Recently I started making a tool-assisted glitchless Rockman movie. <p/>Because of the restricted goal of the movie (no glitches), these techniques raised some controversy during the making of this movie. <p/><ol><li> Jumping when the ground trembles (Gutsman fight) without losing balance <ul><li> It only requires perfect timing. Just jump at the right moment. You can rely on it with some training if you're lucky. </li></ul><li> Lifting a brick without the brick disappearing (brick duplication) <ul><li> It only requires perfect timing. Just lift the brick at the earliest possible moment. Often done accidentally in the presence of multiple bricks. </li></ul><li> Switching weapons during jump/falling and thus teleporting through an enemy <ul><li> If it's forbidden, it means that you are not allowed to switch weapons in the vertical tunnel at the end of the Bombman stage, because if you do, you'll likely teleport through an enemy as you fall. </li></ul><li> Grabbing the bottom of ladder and suddenly elevating by 24 pixels <ul><li> Most people do it always in the Elecman stage, by accident. </li></ul><li> Releasing ladder quickly and regrabbing it when shooting, to avoid delay </li><li> When passing a ladder, grabbing ladder and immediately releasing it for a small sudden horizontal movement </li><li> Switching weapons immediately after an enemy hits you and thus regaining control with less movement <ul><li> If it's forbidden, again you have to define circumstances in which you are not allowed to switch weapons. </li></ul><li> Entering Cutman's room in the "ouch" pose, and thus falling into the inside of a guts brick, which you can zip through <ul><li> I did it accidentally. See: <a href=""></a> (440 kB) </li><li> If you do it accidentally, do you have to start over because it's not an accepted gltch? </li></ul></li></ol><p/>So I found out that "no glitches" is actually quite vague. it's difficult to decide, which features of the game count as "glitch". <p/>Taskmaster Vatchern, can you please elaborate on what is allowed and what is not. <p/>(Edit: Yes, I realize this thread is about non-tool-assisted competition. But my point is "what are glitches".) <p/>I'd also like to hear Kelly Flewin's opinion on this.