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Now when Jyzero had released a new version of Gens(9d) that has "Start from a Statefile" I am more then happy to show you all guys the mysterious "Wily Tower".
Unfortunally this movie breaks one of the first rule on this site. It is started from a statefile. But what to do when you cant get there normaly?
I would like to thanx Joseph Tek Fox and Auto for the hacking of the statefile to Genecyst that is avalible at Zophar's Domain. Without it this wouldnt be possible. But why did you guys hacked the European version? =( The music in 50hz feels like slowmotion and I think the music is really good in this game.
Okay.. some notes of the game. Wily Tower contains 3 main bosses. Buster Rod-G, Mega Water-S and Hyper Storm-H, each characters is very odd compares from the other games. E.i Hyper Storm that has 2 energybars and so on.
Please read the difference between the NES and the GENESIS version at There is a huge differice between them.
Anyway. On my jouney I took the following weapons: Magnetman, Woodman, clashman, iceman, bombman, geminiman, Elecman and Fireman And following Items: Magnetbeam, Rush jet and Rush coil.
A "rule" that I had when I worked on this was: The time delay between the shoots has been inceased in this cartridge. So that means it is nearly impossible to kill an enemy while in "speed". Soo if you cant kill it, "Regaining motion when hurt with select/pause" through it.
Trying to manipulate the drops from the enemies is nearly impossible so forget it. It's like its already has been choosen for the stage.
I have Rockman 1, 2 and 3 here if some someone like to see the whole serie.
They are made with the "rockman megaworld(j)(!)" rom.

DeHackEd: Don't use phpBB mark-up for these.

Truncated: My opinion of this submission is:
  • It breaks a rule by beginning from a savestate. This was the only solution at the time, so it's not that strange, but a new solution has come forward, so there is no reason to accept this under current circumstances.
  • It's not very well played. The bosses obviously stop blinking several times. The weapons could have been chosen better.
  • The constant pausing which takes foreever is disruptive and annoying.
For these reasons, I am rejecting this submission.
There is of course the option of playing all the Mega Men from 1-3. I would advice anyone who is thinking of doing that to ask first to see if people would really like to see that. Probably a better idea is to run it from SRAM now that we know of a ROM that can handle it.
My opinions on this game:
I for one wouldn't want to watch slower and less spectacular versions of the truly extraordinary runs we have for NES (just this would probably be almost 2 hours), and finish it off with running a few levels which are mishmash of three games, have no sense of continuity, and look like christmas. Over all I think this game is an abomination.

Joined: 10/1/2008
Posts: 2816
Location: The dark corners of the TASVideos server
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