Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 325
Well my router is messed up and blocks all the popular ports (6667...) so I can't connect to IRC ( hell I can't even play counter-strike anymore =( ) so I'm wondering if there's any other ports for freenode to connect to since auto-connecting only tries 2 servers, both 6667
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Joined: 3/10/2004
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Location: Finland
Usually irc servers have more than one available port starting from 6667 forward. Try with 6668 and so on to see if it works.
Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 325
* Connect retry #2 (6668) - * Unable to connect to server (Software caused connection abort) - * Connect cancelled - * Connecting to (6669) - * Unable to connect to server (Software caused connection abort) - * Connect retry #1 (6669) - * Unable to connect to server (Software caused connection abort) wether i use 6668 or 6669 they both use , wondering if that means anything... well anyways not working so oh well
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Joined: 3/10/2004
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Location: Finland
Naturally the IP doesn't change even if you change the port. You are, after all, connecting to the one and same computer.
Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 325
True, that makes sense. Well thanks for trying to help anyways
Joined: 5/4/2005
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it shouldn't say "software caused connection abort" if it's your router that's messed up. i'd say that you have disabled your irc client in windows firewall or something¨
Joined: 6/19/2005
Posts: 180
That's nothing. Every time I try to connect to the IRC channel, it instantly disconnects me. [INFO] Attempting to connect to “”. Use /cancel to abort. [INFO] Connecting to irc:// (irc://, attempt 1, next attempt in 15 seconds... [ERROR] Connection to irc:// (irc:// reset. It just won't connect. My router has something to do with it, and I can't figure out what. I went and tried to make it go through, but I'm confused as to what to do. :\ Can anyone help me out? >>; It's a Linksys router, if that helps. -.-; EDIT: Apparently it's a different response for the same thing on other clients. mIRC says Unable to connect to server (Software caused connection abort) and keeps me from connecting.