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Xerophyte wrote:
I especially liked seeing a Moogle Charm-equipped Mog run alone and unaccosted through the entire final dungeon, his only fight being killing his statue boss in a single X-Magic'd Vanish-Doom.
I remember always doing that moogle charm trick whenever I played the last dungeon, mostly because my characters were so unbalanced in levels that I only had one party's worth who could actually fight. :D
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[quote="Xerophyte"]I guesstimate that tool-assisted luck manipulation can take 30 minutes off the speed run at most but I suppose properly abusing the sketch glitch and other route improvements can slim that down some more.[/quote] Not to mention single stepping a frame at a time through any menu inputs. A few frames here, a few there, it all adds up. I'd guess that the savings would be quite a bit more than a half hour. If the randomness of the random encounters were also manipulated then that would likely be an even bigger saving.
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Just finished watching the SDA run. Damn nice I must say. I never thought the game was beatable in that kind of time ammount. Very cool tricks pulled off. Some new things that I have never seen. Good that games never stop surprising. It's the worlds best game ever if you ask me.. At some places perhaps he could have done better. In Kefkas tower, why does he cast Vanish + doom at the GtBehemoth and then Smoke bomb? Is it impossible to just cast smoke bomb? I guess that it's all making sense. Just that I haven't checked any of the guides or so recently, so I wouldn't know all the details any more. Anyways.. Damn cool run. I can recommend it to everyone that are interested in this game. Also I really wanna see Jyzero complete his run. *drools and dreams for sub 4 hour run*
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/*- wrote:
yeah... i think the song on the OSTs like 20+ minutes and its FILLED with crap (i remember well because my PSX crapped out during these credits and i had to redo that final "battle") from all the characters lives (which might not be so bad if you do a minimal party thing).
The full song plays regardless of who you have in the party. But depending on the party you see different scenes for some people.. for others, if someone's missing you just see a portrait of em and eir hometown.
someone is out there who will like you. take off your mask so they can find you faster. I support the new Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun.
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Highness wrote:
In Kefkas tower, why does he cast Vanish + doom at the GtBehemoth and then Smoke bomb? Is it impossible to just cast smoke bomb?
Hmm, isn't the GtBehemoth a boss somewhere else in the WoR? I'm figuring you have to kill him in order to run away from a battle, which is why that would make sense.
but then you take my 75 perchance chance of winning, if we was to go one-on-one, and then add 66 and two-thirds ch...percents...i got a 141 and two-thirds chance of winning at sacrifice
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suraimu wrote:
I remember always doing that moogle charm trick whenever I played the last dungeon, mostly because my characters were so unbalanced in levels that I only had one party's worth who could actually fight. :D
I remember only having 4 characters who could even survive Kefka's Tower, so I would make 3 separate runs, clear all the bosses with my 4 characters, and use Charm Bangle and abuse the tent trick just to be able to make it to Kefka. Relm using Control was the only good way to get past Giant Behemoths in a fight. I also took down the MagiMaster for his Gem Box without getting Life3 from the Pheonix Cave because it was too difficult, more so than Kefka's Tower actually. That was really cool. But then I had to cave in at the end and get Life3 anyway, for the first 3 stages of the final boss. =p
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This looks like it could be one of the most entertaining runs to see. I'm glad your taking the time and effort to bring this to us. Any progress made since your last update?
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I'm too overloaded with work to do anything for the next 2-3 weeks. I suggest to watch the FF6 speedrun on sda. It was done by the guy who made the FAQ I used as reference for my run. My run will look like exactly like his run. Unless I use the sketch glitch... The following documents describe the effect for the glitch in relation with the enemy formation: http://masterzed.cavesofnarshe.com/GameDocs/ff3sktch.txt http://www.angelfire.com/pq/jumparound/FF6docs/ME_Form.txt The Mould 1 glith would be easy to do. It would give me Gem Boxes (and Economizers !). It will allow me to skip Mage Tower completly (wich I was planningtto do anyway). The Mould 7 is even more interesting. It would give me Paladin Shields and Illuminas giving too possible strategies for WOR: 1) Get Edgar, Setzer, level up, Mog, learn Ultima for everyone, equip gem box and economizer, easy (boring)? Kefka Tower. 2) Get Edgar, Setzer, level up, Mog, hard Kefka Tower (but with high evade) The problem with Mould 7 is that the only enemy formations accessible after Relm in WOB are Air Force and Dragon found on Floating Continent.. I hope I'm wrong else that means I have to bring Relm on floating continent. I'm afraid the glitch would affect the Joker Doom exploit on Air force. So the only choice remaining is the Dragon, wich have a quite low encounter rate. When i'll have time, I will make a simultation (with a save editor). I just hope it will work. Edit: fixed stupid errors
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Jyzero wrote:
I suggest to wath the FF7 speedrun on sda.
You do mean FF6, right? (Off-topic I'm not sure if there's ever been an accepted "world record" for FF7; I've heard everything between 13 and 17 hours...the funny thing is even if you didn't hack your savestates, it could still be off, because the game clock runs about 50% too slow on my PC version for some reason.) Other than that, good luck once you get going...and those two links are really helpful technical analysis. And yes, the segments I've seen for the 5:27 run would be very helpful.
