I noticed speeduns often (not always, and that's good) show quick, but repeatative boss fights with enemy being luck manipulating into doing the same thing over and over, always getting hit with the strongest weapon. Therefore I made this topic for movies with boss fights that are recorded aiming for entertainment, and only then for speed. I think Megaman series boss refights can be interesting, and some games have unlockable boss rush mode (Kirby, Summon night...)
- Movie should start from save state right before entering first boss fight room (if there are few fights in the movie) with al preparations already done.
- Luck manipulation is welcome, but no repeating same thing over and over.
- If the game allows it, you should use different attacks. From weak ones (to finish almost dead enemy?) to the strongest.
- If there is some useless but beautiful glitch(or attack) - why not show it?
- Don't forget to give at least rom name when you post~
Here's my Kirby ad the Amazing Mirror Boss Rush in 5 minutes ^^ Smash mode has quite a wide choice of effective attacks, so I used it almost up to the evry end... Well, Dark Mind wants me to fight using Master mode... I can't agree with that ^^
ROM used: "1716 - Kirby And The Amazing Mirror (U)(Rising Sun).gba"
P.S. No, I don't think it duplicates "Just be funny" topic.