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I had a sheltered childhood in terms of quality RPG playing, since I owned a gameboy, genesis, and N64. In fact, the only RPG I had played before 2007 was Chrono Trigger, which I enjoy immensely. But now that I have a PS2 (I know, I know, the bleeding edge of technology on a grad school students budget), I've started playing FFX and have really been enjoying it. So this got me to thinking: With a huge back catalog of RPGs at my disposal thanks to the wonders of the internet, which ones should I look into playing? A top three list of the best FF games for anything PS2 or less would be very helpful for me to figure out which ones I desperately need to play, and the ones I can skip over. And if you're not a fan of the FF series, feel free to list off your top RPGs in general, and let me know how I'll be spending all my free time from now until 2010 (along with TASing, of course). EDIT: I have also started playing FFVII via emulator, but seeing as most of the time on my laptop is spent TASing, I haven't gotten too far (just to the dressing up as a SOLDIER guard and marching stuff).
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FF2 snes US FF4 J FF6 anything FF8 or higher is bad *note: yes i know i picked the same game twice...it's that friggin good*
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Besides the Final Fantasy games that Deign mentioned, I suggest you try Terranigma for the SNES. It's a really fun RPG by Squaresoft, and it's pretty similiar to Secret of Mana. Speaking of Secret of Mana, you should try that too. I would also like to mention Shadowrun for SNES which a very original RPG but very, very good. Try it out! :) EDIT: Hehe, I didn't read the first post thorougly, so I just threw out some RPG's I liked. But, if we're talking about Final Fantasy games, then my list would be: 1. FF VII 2. FF VIII 3. FF IX I have to admit that I have never played through any of the SNES Final Fantasy games, so I can't say much about them. However, I've had plenty of fun with FF 7-9, so you should play through them some time.
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heh, if we're talking in general any RPG, then let me append my list Chrono Trigger (which you said you already played) Earthbound Lufia 2 Secret of Evermore as you can see, Deign likes the SNES age of RPGs
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Best three, in order using Japanese numbering: 1. VI 2. VII 3. X
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In my opinion, which I doubt any of you share: 1. VI 2. VIII (yeah, I said it) 3. IV VIII is my favorite of the optical media Final Fantasies. I admit that I didn't care much for it at first (oh, how I hate you, bloody draw system), but a second playthrough made me appreciate it much more. It's also the only Final Fantasy since VI that had more than two characters in it I genuinely liked. Squall's anti-social behavior is also slightly more amusing than Cloud's. <Zell> HELP HELP I'M ON FIRE OMG THE HURT AND PAIN <Squall> ... Shut up. As for non-Squeenix RPGs, Skies of Arcadia gets my eternal first-rate vote. Edit: Oh, and as for strategy RPGs, I can't go without mentioning Final Fantasy Tactics and Disgaea (surprise, surprise).
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I know a lot of game have been ported/revamped for the GBA, with new stuff (dungeons, espers) for a couple of the earlier FF games (I think 4, 5, and 6). If anyone has played both, does this new content add or subtract from the original in terms of quality and enjoyability?
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IV, V, and VI all saw new dungeons and uber-bosses and items and so forth. I rather liked the remakes of IV and V, but VI just felt off to me. In the case of VI, I'd rather play through a retranslated ROM (or even suffer through the load times of Final Fantasy Anthology) than play VI on GBA. Edit: Oh, and I and II for GBA is also pathetically easy. If you want to play the remake as opposed to the original, I'd suggest Origins, instead.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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Thanks for all the suggestions superjupi (and everyone else so far), I'll certainly keep the suggestions for Origins and VI in mind. I now have a dedicated folder for all of the games listed so far, thanks everyone for your help, keep 'em coming if you wish.
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ok, I can't believe I'm actually doing this, but... 1) Final Fantasy Tactics 2) Final Fantasy III 3) Final Fantasy V close: FF4, FF12, FF6
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5, 9, 3, 6, 4, 2, 1, but you probably won't like 5 or 9 without the other games as context. I haven't played enough 8 to rank it. I don't like 7. 10 was fun but I only played 10 hours. I've only seen but not played 12. Tactics and Tactics Advance are both fun but I cant really call either good or worthy of playing (maybe PSP FFT is) after playing Disgaea series.
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I have only played through 3 games entirely so I'll rank those: 1) FF6 2) FF9 3) FF1
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I never really played any RPGs besides a little of Dragon Warrior and Ultima IV until I got FFVII, which was the game that made me buy a Playstation. I tried playing VI after getting VII and VIII, and I just couldn't get into it. Same thing goes for a few other old-school JRPGs I tried like Lunar. Although after WoW and Oblivion, I don't play RPGs much any more period. If you're looking for FF-like games too, you should definitely try finding a copy of Xenogears. IMO one of the best games EVAR.
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mmbossman: You're welcome. :) X is also on the easy side, though I admit I'm forging this opinion in very skewed context. On my first playthrough, I had logged over 200 hours before I ever got to the final boss. I had decided to do every sidequest, get every ultimate weapon, rebuild the sphere grid, etc etc... so by the time I finally decided to stop messing around, I went into the final dungeon prepared for a gruesome fight to the death, only to find that each of the final bosses died with one hit. Yes, one hit. Pretty sure none of my party so much as took a hit from anything in the final dungeon. I really try to like IX, because it has wonderful atmosphere, a lovely soundtrack, and gameplay that isn't as irritating as VIII's. At the end of the day, though, Vivi was pretty much the only character I actually liked, not counting <spoiler>, who was only in your party for about three minutes, anyway. I do, however, like XII. It annoyed me at first, but only at first. Just wish the actual game was longer, without having to rely on diversions for filler.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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RPG's stopped being good when they became 3-D. This is coincidental, not consequential.
