hey, it's more MM trick time. Firstly, some videos you guys might find interesting
Secondly, an actual trick. This isn't new, but I think there may be more uses for it
A warp directly to the Deku Palace bypasses the witches' bottle, which saves a lot of time when we go get the Hookshot. There is another convenient way to get it by going in the back way from Ikana, but by that time we'll need the Hookshot. However, this could see some use in 100%, where the witches' bottle is not so essential.
But another note is the fact that warping to the Deku Palace is not the only option. Here's a map of all the grottos in Majora's Mask in relation to one another.

In the video, I hover from "Akindo" to "Also Unknown", which seems to be linked to the Deku Palace. It has two warpers which lead to opposite sides of the garden, and climbing vines in between.
Anyways, the most intriguing one is "Lens of Truth Cave", which, as you might guess, lets us go directly from Termina Field to the far edge of the Mountains. "Yet Another Unknown" and "Unknown" have unknown exits, which I should probably test.