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Highness wrote:
Just read the ff3bug.txt file. Damn there's alot of bugs. Most of them worthless though. And I don't even know why people sit and track all these down. Since it really can't been just stumbled uppon doing those crazy stuff that guide mentions. :D How ever I really do like the "Cyan goes berserk" bug. Think that should be exploited in the run. Atleast at the last fight. Could speed up the game alot since Cyan won't stop hitting. How ever I don't really know how long it takes to grab him though.
The only things I hate about the the Cyan glitch are that (1) if he's imped then his attack power is terrible, thereby making the run slow and (2) the enemies can still do their final blows.
"If all you did this year was sit in your cubicle and masturbate...say you're a self-starter who proactively reengineered your personal inventory with Total Quality, conforming to all EEO/OSHA/ISO9000 requirements."-Scott Adams
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The enemy would still do the final blow even if cyan wasn't there right? But if I understood the file correctly no one beside Cyan get's to hit right? The enemy can't do nothing, and your party can't do nothing. Depending on how much damage Cyan is dealing this could really be a way. Depending on the time it takes to get Cyan, contra his usability.
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When Setzer is available, everyone else is virtually useless (unless you don't want to be ridiculously cheap, of course...). 1) At the very start of the battle, have someone use an Echo Screen. Wait for the animation. 2) Slot / 7-7-7 / Instant Win. There are a few exceptions where Joker Doom will not work at all. Read this for all the necessary info. http://masterzed.cavesofnarshe.com/GameDocs/slotfaq.html
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DukeNukem007 wrote:
The only things I hate about the the Cyan glitch are that (1) if he's imped then his attack power is terrible, thereby making the run slow and (2) the enemies can still do their final blows.
Unless ofcouse you have the imp haralberd or however you spell it equiped.
g,o,p,i=1e4,a[10001];main(x){for(;p?g=g/x*p+a[p]*i+2*!o: 53^(printf("%.4d",o+g/i),p=i,o=g%i);a[p--]=g%x)x=p*2-1;}
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Is that something you can grab along the way or is it a detour to get the imp halberd?
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If I remember well, you must get it by from Tyranausaurs wich is in WOR. I don't plan getting Cyan in WOR. As SprintGod stated, setzer can kill everyone on the way except Phunbaba and the 3 final battle. So far, I think my final parties will be composed of a member of the group A and a member of the Group B : Group A (Illuminas + Gengi glove) : Terra, Edgar and Celes Group B : Setzer, Mog and Sabin Mog (+Moogle charm) will be on the team with the longest walking Setzer will be on the team taking Poltergeist (since he's resistant to Clear status)
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Ain't there three groups in Kefka's tower?
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Highness: There are, yes. I assume Jyzero means to tackle it with 3 groups of two. One character from A & one character from B will be in each.
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The more this is discussed the more I'm looking forward to it.
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Yeah.. Hehe.. All the talk and we get hardly no updates on how it goes. :D Slave! From now on you are bound to work atleast 8 hours a day on this game until you finish it. You are also bound to post an update every single day. Harr harr!!
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I restarted everything. Advance frame is just too useful. Right now I already have 6 seconds improvement only on the first battle. I do plan to post progress now and then. First time will be after Whelk. But first, I must finish Gens 9b
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DukeNukem007 in the FF4 thread wrote:
Yeah, I know...not sure if it's an extraordiary enough glitch to warrant separate versions (in the FF6 thread the sketch glitch is, so a non-glitched run is strongly considered and even preferred by some.)
My gripe about the Sketch Glitch is that it seemed (to me) to be rather hard to control, and that it usually involved _saving and resetting_ the game to make it stable. If there exists a set of conditions where the sketch glitch does not require the game to be reset to stabilize it, then use of the sketch glitch would be fine, IMO. One part of that concern is related to how movies record: can a move be recorded to include a system reset?
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fuwafuwa wrote:
DukeNukem007 in the FF4 thread wrote:
Yeah, I know...not sure if it's an extraordiary enough glitch to warrant separate versions (in the FF6 thread the sketch glitch is, so a non-glitched run is strongly considered and even preferred by some.)
