I know that Metroid Legacy's already being mulled over, but apparently there's another hack that's just been released, and it's supposed to be large and even more in-depth, and so forth. Just giving any interested parties a heads-up, even if to only attract attention.
Sweet, I've been waiting for this one to be completed. I can already tell it will be totally awesome. It's just a shame he didn't do anything to the Ceres Station (save for cutting the timer down to 30 seconds) but once you land in Crateria you're in unfamiliar territory.
THIS is a hack worthy to be TASed, without a doubt.
nice hack :)
as usual, I'm stuck, but I'll keep trying to find that super missile (or whatever is next)
edit: one day I'll figure out why I can be stuck for half an hour, but will always find the next item 2 minutes after I posted about being stuck. Back to playing.
Yay! I was waiting for it, too. Gonna play right now. :)
BTW, I remember Sigfriedxx mentioning the estimated time for completing any% TAS to be around 1:30 or something. Must be a really huge game now.
I hate how the increased gravity forces you to constantly dash if you want to make any jump. The number of shots needed for even the smallest enemies is insane, the hack has devolved the game to Metroid levels.
And I'm stuck because I can't walljump properly. Can't even manage a single jump in this hack.
I must say that I don't like the gravity either, and wall jumping on just one wall is kidna hard too. :)
And the fact that it's not possible to wall jump on every wall is kinda bad too.
But after all I'm not too good at Super Metroid.
I hate how the increased gravity forces you to constantly dash if you want to make any jump. The number of shots needed for even the smallest enemies is insane, the hack has devolved the game to Metroid levels.
Actually, most enemies early on die to one or two missiles, and item replenishment is biased towards ammo first then health with quite a few enemies, so dont feel too bad about using them.
And I'm stuck because I can't walljump properly. Can't even manage a single jump in this hack.
I find walljumping to be rather easy, albeit its a lot easier to do with a controller than a keyboard.
I must say that I don't like the gravity either, and wall jumping on just one wall is kidna hard too. :)
You're generally not supposed to walljump off of just one wall :P though it is incredibly easy to do with frame advance.
But after all I'm not too good at Super Metroid.
I have a fair amount of disbelief in this statement.
Well, my incredible ability to always get lost struck, so I can't get anywhere, I must be the best player ever of this game, getting lost after like 20 minutes with no hope of returning where I came from.
Atma wrote:
I have a fair amount of disbelief in this statement.
Atma wrote:
You're generally not supposed to walljump off of just one wall :P though it is incredibly easy to do with frame advance.
I can't alternate walls in this game, I always fall down, I have to do single wall wall jumps. Also, I hadn't thought of using frame advance, but that'll take too much time to use.
Who are you replying to? I believe everyone has read the readme, since it would be kinda hard to play the game without doing so.
People dont actually read the readme, they skim it looking for a password. I know I did (albeit I dont need to know anything in the readme).
And Graveworm: because you've gotten a faster time than JXQ on the ceres escape?
I did use frame advance for that, it doesn't mean I'm good at the game. Also, Saturn did a better Ceres station before me, and I did a better Ceres station than that before JXQ did his.
OmnipotentEntity wrote:
Erm... walljumping is disabled on many surfaces in this game. Read the Readme.
If you were referring to one of my post, I just pointed out that I didn't like this change.
It's okay, most people are usually having a hard time figuring out what I mean when I write posts on internet forums. So I guess it's more my fault, or something like that.
Woah, if that is already hard for some people, I don't know what will they be saying at the Ice beam. It is especially hard on the keyboard (if you don't use the slowdowns). There will be a lot of interesting bomb jumping places, which are fairly hard, too. Gravity is an unforgiving thing, heh.
Graveworm wrote:
I can't read that, my IP's banned over at Metroid2002, maybe you could tell me what that says instead.
Also, I thought bombs were going to mean freedom, guess I was wrong. For me, this is Super Metroid without all the things that makes Super Metroid what it usually is, the game I can speed run several times a week without getting tired of. Even then, I must say it's an impressive effort by the author, if only I could progress. ;D Everywhere I bomb there's always a Super Missile door behind the wall.
I can't read that, my IP's banned over at Metroid2002, maybe you could tell me what that says instead.
Ok, here you are:
graveworm wrote:
00:57, 100% even though my total playing time is less than Red Scarlets 00:55, it's strange.
And then, down the thread:
graveworm wrote:
I think I'll redo it and pick up the grapple on the way to lower norfair, improve some of the parts and try to go under :55.
And then:
TixFrix wrote:
With Graveworms route and some tweeks by myself I completed the game at 100% with a time of 1:21 in the pal version. That is about 11 minutes better than when using scarlets route and I do not do everything good cuz of the lack of a working gamepad.
I suppose this acts as a proof that you're actually good at Super Metroid, if not too good at least. ;)
Also, haven't you beat all the Metroid games in about 7 hours?
Graveworm wrote:
Also, I thought bombs were going to mean freedom, guess I was wrong. […] Everywhere I bomb there's always a Super Missile door behind the wall.
Yup, same here, but now with the Powerbomb blocks instead of the Super missile ones. :)
I'm going to do a 100% speedrun to send to SDA as soon as I feel like I've reached my limit in how good I am, right now I usually can't play through the game without screwing up, but I want a video to be as good as I can possible make it, because the 100% video at SDA wasn't very well planned or executed. We'll see how that goes, but I guess I'm only good at Super Metroid because of the number of times I've played through it, right now I don't know if I'm that good, because I havn't played in a while.
Also, I believe I did a 57 min video with SNES9x, I might be able to find it. (I didn't have an american copy of the game at that time.)
moozooh wrote:
Also, haven't you beat all the Metroid Games in about 7 hours?
The total time was in the total metroid time board topic, I don't know if it's there any longer, but you might be able to find the exact time there.
I'm in the same place, and I believe I'm suppose through the heat rooms to somewhere. The problem is I don't know where and anything I've actually been able to get to hasn't helped.