I've been wanting to do this for a long time but, I felt that the author of the 120 star run would probally do this in the end, but after a long discussion on IRC he had no objection to me doing it and so I started the very next day.
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Abuses programming errors
  • Takes Damage to save time
  • Ignores semi-important goals
Thanks to everyone on the SM64 board including nesrocks, Robert_z, laughing gas,silent_slayers and to a certain extent RIkku as his previous unsubmitted TAS showed some great strategies that I would otherwise would have not come up with at the time.
I was excited about doing this becuase with all the glitches available I could really do the whole thing completely out of order and being 3D would allow me to me more expressive in my actions as opposed to the roboticness of 2D.
Over the course of the game I reckon the choice of stars saved 4 seconds, the new star glitches and shortcuts saved 15 seconds and the lobby glitch saved 6 seconds, while the rest of the time came through better optimization. This was possible because of Nitsuja's virtual analougue stick which I strongly argue gives far more precision that what a controller would give espeacally for optimal turns and long jumps as well as moving at hyper speed.

DeHackEd: Claim!

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