My gripe about the Sketch Glitch is that it seemed (to me) to be rather hard to control, and that it usually involved _saving and resetting_ the game to make it stable. If there exists a set of conditions where the sketch glitch does not require the game to be reset to stabilize it, then use of the sketch glitch would be fine, IMO. One part of that concern is related to how movies record: can a move be recorded to include a system reset?
There's a soft-reset move mentioned a few pages back in this thread for FF6. Soft-resets are generally judged acceptable, especially if the manual lists them (see the Legend of Zelda videos that use it to save backtracking time.) The sketch glitch only happened to me once, on an actual SNES, and killed my saved games...I'd recommend reading the glitch links above if you want more info on how to manage it.
"If all you did this year was sit in your cubicle and masturbate...say you're a self-starter who proactively reengineered your personal inventory with Total Quality, conforming to all EEO/OSHA/ISO9000 requirements."-Scott Adams
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flagitious wrote:
DukeNukem007 wrote:
The only things I hate about the the Cyan glitch are that (1) if he's imped then his attack power is terrible, thereby making the run slow and (2) the enemies can still do their final blows.
Unless ofcouse you have the imp haralberd or however you spell it equiped.
Yes, but you can't Retort with an Imp Halbred.
-Oz. If practice makes perfect, but nobody's perfect, why practice?
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*UNTESTED* It should work, unless Retort is cancelled by a weapon change. In no particular order, after using Retort: # On Cyan's next turn, Equip Imp Halberd via the Item menu. Skip his turn with X / Y. # Imp Cyan. # Kill and Revive Cyan. As long all the above is done before Cyan counters something, the glitch should be in effect with the Imp Halberd equipped.
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I collected some data on how delaying a battle affects initial battle timing.
13452	13934	482	35
13456	13969	513	66
13460	13942	482	35
13464	13969	505	58
13468	14022	554	107
13472	14033	561	114
13476	13954	478	31
13480	14048	568	121
13484	14057	573	126
13488	13960	472	25
13492	14061	569	122
13496	14018	522	75
13500	14047	547	100
13504	13951	447	0
13508	14062	554	107
13512	13994	482	35
13516	14028	512	65
13520	14002	482	35
13524	14028	504	57
13528	14083	555	108
13532	14092	560	113
13536	14015	479	32
13540	14108	568	121
13544	14116	572	125
13548	14026	478	31
13552	14120	568	121
13556	14078	522	75
13560	14106	546	99
13564	14011	447	0
13568	14128	560	113
13572	14054	482	35
13576	14088	512	65
13580	14062	482	35
13584	14088	504	57
First Column : Frame where I pressed A to cancel the "????? got a level" box from the 2nd fight of Narshe Second column : Frame where Terra command box showed Third column : Difference between second and first column Fouth column : Third column minus minimum value Results change only each 4 frames. Let's see a graph of these result : It gets interesting. There is a periodicity of 16. I will make further test to see if it generalize to all battles. Could it means I would have to test only 16 possibilities to have the best battle startup ? No, because of preemptive battles. I still havn't figured out how it works. There is 1/8 change I get a preemptive battle and on 34 try I got none.
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Yeah, it seems a lot of randomizers in these console games, before the days they began to be programmed in C, are based on 255, 256, or some power of 2, since the easiest way to hold the randomized value is in one byte. For example, in FF1, you have a certain chance in 256 of running into certain types of enemies...
Joined: 8/1/2004
Posts: 178
What about leveling up? I'm guessing pretty much none will be required if you can take advantage of glitches, randomization, and equipment. The battles that you HAVE to fight will probably give enough experience, especially bosses. Though, I forget. Does this game's bosses give a lot of experience? Then there's the fact of maybe leveling up in a VERY few amount of spots, just fighting like one extremely powerful enemy to gain a dozen levels (exaggerated) or whatever a couple times in order to make attack methods more effective and damaging, or to be able to have enough hit points to survive some attack. That is unless there's a way to kill just about every enemy along your path pretty fast with the most optimized equipment. It's probably way more complex than I think. Like I can't imagine what's going to be done about that boss on the cart ride with multiple limbs that can't be vanish and doomed. Unless does Setzer's move work on bosses even?
