Post subject: Snes movie requests and slowdown question!
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ok, so I'm thinking about making some videos, and I've got all the roms and eulators and everything, this is snex9x, btw.... I was wondering after I start recording how I slow down the emulator, every seems to talk about it, but I'm yet to find how to slow it down while recording and then play back at normal speed... Maybe i'm just not looking in the right palces, or I'm completely dumb, lol other than that, if anyone has any requests for games I could play that i could speed run, let me know! - Volkov
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Shift and the plus sign key slow down the emulation speed.
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SHIFT + to slow it down and SHIFT - do gain speed again.. One thing that I have noticed is that you cant get back to "normal" speed again. So close Snes9x and reopening it again to get nomal speed.
Wheeeehaaa.. Yaaayy..
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I believe the '17ms' setting is normal speed.
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Thanx so much for the real fast reply! One more question... Say, I've played half the game perfectly using savestates and slowdowns, and I want to close it and start again from the same palce another time, is there a way to do that? or when you finish the movie is that the absolute end of it? Cus same games would take an all-day effort, if not longer... And what would be the best way to use multiple save states, because that would be the best thing right, once you saved it over the one you already have and you found its not what you want, you're whole movie's stuffed, right? Do you guys use a bunch of save states? and if so, what's the best way to do it, can you pause it and save and then unpause and continue playing at a slowed down speed and keep doing that and then pause it and load whatever one is appropriate? Sorry for the bad layout and explanation og my questions! - Volkov
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If you want to continue a movie from before, simply replay the movie and make a savestate as it's playing. Then before the movie has finished, reload the savestate and it'll continue where the state loaded from. This should solve both of your potential problems. Using multiple save state slots is a definite time saver, however. Also, the 'Open Read-Only' box must remain unchecked.
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So I play half the game and then ifnish my movie, watch my movie back and make a savestate before the end and simply load that state and i will be playing the game with it recording? EDIT - Will slowing and speeding up my game while recording stuff up the end result, like, pressing shift - while waiting for inbetween levels...will it desync my product movie? I don't want to have done all this work and find it dosnt work out because i sped up while waiting and it desyncs it... - Volkov
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Yes, but only if the movie's playback is running when you load the state.
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You can use several of state saves, yes. I often use up to 3-4 serveral of state saves. One that is safe and 2-3 state saves that you work with. One thing that I hate is desyncs and if you would like to countine with a movie later on I just play the run and when I get close to where I am in the run I just Re-record. TAB is your friend with that.. it speeds the game at full speed. :)
Wheeeehaaa.. Yaaayy..
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Is there any way to change the button that pauses the emulator? If I can't have my pause button as right shift then I won't be able to make any good movies.
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Thank you all so much for your help...just one thing I'm not so clear about.. the desyncs.. Here's the situation...I'm recording my movie, at 35ms, cus im comfortable there, it's pretty accurate to what I want, i think its delays a little from when i press the button on my snes controller, but I can live with that...when i finish a level, I speed up using shift - and then use shift + to slow it down at the start of the next level, and continue playing the game with savestates and what-not... When i completely finish and watch my movie, it should all work out right? The reason I ask is because i heard using speed ups and slowdown constantly using famtasia, it would ruin the final reulst and desync parts of it... I hope this dosnt happen to me, because im already going as it is :P Sorry if I ask stupid questions, and thanx again from the help Expect some movie from me soon! I hope it's ok, if I work on them, you guys can put them on the site with the other, I notive there is only 3 so far? Funny, but if you want some more, then tell me some games, and I'll try a speed-run! I have all the roms, and im on school holidays, so I enjoy making them so far! - Volkov
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There should not be any problem doing that. Desyncs happen rarely and there is often nothing you can do about it. Just have copies of the movie file to be safe.
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Frenom wrote:
One thing that I have noticed is that you cant get back to "normal" speed again. So close Snes9x and reopening it again to get nomal speed.
I don't have this problem.
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It's working for me, too, 17ms is just one of the setting and I can get there just as normal... So far my video is a huge success, though I have found errors in the end, I'm done, I just don't know how it compares to the one on the site already...Ok, onto something else then, come on, i need a suggestion for my next game :P thanks... - Volkov
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anyways, there's a few errors, I have to redo some other time and..I don't know how to actually time this...where the official start and ends are? etc... anyways...[Volkov]Super%20Mario%20World%20(U)%20[!].smv I didn't know where else to post it.. - Volkov
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You can submit that movie. It will be published. It is 4 seconds faster than the current record. Very nice job for your first movie.
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Yeah, that was a great movie! It was more exciting to watch also, nice jumps on the second stage! Go to, log in, and click submit to submit your movie if you haven't figured out already. Now I'm only waiting for a full run of the game! *nudge*
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I think I beat my time again... This time I only took 10:59... I don't think I can beat it again.. Thanx for the comments! This 10:59 run I just nice jumps on the 2nd level, I think they slowed me down...but hey, I did faster, and that was my aim. I will submit this new time I have now to the site, thanx for the help! - Volkov
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Oh, about "entire game"...give me some time inbetween my other recordings and I'll see what I can get ;) What kind of style do you want for "entire game"? - Finish All Levels All different Ways - Finish All Star Road (Single way only, to complete the star-shape) - Finish All of Special World - Collect All Yoshi Coins (Including Castles) Which of these do you want in the video for "entire game"? I can maybe do them all, but I was just wondering... - Volkov
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If you are going to do another run, do 100%(all levels, all exits, all coins), or a no warp run.
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With full run I originally meant a run the normal way and just defeat the game. But a 100% run (or just the 96 endings (btw, I only got 95, and searched like hell for the 96th, so I've never seen that one...)) would be very cool. And you actually improved it even more? Holy shit... You're a natural talent, and I'm the opposite... Or I just don't have the patience ;)
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Volkov we're waiting your submission.
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Grillo wrote:
With full run I originally meant a run the normal way and just defeat the game.
-_- Thats what a non warp run it
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The submit link somone gave me in this forum did not work. I did find the submit page though and I submitted it, abd I checked it is on the "new" page or whatever it is called.. I'll do a run of the game with all levels finish all ways and all coins in all levels (yoshi coins) that's a 100% finish, and It'll be quite a feat, but I'll give it a go, I just hoped people liked my first effort, if you leave your comments it might inspire me to get onto the 100% run a bit quicker. I love knowing what people think of the video. - Volkov
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That is because he accidently added a comma at the end. And please make a full run! This version was much cooler than the other version(sorry bladegash :( ) Edit: Change your website link. Rom linking is not allowed