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Bob A I would like to see it earlier, and I won't encode your WIP until you tell me to do :P
Joined: 2/12/2006
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right now, i'm almost to the morph bombs. it's a little slow because i'm optimising a lot, perhaps too much for a test run. i do plan on using whatever sequence breaks i need. i'll get the space boots early, probably after the power bomb, if doing so can save enough time in the metroid room in maridia (i'm thinking it will). anyway, shall i post wip's every boss or major boss? zexr0: i'm telling you to encode my wip's whenever you want.
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Bob A : As soon as possible :P I can't wait to see your progress.
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erm, as soon as possible which?
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Well if you make an exception for me, I would take it minute by minute :P And I could try to comment your run, to see if there's any improvement. Else, it would be nice to have at least each boss.
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i was thinking after spore spawn, since there's really nothing new until after torizo, but if you want i guess i can do it after the latter. i'm almost there.
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moozooh wrote:
Speed booster is kinda useless until after Maridia. I guess taking it after Draygon is the only viable choice due to not having to backtrack.
unless you try ridley before draygon, if that's even possible. No idea if the cost for additional item farming outweights the faster movement in maridia. pb -> space jump -> farming -> ridley -> gravity suit -> plasma -> draygon I'm not aware of any required doors opened by draygon, but I didn't check.
Bob A wrote:
i'll get the space boots early, probably after the power bomb, if doing so can save enough time in the metroid room in maridia
space jump doesn't work underwater without gravity suit, right? edit: sorry, I was thinking about the room before botwoon. stupid me.
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er... if it's possible to get the speed booster without the energy tanks aquired with the grappling hook. (there are some of those, right?) with tool assistance, how many tanks do you need to get the speed booster? also, you'll miss the 2 (that i can think of) tanks in maridia, and you'll have loads of trouble going through the lower left passage in brinkstar without the plasma beam. actually, i was already thinking about doing ridley without the spring ball or plasma beam. if this could be done without losing more than a few minutes, it would probably be a very good sequence break, and it would also make draygon possible to beat legitimately.
Tub wrote:
space jump doesn't work underwater without gravity suit, right?
you know which room i'm talking about, right? the one above draygon. edit: i just remembered something. remember there's a grappling block in the room before the speedboster? well, so much for that.
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I've beaten Spore Spawn but now I can't do anything in the red Brinstar area... I can't reach the top of the room even with wall jumping, but even if I could do it, the is a green door and I don't have Super Missiles yet. I can't go back because of the blue "door", which I can't open from the right. And in the bottom of the red room where I can't reach the top, there is a little thing (what's their name ?) that I can't kill, in a bloc. It kills me almost instantly, and I can't go anywhere there. Please someone help me :(
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Link_enfant wrote:
And in the bottom of the red room where I can't reach the top, there is a little thing (what's their name ?) that I can't kill, in a bloc. It kills me almost instantly
two hints: - don't kill it (you can't) - don't let it touch you it's the way to go.
Bob A wrote:
edit: i just remembered something. remember there's a grappling block in the room before the speedboster?
oh, then it won't be possible. Sorry, I though I read somewhere that someone got the speed booster early.
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Thanks for the hints ^^ Now I can't go back after getting my first Super Missiles in Norfair, in the big room where you have to find your way into a morphball... I tried to go everywhere and to shoot any walls but I can't find the way to go back, please help me ^^
Joined: 2/12/2006
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you need to bomb jump.
Player (206)
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I'm back again! Much progress happened around the hack, I'm especially glad about the movie-walkthroughs you guys made. Especially Squ4ll-'s one was shocking to see as he breaked through even more areas I didn't intend one to do, so I updated the hack to v1.3, fixing all the other bugs you guys pointed out so far. I also updated the Honor List for Game Completion!
See my perfect 100% movie-walkthroughs of the best RPG games on http://www.freewebs.com/saturnsmovies/index.htm Current TAS project (with new videos): Super Metroid Redesign, any% speedrun
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hello, saturn. i finished the hack (9:58, 93%) without abusing savestates or slowdown, except for draygon and ridley. this is one of the best super metroid hacks i've seen; it has the sort of difficulty i like in games. i was only disappointed that draygon and ridley are virtually impossible.
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torizo finished, finally. i obviously screwed up two rooms in ceres, just so you know. i also probably could've used a better strategy for torizo, but it was taking rather long.
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Bob A wrote:
you need to bomb jump.
Do you mean bomb jumping in the Super Missiles room or in the room before it ?
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Saturn wrote:
I'm back again! Much progress happened around the hack, I'm especially glad about the movie-walkthroughs you guys made. Especially Squ4ll-'s one was shocking to see as he breaked through even more areas I didn't intend one to do, so I updated the hack to v1.3, fixing all the other bugs you guys pointed out so far. I also updated the Honor List for Game Completion!
Which areas would that be Saturn? Have to be some areas in maridia I think.
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I don't remember them all by now, but I think most of them were in Brinstar and Crateria. I didn't noticed anything special in Maridia AFAIR. EDIT: Bob, your run looks really good so far, keep it up!
See my perfect 100% movie-walkthroughs of the best RPG games on http://www.freewebs.com/saturnsmovies/index.htm Current TAS project (with new videos): Super Metroid Redesign, any% speedrun
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Yeah I really enjoyed the run. I think it will be such a great TAS :) It could become a star :P
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saturn and zexr0: thanks. link_enfant: the super missile room. don't worry, though; if you can get the hang of bomb jumping, it's easier than it looks.
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Link_enfant wrote:
I've beaten Spore Spawn but now I can't do anything in the red Brinstar area... I can't reach the top of the room even with wall jumping, but even if I could do it, the is a green door and I don't have Super Missiles yet. I can't go back because of the blue "door", which I can't open from the right. And in the bottom of the red room where I can't reach the top, there is a little thing (what's their name ?) that I can't kill, in a bloc. It kills me almost instantly, and I can't go anywhere there. Please someone help me :(
I was stuck at the same place. Thx to Tub i can now continue this game, and Bob A, your run was so nice, i wish it would have never finished. =D
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Bob A wrote:
it has the sort of difficulty i like in games.
What kind of inhuman monster are you?
Nach wrote:
I also used to wake up every morning, open my curtains, and see the twin towers. And then one day, wasn't able to anymore, I'll never forget that.
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Thanks for your help =) Indeed, it wasn't that hard, only bomb jumping ^^ Phantoon was almost impossible. I had to use savestates to kill him =o I came back to norfair but I hope that Varia suit is not in Wrecked Ship =/ EDIT I came back (again XD) to Wrecked Ship and I'm in the room just before Maridia. I tried to bomb everywhere but I didn't found anything to reach the door, please help me <_>
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you mean the door discussed on page 6 of this topic? rt-55j: i guess i just play video games a lot, but, like samus, i'm fully human.
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Okay I found the first bombs in Maridia, but I did everything I could there and I have no idea where I can go now I got the bombs. Please help me ^^ EDIT As I can see on one of the first pages in the topic, there is still a grey door in the room where you find the Space Jump. I just found it but I can't go back because of the door, and it looks like I need it to continue the game. I haven't found the Varia suit yet, I played until fiding Power Bombs and do many things in Maridia without Space Jump or Varia suit, and I don't know if it is normal :s... Also, the 1.3 patch doesn't work for me >_<
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