I was thinking of attempting a TAS for this game. It may be better well known as a bonus game in other games ('Tales of' series, I heard is was in Baten Kaitos as well).
If anyone has ever played this game they know just how impossible it is. Every floor as a treasure and only 1 way to get it. However other than luck or experimentation, nobody could really figure out the requirements simply by playing through. Again if you've ever played this you know what I'm talking about.
The only concerns I have for a TAS for this are:
Min run or 100%? Not every treasure is required.
Would anyone care? Most of the tricks to reveal the treasure are very odd and unless you know what/why, it will look silly or pointless (one treasure is 'visit every corner of the map', for example).
2nd Quest? Just like Zelda, this game as a '2nd quest' after you beat it, same maps but different requirements and such.
For ME, this would be a great game to TAS because I remember playing it many times before (I've beaten it in the Tales series games too). However I don't think many other people, especially those who never tried it, would understand the beauty of blazing through this otherwise near-impossible-ultra-confusing game.
Samus taught us that a girl doesn't need brains to be successful. Brains are giant, evil, and vulnerable to missiles.