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Final Fantasy Tactics is easily the number one ever. Then it gets harder. I'd say... um... FFVI and V, in that order. Yeah.
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omg lol this is so fake!!!1 the nes cant produce music like this!
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Mystic Quest FFVI Tactics Advance
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Deign wrote:
RPG's stopped being good when they became 3-D. This is coincidental, not consequential.
That applies more to platformers, imo. I don't think RPGs have gotten any worse with time, but I'll take a sidescroller over a 3D platformer any day of the week. Also, another RPG series to look out for: Lunar. I need to finish those things, myself... Dig up the Sega CD ISOs, if you can. The English translation is moderately campy, and has unnecessary pop culture references, but that's part of their charm, really. Much like how it would be a crime against man and God to remove YOU SPOONY BARD from FFIV.
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As mentioned elsewhere on this board, I played Ultima IV for years without ever reaching the end. I don't know if that means it's great or simply impossibly long, but there it is. Other RPGs I enjoyed were the first three Dragon Quest (aka Dragon Warrior) games, which I played as part of their re-release on Game Boy. The only FF games I ever played are the first, VII, and Mystic Quest. Of those three, VII was definitely the best, although the simplicity of MQ offers a surprisingly high replay value.
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Since you ask about Final Fantasys specifically… FF7, FF6, FF5. If you include other RPGs, I'd add Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross and Tales of Phantasia, not necessarily in that order.
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1.12#ps2 2.9#psx 3.5#snes 4.6#snes 5.2#nes
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For some reason, FFXII did not appeal to me much. It's hard to put my finger on it, but I kinda felt that it didn't happen very much with the game's story. It was more like "go to this gigantic field, explore it, kill all the monsters and take all the treasures, reach the end of the field, see a movie sequence, go to another huge area, etc." I didn't really like the characters in this game either... they felt so... dull. The game wasn't terrible or anything, it was an okay game, it's just that I found it (I know you're gonna throw rocks on me for this, but), in a way, linear. For both good and bad, there were a lot of sidequests, but I don't think that a huge selection of sidequests at the later parts of the game makes it non-linear. Does anyone agree/disagree with me on this?
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Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy X-2 and Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.
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Bisqwit wrote:
Drama, too long, didn't read, lol.
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FFIII(u): Childhood favorite. The one that made me like RPGs. I fell in love with every character and the story is just amazing! You'll have to be a oldschool lover since the graphics are pretty lame for 2008 but back in 94 it was awesome.^ FFIII For the DS: IMO, It sucked :p FFVII: First 3D FF on the market and it was crazy good . Story was thight, characters were awesome with unforgetable villain (Sephiroth) and the battle techniques (materias) where great. When you see Bahamuth Zero or knights of the round for the first time, you usually fall in love with the game. FFVIII: The 2nd try wasnt as much a hit as VII but the graphics in the videos were simply amazing. The characters were cool but not all of them imo (Squall/Hot. Selphie/Not). The aeons are OK if you ask me but if they would have put a little less on the videos GFX and more on the Aeons GFX, this would have been a winner. FFIX GFX made me feel like i want to feel when playing a RPG. Almost every thing of this game was perfect. Characters were cute and enjoyable battle techniques but in the end you feel like something is weird. I dont know if its because you have two summoners or if its because you need Vivi to use Steiner's magic ability but i felt unsatisfied. Still, this is one of the best FF out there. FFT Looks really cool in many ways. I played only a small part of the game but what i saw was nice. Cool GFX but the real deal is the way the battles are held. If you feel like tactical go with Final Fantsy Tactics :p FFX By far, the best game i ever played. Everything about it is good. Not just good, CRAZY good. I think its the first FF that gives the DMG limit breaker so you can hit over 9999. I give this one a 10/10 for Lulu's lolos :p FFCC: Sucked FFX-2 Seems pretty girlish but it's not bad at all! One thing that sucks about this one is that you play through FFX all over again and if you played as much at FFX as i did, you got enough. You only have 3 caracthers but they can switch costumes wich makes them look different and act different. The battles are really the highlights of the game. With items like the Cat Nip mixed with lvl 3 Trigger Happy you can really do some big damage. I played over 270 hours and still im at 99.9% of game completion so if you want some playability, this is the one. ----------------------------------------- Oh was this a TOP 3 vote? OK then #3. FFX-2 #2. FFX #1. FFIII (u) Note: All of the above is IMO. THX :)
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The only Final Fantasies I've completed are 4, 8, and MQ, which I rank in that order. I've also played 6 and found it enjoyable, but I stopped somewhere near the end of the first half of the game for some reason that I forgot. Other RPGs you might enjoy are Secret of Mana, a 3-player action RPG, and Chro... oh wait you've already played that. Nevermind. Those are the only RPGs that I can think of that I've played for an appreciable amount of time. I'm not a big fan of RPGs in general. :P
Nach wrote:
I also used to wake up every morning, open my curtains, and see the twin towers. And then one day, wasn't able to anymore, I'll never forget that.