Post subject: what version of Doom IS THIS??!?!?!?
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can someone please tell me what version of doom this is. the levels look like doom 2, the models look a HELL of a lot better. if this is freeware, please tell me where i can download it. if its a quake-mod, kickass. if its an actual game, please tell me where i can buy it.
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The first screenshot is E1M1 of Doom. The other 3 look to be from Doom2.
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Those look like the regular old Ultimate Doom / Doom II 1.666 to me. Maybe they're glDoom or some other update, but I think they're the original graphics.
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Those are FAR from the original gfx. The ones in the screenshots look like actual 3d models. None of the official Doom games or patches ever had those.
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Those are FAR from the original gfx.
I'd agree with Locke here, I have all the original Doom games on my PC up to Plutonia. I just played it five minutes ago and the graphics posted here are definitely not the same.
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I'm 80% positive that this is Doom/DoomII using the Vavoom source port with their own MD2 3D models. For more information and download link check out Vavoom - the most advanced source port engine However, Vavoom is not the only one to have support for MD2 models. If I recall correctly, the Doomsday engine has support for MD2 models as well, and the Doomsday engine is much more frequently updated and looks a bit nicer. Check out more at the DoomsdayHQ but last I checked, the links for the MD2 models were not working. Hmm... For a source port with a lot more features, most frequent updates, online multiplayer support and cross-platform development, I'd whole-heartily recommend Doom Legacy.
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After checking out a few screenshots, this is definitely the Doomsday engine at work. Now, if anyone can find a link to download the 9MB pack of MD2 models, anyone with the doom wad files can experience the 3D goodness themselves.
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A third the fun of doom is playing with sprites... I have so many memories of each of their animations, angles, etc etc. Another third is remembering each level as you play it. The last third is the sound.
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I don't think anyone can forget the sounds of Doom. Like that gurgling sound the imps make.
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just downloaded the upgrade from Doomsdayhq and the new graphics look great! Gives me more reason to play this classic.
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how the hell do you all get doom 2 to work? im assuming the majority of you use windows XP. i have xp and the original versions of doom and doom2. neither work with my computer but somehow doom works on this crappy-ass 166mhz crap-box i have sitting on my floor >.< can anyone help me?
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Well, jDoom doesn't use the doom.exe/doom2.exe files. It has it's own exe. First thing you do is put Doom.wad and/or Doom2.wad in the directory you want to install jDoom in. Then you download and install: Then download and install:
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ok cool. i got doom to actually work. now how do i get those sweet looking models to actually work?
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never mind, i got it working. simply amazing. that was the way doom was MEANT to be played....even with the old codes. brilliant. i love the way the bfg looks. LOVE IT. hexen looks equally awesome, but the model pack doesnt have weapons and some environment elements.
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Location: Denmark The pictures is from the sourceport (new engines made from the doom source code) Jdoom / Doomsday Engine[/url]
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Yes Torn, you should read previous messages before posting something that's already been talked about.
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Locke wrote:
Yes Torn, you should read previous messages before posting something that's already been talked about.
Uhm, fine... I just tried to help, you know.
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Does anyone else's Lost Souls look like floating flames with the skeleton head missing?
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dunno what jdoom is but i know this doom version is called "doom remake" its about ~400 mb and free for download. just search at google for it. there is also doom 64 included i.e. and maaany other doom games.
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Is there a download link you can post to doom remake? I'm only finding foreign sites and I can't navigate myself to the download :( (except for one, but it failed.)
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Deviance wrote:
Does anyone else's Lost Souls look like floating flames with the skeleton head missing?
yes, i have that problem too. just an aesthetic problem, but still a problem. anyone who sees the skulls like they appear in the screen shot, please offer up some tips and advice to fix this. thx. and......anyone who has Final Doom: The Plutonia Experiment Final Doom: Evilution Heretic Hexen: Death Kings of the Dark Citadel a PM would be appreciated.
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go to and search for "doom remake" you get even the missing wads.
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i can't believe you guys actually prefer these graphics... telling from the snapshots they looks pretty shitty to me. if they used polys hell why not use A FEW MORE POLYS / MODEL??? did they really have to put models with 500 faces each?? omg this snapshot looks pretty messy: my opinion is: doom is a classic, if your gonna change it, you better change to something incredibly good. these models looks terrible! :drool: the sprites are far better
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please dont call it terrible until youve played it. just becuase one screen shot is not amazing, doesnt mean the game sucks. classic doom is much better with jumping and freelook capabilities. and, how can you say the models suck? i mean...honestly. the old models had like 3 frames of animation. at least these are somewhere in the ballpark of 3-d