<^>v AB X LR s
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Oddity wrote:
What about leveling up? I'm guessing pretty much none will be required if you can take advantage of glitches, randomization, and equipment. The battles that you HAVE to fight will probably give enough experience, especially bosses. Though, I forget. Does this game's bosses give a lot of experience? Then there's the fact of maybe leveling up in a VERY few amount of spots, just fighting like one extremely powerful enemy to gain a dozen levels (exaggerated) or whatever a couple times in order to make attack methods more effective and damaging, or to be able to have enough hit points to survive some attack. That is unless there's a way to kill just about every enemy along your path pretty fast with the most optimized equipment. It's probably way more complex than I think. Like I can't imagine what's going to be done about that boss on the cart ride with multiple limbs that can't be vanish and doomed. Unless does Setzer's move work on bosses even?
Most bosses give 0 experience, but mandatory XP is obtained in a few places like against the MagRoaders in the mine cart ride. It's actually possible to avoid every battle in places like when you go to the summit of Narshe to fight Kefka. See this faq: http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/snes/file/final_fantasy_iii_low_level_a.txt In case it isn't obvious, you could use the path in the guide to fine-tune your path a bit, but don't use it to try to time-attack straight up, LOL. While you save a lot of time avoiding battles, you lose a lot of time building your other strengths like spells to make up for it, such as by fighting Cactrots for magic points. It's the same idea as why my FF4 single-character runs take several hours more than my average normal playthrough: you have to do a lot of extra stuff to make up for things you sacrifice. As for level-raising, hit the Hoover desert and Brachiosaur forest hard if you have to, of course using the exp-egg...
"If all you did this year was sit in your cubicle and masturbate...say you're a self-starter who proactively reengineered your personal inventory with Total Quality, conforming to all EEO/OSHA/ISO9000 requirements."-Scott Adams
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Hmm... Wasn't it also a good thing to kill cats or what ever it is near Doma in WOR? Also carrying an exp egg. I remember doing something like that with only one character at a time. You get some seriously good xp there.
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The area down Doma in WOR is a very good place to level up since almost all enemies use physical attacks. You can go there with a vanished party member and never get it. Howver, Tyranausaur and Brachiosaur are faster to level up. Vanish, doom, 8k exp points. Leveling up is important for speed. With higher level, I do more damage and spend less time healing. About speedrun progress, I have to redo everything again since I discovered that it's faster to make Vick and Wedge runnig away from battle than killing them. I hope having everyone for Whelk battle will allow me to kill it before it hides.
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4matsy wrote:
Yeah, it seems a lot of randomizers in these console games, before the days they began to be programmed in C, are based on 255, 256, or some power of 2, since the easiest way to hold the randomized value is in one byte. For example, in FF1, you have a certain chance in 256 of running into certain types of enemies...
It has more to do with Hex. In LoZ, you can have between 0 and 255 rupees, so there are 256 or FF different amounts you can have. In Dragon Warrior, your experience cap was 65535, or FFFF.
Hoo ha.
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Don't you know that a hexadecimal digit is just four binary digits?
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Jyzero wrote:
About speedrun progress, I have to redo everything again since I discovered that it's faster to make Vick and Wedge runnig away from battle than killing them. I hope having everyone for Whelk battle will allow me to kill it before it hides.
Erm.. Is it faster to play without Vick and Wedge? Seems confusing. Would Terra alone be mightier than if she had those two with her?
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If Vick and Wedge are here to divide the experience, Terra gets only level 4 (or 5 borderline) when Locke joins. If Terra wins the battles alone, she can reaches level 6. Terra can kill all enemies anyway with BioBlast or Fire. Locke's starting level depends on Terra's, so he gets 2 additionnals levels. When Edgar joins, he will get 1 or 2 additionnal levels too. Same for Sabin.
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