"If all you did this year was sit in your cubicle and masturbate...say you're a self-starter who proactively reengineered your personal inventory with Total Quality, conforming to all EEO/OSHA/ISO9000 requirements."-Scott Adams
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According to the speed run FAQ of FF7 in GameFAQs, FF7 can be defeated in about 9 hours without save states.
I won't give up unless my victory is assured!
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Ego Buff wrote:
According to the speed run FAQ of FF7 in GameFAQs, FF7 can be defeated in about 9 hours without save states.
Now that I checked it, you're right, and I'm also right that the PC version's clock runs too slow--if you use hi-res. (and the game itself plays faster than the PS version.)
"If all you did this year was sit in your cubicle and masturbate...say you're a self-starter who proactively reengineered your personal inventory with Total Quality, conforming to all EEO/OSHA/ISO9000 requirements."-Scott Adams
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I made some test with the glitch and it worked ! http://step.polymtl.ca/~jyzero/glitch.zip (Note : you must use FF3 US version 1.0) I started from a savestate from Mnrogar low level run. I used ff3h to hack the saveram to boost some characters (I didn't want to die on the first attack). This hacking isn't necessary for the trick to work. I didn't bother with frame perfection Here's what I did : -Set Magic Order to 3 (so that mute is correctly aligned) -Find a Mould 1 battle (in this case Leafer and Dark Wind) -Cast vanish on a monster so that sketch miss (beign low level would have worked too) -Sketch the monster -The game now glitch giving me lot of items (including Gem Box and Economizer). Relm gets equiped with a Fenix Down as weapon. -Run away -Jump into floating continent -Find a Mould 7 battle (Dragon) -Cast vanish -Sketch -Run away -Enjoy new items (including Illumina and Paladin shield)
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Wow funny glitch, especially after the first sketch. With this you could possibly skip leveling up completely. Can't wait til you get back to doing the run.
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Haha, that's awesome. I've been waiting for a demo that demonstrates the sketch glitch. :) Nice work.
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Slightly OT, but since nobody else appears to have posted this yet... Sega Fantasy VI Also, cool sketch glitch run!
* Quietust, QMT Productions P.S. If you don't get this note, let me know and I'll write you another
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Quietust, that was an awesome flash.
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Yes, even though the person who made it smacks of "too much time on your hands," I saw it a few days ago when it was linked off OCRemix and thought the way it brought "the system wars" to another level was pretty clever. Liked the sketch glitch usage in your video, as well. I've experimented with it myself and found it pretty entertaining.
"If all you did this year was sit in your cubicle and masturbate...say you're a self-starter who proactively reengineered your personal inventory with Total Quality, conforming to all EEO/OSHA/ISO9000 requirements."-Scott Adams
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Hi all, I'm the guy who made the FF6-ish fonts that Bladegash linked to much earlier in this thread. (I know that was several months ago; I only found out about this site recently. :-)) I just wanted to clarify that my fonts are indeed "FF6-like" rather than being precise clones of the original font. Most noticeably, they use diagonal lines rather than the pixelated stairsteps of the original font wherever it seemed appropriate to do so. (This should be apparent in the sampler image, particularly the letters "x" and "k".) One of these days I might get around to making a truer, pixelated font (actually, probably two fonts, to capture the drop shadows that the game uses), but for now, these should be a "good enough" approximation. I'm just flattered that someone might actually have a use for them. :-) Also, to reply to another old post, Jyzero, I noticed that you had found my treasure chest list and were looking into acquiring the Sprint Shoes behind Arvis' house. I know you've long since moved past that point, but if you find a glitch that lets you actually collect those, please let me know! The only way I was able to verify their existence was by hacking the ROM; it would be insanely cool if they were actually possible to obtain in a normal game.
In Kefkas tower, why does he cast Vanish + doom at the GtBehemoth and then Smoke bomb? Is it impossible to just cast smoke bomb?
GtBehemoth is an enemy you can't escape from, so Smoke Bomb won't work as long as it's still alive. I'm really looking forward to seeing the final version of this run, especially if you manage to productively make use of the Sketch glitch. It will be a sight to see!
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http://www.hcn.zaq.ne.jp/cabic508/rsf/frame1.html check this out... FF6 parody. kinda funny.
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Someone already posted that video about 4 posts up.
Player (225)
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Hey guys, look what I found! http://www.hcn.zaq.ne.jp/cabic508/rsf/frame1.html It's Final Fantasy 6, but with talking boxes!
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Hey guys, look what I found! http://www.hcn.zaq.ne.jp/cabic508/rsf/frame1.html It's Final Fantasy 6, but with talking boxes!
So wait, I'm confusedl... PocketStation evolved into PSP after absorbing the power of Famicom, Megadrive, and PC Engine? Thanks for sharing that. It was priceless. Especially PocketStation calling PS2 an overglorified DVD player. My only regret is that I watched the whole thing.
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Heh, it's the same link even.
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This is the 8746th forum I've seen that link posted on.
Nach wrote:
I also used to wake up every morning, open my curtains, and see the twin towers. And then one day, wasn't able to anymore, I'll never forget that.
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Wasn't that fun if you ask me.
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