Input end" time corresponds to the frame where all buttons are put to rest for the remaining of the movie.
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Go Pom! ^^
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I'm surprised to see a new record run that doesn't collect any power-ups. There are clearly places where Mario needs to slow down because he can't shoot an enemy, so there must be must be enough of an improvement over the old "power-upless" strategy to compensate. Would you care to elaborate on what those improvements were?
TASing or playing back a DOS game? Make sure your files match the archive at RGB Classic Games.
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hopper wrote:
There are clearly places where Mario needs to slow down because he can't shoot an enemy
Can you elaborate what those places are?
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Crap, it was the full run that uses Fiery Mario. What threw me was the necessary wait after the pirahna plant (where Mario must run past the pipe) before the water stage in 8-4. It reminded me of the improvement that was made in SMB2J, in which time was saved by shooting a pirahna plant instead of waiting for it to descend. Between the first two Japanese Super Mario games looking so much the same, and the warped and warpless runs of SMB1, I got confused. My bad.
TASing or playing back a DOS game? Make sure your files match the archive at RGB Classic Games.
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hopper wrote:
What threw me was the necessary wait for after the pirahna plant before the water stage in 8-4.
Indeed, this wait is done to scroll the screen, not to avoid the plant.
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I like how the video is faster even though it appears slower due to all the tricks he was able to fit within the 21-frame rule. Definite yes vote. :)
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [374] NES Super Mario Bros. "warps" by pom in 04:59.93
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Nicely done.. But i have a few Questions. 0.09: You slow down to hit the koomba. Why not just run across a pipe and be able tp jump over him not causing the slow down. 0.51: You slow down there to be able to jump 'up'. Could you have just found a way to go in under instead? 3.14: Why not just run across the cannon thingy and jump all the ways on top of the ledge instead of slowing down there too. 4.23: Would it be faster if you just jump across the full lava pit instead of that very short stop on the moving plateform?
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Vatchern wrote:
Nicely done.. But i have a few Questions.
None of these matter because of the 21-frame rule.
Vatchern wrote:
List of Timeattacks i hope to finish shortly. Current: Megaman 3 - NES
I hope you take advantage of the zipping that may happen when a stone falls on Rockman. :)
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What exactly is the 21-frame rule?
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Vatchern wrote:
What exactly is the 21-frame rule?
Every time the screen blacks out, the delay that occurs will be rounded up to 21 frames. This means that if you complete a level in 1 frames, the level length will be N+21 frames 15 frames, the level length will be N+21 frames 20 frames, the level length will be N+21 frames 21 frames, the level length will be N+21 frames 22 frames, the level length will be N+42 frames 30 frames, the level length will be N+42 frames 42 frames, the level length will be N+42 frames 43 frames, the level length will be N+63 frames And so on. Where N is a constant minimum length of the black screen.
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How about writing something about that for the Mario tricks page? It's been long missing.
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Truncated wrote:
How about writing something about that for the Mario tricks page? It's been long missing.
Because I haven't been able to explain it well enough so far. Downsides of search for perfection :P Ok ok, I'll write something.
Joined: 1/1/2022
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can someone PLEASE make a video of minus world being done id greatly apperciate it (if you do it i give you a chuchu rocket video)
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If you have the emulator version of this all you have to do is stop the movie when he gets inside the pipe in 1-2 and then move over to the pipe and go down.
Build a man a fire, warm him for a day, Set a man on fire, warm him for the rest of his life.
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uh i dun hav the emu version but can you make a video of you doin' minus world please
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omniswarrior wrote:
uh i dun hav the emu version but can you make a video of you doin' minus world please
Today is your lucky day, you badly spelling fellow from unknown country. FCM: AVI: (3.3 MB)
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omniswarrior wrote:
uh i dun hav the emu version but can you make a video of you doin' minus world please
he sounds like an american to me :P